i hit you like bang

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New York traffic on a Monday morning was hellish. On top of that, Taylor just got back to the city after a little impromptu leave which meant double the work once she came back.

She launched her e-commerce website when she was a fresh college graduate and only twenty-two, in a matter of a few years it became one of the biggest in the country. Of course, it wasn't all flowers and butterflies for her, like right now, she was way too stressed than she was supposed to be. It was nearly ten and she was supposed to meet some important client at twelve. The vehicles around her were moving, but it didn't look like it. She hated this.

Her phone started ringing from the backseat, it wasn't her usual ring tone, it was the special one meant for important people. She blindly swatted her arm on the backseat trying to find her ringing phone, with one hand on the steering wheel. She turned around in an awkward position a little to grab her phone out of her bag.

"Yes, Tree?" She put her phone between her shoulder and ear as she started driving again once she heard the loud horns blaring from the mad driver behind her.

Taylor's assistant, Tree Paine, was telling her about the client she was supposed to meet while filling her in about all that she had missed at work during the last week.

Taylor was humming along occasionally instructing Tree about what she had to do.

Taylor took the phone away from her ear once she was done, she looked away from the windshield of her car to disconnect the call.

Her attention wasn't even diverted for a fraction of a second but it doesn't really take that long for bad things to happen. She had to press the brakes real hard which made her lunge forward, her hair flew away from the neat ponytail it was tucked into and her breath hitched in her throat. She did it quickly but she knew it wasn't quick enough. The person who was in front of the car was nowhere to be seen, a small part of her hoped they managed to get away but she knew she just hit someone.

She undid her seat belt and bolted out of the car, a small crowd of people that looked about her age or younger formed a circle around the person who was now on the ground. There was a lot of blood and a strewn bag with books spilling out of it. She hit a student.

She made her way through the small group of people to examine the person closely, she wasn't really religious but right now she was praying to every single god out there hoping that she didn't kill somebody.

Amidst blood and messed up blonde hair lay a face that was all too familiar to Taylor. A face she hadn't seen in four years, a face she vowed to never come across. Taylor's body went limp and she went pale as realisation hit her.


• • •

It was four years ago, the first day of fall semester. Taylor's last semester in college, she was the teaching assistant for Mrs. Jude, the literature professor.

Karlie was a freshman and a student in the class, the two instantly clicked and unofficial tutoring sessions led to make out sessions and even more. Taylor knew she wasn't supposed to be sleeping with a student but she just couldn't control herself around Karlie, the girl was way too charming and breathtaking, and sly as a fox.

Their thing went on for months and Karlie even convinced Taylor to mess with the literature class' grades and got her to increase Karlie's grades in a totally unprofessional way. Taylor blindly obliged, she thought of the whole ordeal as something romantic while Karlie was just in for free grades and a good fuck.

Taylor didn't see Karlie for a long time after that, she wouldn't return her calls and would avoid her if she saw her on campus. It hurt her, she didn't know what went wrong and out of the blue the girl started acting like a complete stranger.

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