chapter 7- A face from the past.

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Sam and Kelly shoot down the stairs wondering what all the commotion is about. "Lauren? i didn't know you lived here?" Emma smiles. Sam stands on the stairs thinking "what the fuck!?". Lauren smiles "yeah, I'm staying with my sister and sister in law, come in". They don't realize that Sam and Kelly are up the stairs, they hug each other tightly. Then to Sam and Kelly's surprise, they kiss each other softly, remembering what the other's lips had felt like. "Come in, come in," Lauren says ushering Emma into the house. Sammie looks confused and looks at Kelly who's equally confused. Kelly turns to Sam "is she!?" She whispers, Sam whispers back at her "i don't know!". Sam and Kelly present as though they've just come out of their bedroom as though they've not seen anything. "Hey, Emma!" Sam says greeting her. "Ah there's the patient, I've bought you some more medicine" she smiles handing Sam the bottle of red wine. Sam smiles "perfect, but not yet. Come in come in". Kelly whispers "are they!?" Sam coughs loudly before nudging Kelly in the ribs. Tanya smiles "hey Emma I'm Tanya these three muppets auntie" before hugging Emma, who smiles and hugs back. It's nice to finally meet you all" she smiles. Sam raises an eyebrow. Tanya replies "one-second darling I need to check the dinner. Kelly Sam come with me please" she rushes Sam and Kelly into the kitchen before they can ask any more questions. "you two need to stop!" Tanya says. Sam looks even more confused "w...what? right Tan what the hecks going on!?". "Are they? Where they? Have they." Kelly asks. "Girls stop. I'll tell you" Tanya replies. "Looks like I'll need that red wine after all" Sam says popping the cork on the red wine that Emma had passed to her, and getting two glasses out. "Make that four" Lauren replies as she and Emma walk through the kitchen door.

Lauren and Emma sit exit to each other at the table with Kelly, Sam and Tanya. "Look we never meant to cause anything" Sam replies. Lauren and Emma look confused. Tanya looks shocked "shhh Sam must be those drugs you were on earlier." "Drugs?" Asks Lauren. "Ohh yeah the medication I gave you earlier for the pain. Speaking of, how is it?" Emma replies trying to change the subject. Sam smiles "yeah it's all okay now that I've had a nap. Thank you for that as well, fixing me up and all". Kelly places her hand on Sam's thigh under the table "yeah what are we going to do with this one aye?" She says. Sam gasps as her wife's hand slowly came up her inner thigh. Kelly smiles and giggles. Lauren raises an eyebrow "again you two?". Sam laughs "what Lauren?" Who smirks because she knows what just happened. Sam sits upright and clears her throat "so I might above set up a party" she says before taking a sip of wine. "For when? When were you going to tell us about this plan?" Lauren asks. Everyone else drinks their drink and let the squabbling sisters talk. "Tonight" Sam laughs. "I've invited your friends as well don't worry" sam continues. "Ah well, that's all well and good then, what's the alcohol situation?" Asks Lauren as she pours herself some more red wine. "Well its bring your own" Sam replies as she raises an eyebrow to Lauren as she knows that would shut her up. Kelly smiles and whispers "that's my girl". "It starts it half seven according to the Facebook invite event thingy" Sam continues. "So let's eat, drink and have a party bitches!" Kelly cheers. Everyone tries not to laugh "no?" asks kelly?. Sam replies with Her hand over her face, "nope" as she gets up to start serving up dinner. Leaving Tanya, Lauren and Emma to talk.

"So, you two?" Asks Tanya. Lauren looks at Tanya very confused "us two?". "Emma I'm sorry to do this now but, remember when you two were younger and you.... Is it still like that's? You two?" Tanya asks curiously. Emma smiles at Lauren "no no it's okay Tanya, we were bound to be asked by someone. I...I don't know, I mean I didn't know what is happening because myself and this one *Emma nudges Lauren* haven't had the chance to properly talk, and I didn't know where she was.". Tanya smiles as Lauren turns to Emma and replies "yeah, we need a catch up" as she looks lovingly at her.

*over in the kitchen* Sam starts trying to plate up the dinner. Spaghetti Bolognese. Kelly comes over and kisses her neck from behind. "So what do you think of your sister and Emma?" Placing her chin on Sam's shoulder and her hands on her hips. "Ah, I don't know. I mean theirs definitely history there. Lauren must be bisexual?" Sam replies. "Yeah, aye we should let her tell us when she's ready, like our firstborn coming out to us" Kelly smiles. "Except she's my sister" Sam reminds Kelly. "Well yeah but..." She gets interrupted by Sam "babe, she'll tell us when she's ready okay" as she turns around and puts her hands on Kelly's hips before kissing her. Kelly smiles kissing Sam back. Sam breaks up the kiss replying "plates" before slapping Kelly's bum. They both laugh.

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