body shots and drunk girlfriends [smut]

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"chug! chug! chug! chug!" the crowd cheers as the host of the party chugs down his third bottle of beer. ed looked quite ditsy and very drunk by the time he was done with that bottle.

"wanna bet that he can't get past his fifth bottle?" taylor points to ed with the same hand she held her cup of fruit vodka punch in. "loser gets to sleep on the couch for one week."

"yeah no, i'm not sleeping on our disgrace of a couch." karlie replies, putting her free hand around her girlfriend's waist and taking a sip of her own drink.

"that is, if he gets past the fifth bottle, which i don't think is gonna happen. he has a had a lot to drink tonight."

"three bottles of beer and- -?" karlie asks, confused, they watch as ed uncaps another bottle.

"- -and a bunch of shots and some other weird drink i saw him having." taylor finishes.

the girls had been dating for eight months now, lived in an apartment together close to their college campus and also loved each other a lot.

ed and taylor had been inseparable best friends since high school and now they went to the same college. while ed chose to join a fraternity, taylor wanted to be more independent and rented an apartment. karlie now helps with the bills, it's shared responsibility.

ed's pace has picked up on the bottle and karlie thinks betting on ed drinking more than five bottles seemed just fair.

"fine, it's on."

taylor smirked, she's been with karlie all night, they were practically attached to the hip. they separated only for brief moments when a friend dragged them off or one of them wanted a drink.

"anybody up for body shots?" some guy yelling captured their attention and a drunk taylor swift thought body shots would be a good idea, in her own different way though.

karlie was quite enthusiastic about the body shots people were doing in the fraternity's living room. she let go of taylor's grip on her and cheered loudly as she made her way into the living room. some guy, whom she swore she remembered being one of the frat brothers, was undressed and lying flat on a table with another muscular guy arranging the colorful shots on his abdomen in little plastic cups. it appeared that no one had volunteered yet to drink them off and without any further thought, she made her way to the guy and downed two shots in the midst of the loud cheer and a couple of whistles here and there.

she was so intoxicated by the whole atmosphere that she didn't even notice her jealous girlfriend's burning glare at the scene happening. taylor's red plastic cup crushed in her hands and she dropped it the second she realised what she was doing.

before she could drink up another, karlie's arm was yanked and she was pulled back. by none another than her fiery girlfriend who looked kind of really hot when she was jealous.

"where are we goingggg?" she was slightly more than just 'buzzed' and her voice had a playful note to it.

taylor didn't say a word and kept walking, she grabbed a full vodka bottle from the kitchen before pulling karlie upstairs.

"i thought ed said no se- -" karlie is cut off when the shorter girl collides their lips while closing the bedroom door. their kiss is somewhat sloppy, both of them being pretty drunk. but taylor, despite being a lightweight, was handling their make out session pretty well. she was being dominant which turned on karlie more.

karlie was pushed up against the door and soon her legs are wrapped tightly around the blue eyed blonde's waist. that doesn't last long though as taylor pushes her girlfriend down on the bed before straddling her hips.

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