Chapter 3- christmas day

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*Warning this is a very long chapter*

Sam sees red. Kelly realizes that her wife's getting angry. "Sam baby... Sam...Sam, focus on me" she says putting both her hands on Sam's cheeks and looking into her eyes. Sam's getting even angrier. Sam doesn't even see Kelly as she's staring at the wall. Breathing heavily, going red and putting her hands into fists. Kelly continues to get worried. "Sam babe, please listen to me. I know you’re probably somewhere else right now. but she's gone. we'll never see her again I promise" she says whilst hugging Sam tightly until she comes out of her trance. moments later Sam recovers. "I didn't hurt you did I?" asks Sam. a shocked Kelly replies "no. no babe you didn't. Are you okay though? why did you go like that? I've never seen you like that before. was it a panic...." Sam interrupts Kelly "it was nothing, okay? I'm fine" as she bursts out uncontrollably in tears. Kelly cradles Sam in her arms. 

After some time they both sit on the bedroom floor after Sam has calmed down. Kelly kisses Sam softly "whatever it is I just want you to know that you can talk to me about it. I know you may not be ready now but when you are" Kelly says softly. "thank you, it’s not that I don't want to, I... I just can’t" Sam replies. Kelly softly strokes Sam's hand "come on, let’s go and spend Christmas together" before gathering all their belongings, Kelly's dress as well as Samantha's suit and dress. They place their things at the door before Sammy takes one last check of the room, she sees two ring boxes on the window seal,  she smiles and puts them in her pocket. They leave the room with all of their belongings, on the way down to the reception they walk through festively decorated halls of Bridgewood manner. The young male receptionist smiles at Sam and Kelly, as he is wearing a Santa outfit, they smile back at him. "Merry Christmas ladies, i hear you are our newlyweds? how did your stay go? are you as happy as your guests were?" asks Andrew. Kelly laughs "yes the stay went really well, apart from an ambulance having to be called last night for one of our friends and my new crazy mother-in-law still being drunk to this moment, id say we're having a great time". Andrew looks shocked and embarrassed. Sam rests her hand on Kelly's hip and smiles at Andrew apologetically "Thank you, Andrew, everything went amazingly, this ones just a bit... tired still. Do you know if room 299 has checked out yet?" Sam asks. Andrew smiles "ah yes that's the crazy mother-in-law, isn't it? i believe she's waiting in the cafe, trying to get some food. although, it’s closed and there's no food on offer as it is Christmas after all". Before Sam could reply, Kelly runs off to get Jill, who is shouting to nobody in the cafe "can i have some food? oi waiter? anyone!? i'm fucking starving here!". Kelly stands at the door with her arms crossed "your also very drunk and very very loud  Jill" she says in a disproving tone. Jill looks at Kelly with a huge smile "my new daughter!! wheres my other daughter?". Kelly smiles, "she’s just finishing up with the checking out. she'll be here soon." as she takes a seat next to Jill. 

a  few minutes later Sam walks to the cafe to see her mum and her new wife sitting at the table, laughing, smiling and being happy. She stands there for a few moments until she’s seen by her mum. "here she is!!" Jill shouts happily. Kelly looks around at her new wife and smiles, Sam smiles back and replies "right come on we need to go home, we've got people waiting to spend our first Christmas as a family" as she takes Kelly's hand. They walk out of the cafe with Jill mumbling about nothing. With her arm around Jill, supporting her so she doesn't fall down Sam says "mum I think you should have a shower and a nap when we get home, don't you think" Jill lets out a huge yawn and replies "I think that's a good idea". Kelly smiles at Sam and Sam smiles back. 

After driving for what seems like forever, Kelly, Sam and Jill return to a very festive house. The door flies open. "Merry Christmas" Tanya shouts wearing her Christmassy onesie with her little baby bump. Sam smiles and runs up to hug her, putting her hands on Tanya's bump she asks "how are you doing? Have you just got home?". Tanya puts her warm hands over Sam's cold hands on her bump and replies "I'm good, I'm good just a little tired that's all. And yes I've been home about an hour getting the place looking more festive than it already did" she smiles. They walk into the living room to see that the Christmas tree, the decorations and the Christmas lights are all up as well as tinsel, lights and the table set up in the kitchen. Kelly smiles "you didn't have to do all of this Tanya" as she hugs Tanya. Tanya smiles "it’s my pleasure darling, now who's for some coffee?" As she turns the coffee machine on. "Oh yes please" replies Sam. "Yes please" replies Kelly. Tanya sees that her sister Jill has disappeared "where's Jill gone?" She asks in a confused tone. Sam replies "I think she's gone to bed, she was up all night doing god knows what" Tanya smiles "and what about your dad?" She asks. Sam looks shocked and looks at Kelly "oh shit, where's dad!?". She gets her phone out to call him. "Hello, darling!" "Hi, erm... dad where are you?" "I'm driving to yours now, darling, won't be long." "And have you forgotten anyone dad?" Sam asks. A few moments pass "oh shit yes your mum, is she with you?" "Yes luckily" "thank Christ, I've got to go I'll see you soon." "Bye dad" Sam replies. She goes up to one of the spare bedrooms that her mum's using. Jill lays on the bed asleep. Sam smiles but can’t help but wonder why her dad wasn't with her mum last night.

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