chapter 5 -Just like that?

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Lauren sits down next to her younger sister Sam, on the freezing cold garden bench. Kelly feels that her time has come to go back inside with the rest of her in-laws and give the sisters some time alone, "I'll give you two some time alone" she says before kissing Sam on the cheek. "she sure does love you" Lauren says. Sam smiles as Kelly walks away "that's why i married her" she replies. Lauren turns towards Sam and hesitates "I... I'm sorry, for running away when you needed me the most. I'm sorry i was such a bitch in their to Kelly. and I'm sorry for being so selfish". Sam tears up "then why did you do it in the first place?". "because i had to go, Sam. i couldn't. there was a lot of shit happening. life-changing shit" "do you want to tell me, what life-changing shit this was. i mean you turn up on Christmas day at my house the day after my wedding, just like that". Lauren takes a deep breath and replies "i was pregnant, that's why i had to leave". Sam looks shocked "what!? are you serious!? I'm an auntie?" she smiles. Lauren smiles back "yes, you're an auntie" as she takes out her phone and shows Sam a picture of her and a little brown-haired brown-eyed boy. A tear drops down Sammy's cheek "he's beautiful, where is he?" she asks. "he's with Ella at the moment". a confused Sam replies "Ella? As in Ella your best friend? Ella that was at my wedding yesterday?". Lauren nods. Sam takes a drink of her wine and replies "I knew there was something up with her yesterday, she seemed off, you know? and now i know why. because she was hiding that you had had a baby. wheres the dad? who is he?". " I know, i asked her not to say anything. Finn's dad isn't around anymore, he died in a car crash a year ago. theirs just nothing in Canada for me and Finn anymore. so we're moving home". Sam looks at Lauren sympathetically before hugging her "I'm so sorry Lauren. we've got a spear room you can have that if you want?". "Are you sure? you don't have to?". Sam smiles "don't be silly. you and Finn can stay as long as you want, also Finn's got a lot of new people he's about to meet. does mum know that she's a granny?". Lauren smiles and replies "yeah, mum and dad know. "what about Tanya?" asks Sam. Lauren shakes her head. "well are you going to tell her? before the little guy comes home?" Sam says. "yeah, ill tell her later" Lauren responds. Sam looks seriously "promise me, Lauren" as she holds out her pinkie finger knowing that Lauren always keeps her pinkie promises. Lauren smiles and wraps her pinkie finger around Sam's "i promise" she replies.


Everyone is now sitting in the lounge watching the queens speech. Sam sits on Kelly's lap cuddling her. Kelly whispers in Sam's ear "is everything okay? all sorted?". Sam whispers back "its all good, ill tell you later" before kissing kelly's sweet spot on her neck. Kelly sighs and whispers in Sam's ear "you know what that spot does to me". Sam kisses Kelly's sweet spot again, she lets out a little moan as she caresses Sammy's bum. Gill looks over at the two love birds and clears her throat in the silent room full of people. Kelly and Sam stop but look a little embarrassed as they sit together watching the Queen's speech.

With her dad falling asleep with his pink Christmas cracker paper hat still on and her mum scrolling aimlessly through Facebook looking at all the gifts people have received. Lauren goes up to the bathroom and Face time's Ella so she can speak to Finn. "hey sexy hows the family?" asks Ella jokingly. Lauren smiles "hey beaut, it's going good, i should be back with you soon, i miss my baby boy. talking of my baby boy, how is he? where is he?". "he's good, he's here" Lauren says as a little boy comes to the phone. "hey mamma. where are you?" Finn asks Lauren. "Hey handsome, mummy will be home soon okay? she's just seeing her mummy and daddy then ill be back with you okay?". Sam stands at the closed-door listening to Lauren talking to Finn. She smiles and opens up the door, Lauren looks at Sam in shock then smiles "Finn baby? their's someone i want you to meet, come here Sam" she says. Sam smiles at Lauren then at the screen as she sees her nephew Finn "oh my gosh, Lauren he's gorgeous!" she says to Lauren who smiles. "Finn baby? this is your auntie, Sammy". Finn excitedly asks "mamma is that Sammy?!!". Sam and Lauren smile "yes baby this is Sammy" replies Lauren. Sam puts her arm around Lauren and lightly squeezes her shoulder and replies to Finn "hey Finn, me and Kelly cant wait to meet you and give you big kisses!" who smiles with excitement. "mummies got to go now sweetheart, ill see you soon, say bye-bye to auntie Sam" says Lauren. "who's Kelly?" asks Finn. Lauren looks at Sam "he's going to find out soon enough that auntie Sam-Sam's married to a lady. Lauren smiles, "Kelly is auntie Sam-Sam's wife. so she's your auntie as well" Sam replies. "yaaaaay I've got another auntie!!!" Finn says whilst running around with Ella's phone. They all laugh. "okay finny baby? Mumma and auntie have got to go now, say bye-bye to auntie Sam-Sam" "bye-bye Sam-Sam and auntie Kelly, love you" replies Finn. Sam smiles and waves "bye-bye little guy, we love you too" as she blows a kiss to Finn who blows one back through the phone. The video call ends. "Lauren, he's beautiful, I can't wait to meet him," says Sam as she hugs her sister. "how about you and Kelly come and spend the day with me, Finn and Ella tomorrow?" asks Lauren, who smiles and replies "definitely!"


Later that evening- after more drinks, party games and embarrassing stories.

It's very late, the rest of the family has gone. everyone else has gone to bed. apart from Kelly and Sam who is in the dining room, talking about the future. Sam holds Kelly's hand "let's have a baby?" she smiles. Kelly smiles in surprise "what?". "yeah, it would be so cool. we would be a little family. seeing you pregnant will be so cute" Sam replies. Kelly takes a sip of her red wine "you already have seen me pregnant. Sam, I'm scared of that happening again. I want to be a family, I do but....yeah" she says. Sam gets up and hugs her wife and kisses her on the neck, she sits back down again holding both Kelly's hands "its okay baby, we will do it when you are ready, I don't want to force anything on you. now, shall we go to bed? its quite late" Sam asks. Kelly gets up and takes the red wine bottle before reaching out for Sam's hand, who raises an eyebrow "Really? red wine on our white sheets?". Kelly pulls Sam closer and whispers "well I guess we'll have to be.... careful" as she lets out a cheeky smile. before leaning in and kissing Sam lightly. They smile at each other then run quietly upstairs whilst ripping each other's clothes off.

The next morning.

Kelly wakes up and turns over and kisses Sam on the cheek, she smiles and says "good morning sexy". "good morning. we're..... naked.... very naked" says Sam. They both laugh. Sam sits up in bed, Kelly lays her head on Sam's chest and her hand on her stomach. "so umm listen, baby, you know Lauren came back yesterday" says Sam. "yeah, what's up?". "well I said that we'd hang out with her today.... and Ella.... and our nephew, Finn". Kelly looks at Sam shocked, but happy. "wait, nephew? we have a nephew?" asks Kelly. "yeah, he knows about you and me being married and he's such a cool little fella" Sam replies. Kelly smiles and replies "I can't wait" before kissing Sam's lips passionately.

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