Chapter 8 - New Horizens.

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Three months later

The new year is in full swing. Kelly is back to teaching as Mrs. Brooks. Sam has taken a fast track teaching course, she becomes a qualified teacher in two weeks, she is studying at Greenwich University. Tanya is eight and a half months pregnant with a baby boy.

Kelly walks into Tanya's head of year office and see's her sitting at her desk. Kelly looks confused. "umm, Tan are you okay? what are you doing? you're on maternity leave." Tanya turns round in the swivel chair "I know, i was bored at home. I've cleaned everything. moved my room around. moved your room around. polished the floors and moved around the not so secret outhouse" she replies whilst cradling her bump. Kelly's mouth drops open, "you moved the rooms around? including mine and Sam's?" she asks in a concerned tone (because she knows what's under her bed). Tanya laughs "yeah, sorry just these nesting instincts i cant stop. and don't worry kelly. i didn't move the bed's" she tries not to laugh. "thank fuck for that" kelly sighs as she sits on the blue sofa in Tanya's office. Tanya laughs. Kelly smiles, curious as to why or what she's laughing at, she giggles at Tanya laughing, "what are you laughing at?". "don't worry i didn't find your dildos" Tanya replies as she cries with laughter. They're interrupted by a knock at the door. Kelly opens the door to a student. Theirs a pupil in tears standing at the office door "what's wrong, Alex?" kelly asks. Alex wipes her face "Mrs. Brooks, is Miss C here?". kelly looks behind the door at Tanya then back at Alex and replies "she is but she isn't, she's on maternity leave. anything i can help with? is it a good reason for you to be out of lesson?". "Mrs, I'm being bullied?" Alex replies. Kelly sighs "come and take a seat" as she opens the door, gesturing towards the sofa. Alex's face lights up when she sees Tanya, "Mrs you are here!!" she says as she goes over to Tanya and gently hugs her. Tanya smiles "hey Alex". Alex cant take her eyes off the bump, "Mrs your huge, how long have you got left?" Alex asks as she goes to sit down. Tanya holds her baby bump "it could be any time from now". kelly sits opposite Alex. "do you want to tell us what's going on missy?" asks Kelly. "okay. well, basically it all started when i came out to Savannah, Holly and Olivia. It got around the school and now Cassie Adams and her group are saying stuff" Alex replies. Kelly smiles "That's amazing that you came out! well done. its always the hardest thing to do, especially at your age. You've ignored it. your always going to get that one stupid small-minded person who thinks what they say goes. i guarantee at least two of her possy are gay or at least bisexual, maybe she is? I'm going to talk to them okay?". "Thanks, Mrs. haven't you just married your girlfriend?" asks Alex. "yeah, we got married on Christmas eve, now you need to get back to class" smiles Kelly. "congratulations Mrs. and good luck miss C!" Alex says as she leaves the office. "thank you!" Kelly and Tanya reply. Kelly's phone starts to buzz, she looks down and it's her wife "speak of the devil, do you mind if i answer it?" asks Kelly. "don't be silly of course i don't mind! tell her aunty T says hi" replies Tanya. Kelly smiles and takes the phone call. "hey baby, I've missed you!". "I've missed you too gorgeous, guess what!?". "what Sam?". " I'm coming home on Saturday!". kelly jumps up with excitement "your coming home!? what about your course!?" replies Kelly. Tanya gets excited, so much so that her son boots her so she jolts forward. Kelly smiles. "I've finished everything, passed the course, got the certificate. i have to come back to graduate in a month, but apart from that i can come home" Sam replies happily. Kelly stands and starts doing a happy dance whilst still on the phone to Sam. Tanya looks at her "Kell what the fuck are you doing?" she laughs. She continues to dance "talk to you later baby, bye" she replies to Sam. Kelly continues to dance around the office. "Kelly, what's going on!?" Tanya asks. Kelly stops dancing and sits down on the sofa "Sam's coming home" she replies. "Has she passed? Surely she's not finished, she's still got two or three weeks?" Asks Tanya. "I don't know, she told me she was finished and that she'll be home soon. She must be fucking her tutor again" Kelly smiles trying not to laugh. Tanya scowls at Kelly "don't even joke about that" she replies. Kelly holds her arms up "joke about what Tanya?" She says seriously. Tanya realizes that Kelly's getting defensive "oi, chill out. I'm joking with you, as you were with me" she replies. Kelly slumps down into the sofa and wipes her eyes "sorry, I haven't been sleeping". Tanya sighs "I can tell, look it will be okay she'll be home soon and then this little nugget will be here" she smiles.

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