Chapter 6- New Year, New Lives (part 2)

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"how's the hand?" Kelly asks. Sam looks down at her bloody right hand. "ah yeah, I think it's fine" she replies with a concerned expression on her face. Kelly stands in front of Sam "come on I'm taking you to the hospital" she says whilst holding her hand out to Sam. "no its okay, I'm fine" a stubborn Sam replies. Kelly looks at her wife and her swollen bloody hand "Sam, baby that hand is broken or at the very least badly fractured. you definitely need stitches on those knuckles. can you move your wrist?" asks Kelly. Sam tries to move her hand but flinches in pain "nope!" she replies. Kelly smiles sympathetically "come on".

They arrive at the hospital. "go and sit down babe I'll check you in" Kelly says. Sam smiles "what would I do without you?" she says. Kelly laughs " well you wouldn't be punching walls for starters". Sam stands opposite her "no I would have punched her instead" whispering quietly before walking to a seat in the almost empty waiting room. *back at the reception*. There's a young girl with short brunette hair wearing black glasses and a black and white shirt. "hi... Omg Kelly!? " she says. Kelly looks shocked. "tammy!? Oh my god, how are you!? Long time no see!". "yeah I know it's mad. What can I do you for?" tammy asks. "I think my wife's broken her hand"(K) . "wife? Wow okay, can I take her name and date of birth"(T). "yep, it's Samantha Brooks, twenty-first of May ..." Kelly replies. "Wow, okay is she in pain? Or bleeding?" Tammy asks. "yes bleeding and in pain" Kelly replies quickly. "okay the nurse will be with you soon". Kelly smiles and takes a seat next to Sam. "god what a bitch" Kelly says to Sam who laughs "why what's up?". "the woman who checked you in. I went to school with her. When I said, "my wife" she seemed so... Off and fake" she replies. Sam puts her good hand on Kelly's inner thigh "babe don't worry about her. She's not worth it". Kelly smiles and kisses Sam's cheek.

After half an hour of waiting, Sam gets checked over by the nurse and if given pain relief which makes her a bit drowsy. The nurse sends them to x-ray then to a treatment unit.

Sam waits on the bed for the nurse to see her. Kelly sits on the bed "wow, this isn't comfy" Sam (still drowsy) "come here then" she says lifting her good arm up for Kelly to sit next to her and cuddle. Kelly slumps on the bed "I don't want to hurt you though" Sam smiles "don't be silly. I'm too drugged up for that" Kelly laughs and snuggles into Sam. Soon after the blonde nurse walks over with a trolly. Kelly jumps off the bed so Sam can be treated. The nurse looks at Sam's hand "so what happened here then!?" She says surprised. Sam looks at her hand "ah well, we've been having trouble with someone who's been causing the family, me and Kel...". Kelly interrupts her "babe calm down". "Ah crap, I'm sorry I never meant to..." Nurse Emma says whilst prepping the treatment for Sam's hand. "No, it's okay. She was my best friend then, basically beat the shit out of me when she found out I was gay. myself and Kelly got together, then charlotte sleep with my aunts then-husband. Now my aunts pregnant and charlottes pregnant. And now we're married" Sam replies to a happy Emma, "aww you two!!!! Congrats, when was the big day?" She asks. Kelly holds Sam's hand and they smile at each other "Christmas Eve" Sam replies. "It must have been such a magical day, it snowed didn't it?" Emma asks. Sam nods "as well as us having to round up hungover relatives in the morning, apparently Kelly's uncle Steve woke up outside under a tree" they all laugh. "How was your Christmas? Spend it with family? Boyfriend?" Sam asks. Emma laughs "no I've just moved down here recently, so the only people I know are doctors nurses and paramedics". Kelly sighs " what are you doing for New Year?". Emma starts suturing Sam's hand "I finish here in an hour then I'm probably going to the off-license and getting a bottle then going home to the cat". Sam looks at Kelly "how about you get that bottle and come to our house? We're kind of having a get-together and you really shouldn't be alone at New Years". Emma smiles "are you sure? I don't want to be intruding?". " don't be silly, you've taken care of this muppets hand and you seem like a great girl" Kelly replies. They all smile. "I'll be there. Also, you've not broken the hand you've just cracked and bruised a few of the knuckles, you needed twelve stitches that'll have to be taken out in three weeks. I'll need to patch you up even more as you need a fabric cast and a bandage on there so no using that hand vigorously for four to five weeks, well you'll have to use the other hand... More." Emma tries not to laugh as Kelly and Sam burst out in fits of laughter. "I'll just get her to do the work then" Sam laughs. " makes a change!" Kelly replies still laughing. Emma giggles. They finish up getting Sam's arm sorted and bandaged up and Emma writes out a prescription and writes her phone number on a separate piece of paper without Sam or Kelly seeing. "And we're done here, here's a prescription for painkillers if you need them, but you are a little drugged up so the pain won't be as bad as it could be later on" Emma says. Sam takes the prescription realizing that there's another bit of paper underneath she smiles subtly at Emma. Kelly picks the coats up "so we'll see you tonight then?" She asks. Emma smiles at Sam then to Kelly "I'll be there".

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