someone's mad [fluff]

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A/N this one shot is a part of the ask her out, kloss au :)

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karlie's pov

after three months and a nervous confession of my undying love for her, taylor and i were in a pretty steady relationship. her mom was quite freaked out at first when she caught us making out during one of our usual sleepovers. mrs swift, at first, thought we were just kissing because it's a new trend and all kids do it nowadays. it took her three glasses of water and a ten minute talk from taylor to convince her that we're together.

i think she's still in denial but she doesn't say it out loud, after all her perfect daughter is dating a girl.

my parents, on the other side, just said "oh, cool." when i told them about taylor and i. they're so chilled out about everything, it's mildly disturbing sometimes.

along with the good things going on, there's a rational fear that either of us is yet to mention. we're graduating soon, and then we have the whole summer ahead of us. and then, college. college is a stressful topic and we try not to bring it into our conversations, it just makes everything heavy and taylor gets to the edge of having a breakdown.

"michelle thinks i should ask her best friend out, why does she not get the hint that i like her and not her weird best friend, no offense though, she's quite smart." cara rambles about her love life problems as i continue shoving things into my locker. i'm going to miss this locker, even though it's rusty and the lock gets jammed almost everyday.

an old picture of me and taylor is taped to the door, it was from before we started dating. but really, no one could tell that we weren't dating looking at that picture. she was laughing because she had successfully tackled me to the ground, her arms were clutching my waist. her eyes squinting because she had been laughing way too much and i just looked like a tall, awkward girl who was trying hard to not cry because her arms hurt from falling to the ground.

"how long are you gonna stare at it, kloss?" cara snaps me back into reality and i turn to the side, only to be met with her smug, suggestive face.

"i was- -just- - taking some books. for class." i make up a shitty excuse, i still get nervous talking about my girlfriend. everyone knows we're dating but it still seems unreal sometimes.

"why is she mad?"


cara raises her eyebrows, as if she surprised and upset that i didn't know what she was talking about. "taylor. she looks mad- -or pissed off about something." 

taylor was pissed off? i didn't notice a thing. are my girlfriend skills that bad? or is cara bullshitting?

"what? i don't think so." i furrow my eyebrows and look at cara for further explanation. i didn't really talk to taylor today, she didn't even sit by me in the classes we have together. i didn't think she was mad.

"karlie, have you really not noticed all of the death glares you've been receiving from her?" death glares? was i really not paying attention to my girlfriend. oh god, i fucked up.


"do you think it could be about prom?"



taylor is the kind of girl who dreams about prom like it's her wedding. of course it's about prom. i could care less about a stupid school dance but taylor; it means the world to her. of course it's about prom. and i don't even know when prom is!


"yes, kloss, prom is a thing; and it's in two weeks. did you even ask her to go with you?!"

my silence was the answer to cara's question.

"oh my god, karlie kloss. you have some major fixing to do." cara snorts and my mind starts filling up with billions of thoughts.

"i'll be right back." i announce and dump the rest of my books into cara's hands before jolting out of the hallway.

if taylor isn't in class, or with me, she's in the courtyard. usually sitting on her car's hood.

and there she was.

she was angrily clicking her mechanical pencil and her facial features were set firmly. she stopped clicking the pencil when she noticed me and dropped it to her side. she had a couple of books open in her lap. arithmetic. not her strong suit.


"hi." she sounded uninterested and didn't even turn to look at me. she is mad.

"you need help with that?" i ask, pointing to her notebook while resting my elbows on the hood of taylor's car, next to her thighs.

"no, i'll figure it out." another monotonous and uninterested response. boy, she is so upset with me.

"are you mad?" i sheepishly ask, i know it's stupid because you can clearly tell she's mad but i thought i'd ask.

"no, i'm delightful!" sarcasm. taylor's sarcasm is something you can't decipher. it's so borderline, you can't tell if she's being serious or not.

i inch my face forward and kiss her cardigan clad arm. that makes her head turn to the side and i finally look her in the eyes. so blue.

"why do you care?" she spits out angrily.

"because...i'm your girlfriend and i really love you and i don't want you to be mad at me." she just sneers and huffs before turning back to her notebook, still not able to figure out the problem she was trying to solve.

i have to ask her to prom, it's the only solution to my problem

i take a small gulp, i might have no interest in prom but the things you do for love!

"baby, prom is in two weeks and you know that there's no one but you i'd rather go with, right?" she turns around, her face is still stern but i haven't lost hope. "will you let me take you to prom, please?"

her features soften, and the thirty seconds she takes before answering felt like the longest thirty seconds of my life. "only because you asked so nicely."

we both smile at the same time and she leans in to close the gap between our lips. soft.

"it's not like you could go with anyone else, anyway." i say once we break apart.

she playfully smirks and says, "i could..."

"...but i won't."

i grab her face in my hands before kissing her harder than earlier. i love this girl so much.

"um- - i do need help with this." she quietly asks, pointing to her notebook.

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A/N some of y'all wanted a part 2 to that one shot so i trieD.

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