the dentist

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the smoke filled the room as taylor and three of her friends smoked and passed the blunt around.

"are you sure about drinking while smoking weed, cara? you might die." taylor asks through a hazy puff of smoke coming out of her mouth.

cara mumbled something incoherent and smoked the joint as it was passed to her.

the group passed it around till the joint was completely exhausted.

gigi was rolling up another joint when taylor's phone rang, it was a reminder. she had a dentist's appointment in twenty minutes.

"shit i have to see the dentist for this cavity i apparently have." taylor says while looking wildly for some breath mints which she swore were in her bag.

"take my car." gigi says rubbing her bloodshot eyes.

"i can't drive, stupid."

"just bail on the appointment then." ed suggests.

"i don't think i can bail out for the sixth time. and my teeth hu- -ouch!" taylor winces as a sharp pain shot through one of her molars.

the group takes about ten minutes to come to the conclusion that taylor should call a cab.

taylor didn't have much time to spare and this dentist was supposedly the best one around, and was probably pissed because taylor kept bailing out on appointments and was late today.

"do you have kids, sir?" taylor asked the cab driver in a fake accent. he turned around to look at her before answering.

"yes, three of 'em."

"that must be reeeeallly hard, right?" taylor started laughing and the driver was very weirded out. one would be surprised that taylor didn't get kicked out of the cab.

"it's okay." the driver replies, sounding uninterested.

she checked her appearance on her phone screen, not too shabby. just bloodshot eyes and stinky breath. mints!

she searched her bag again and found a small box of mints this time. taylor doesn't remember how many mints she put in her mouth but she was sure they'd work.

she was ten minutes late and when she got to the dentist's office, the receptionist eyed her skeptically.

"uh- - i had an appointment." taylor struggled to talk like she wasn't high at all.

"your name?" the receptionist looked bored and taylor was sure she was very close to calling the cops on her.

"ta-," a hiccup interrupted,"-taylor swift."

"you're ten minutes late." she reminds taylor.

"yeah i got busy." taylor slightly tripped on air but grabbed the front desk so she wouldn't fall.

unlike what she was expecting was going to happen, taylor was actually let into the dentist's office.

taylor felt dizzy, she felt like she could fall down anytime. her eyes were burning but she just wanted to get over with the check up so she could get home and sleep for the rest of her life.

"you must be taylor." she heard a sweet feminine voice and looked up to face Dr Kloss. and boy was she attractive, the marijuana taking over her body combined with taylor's hot dentist made her feel like she could pass out.

"yeah, hi and you must be my very hot and attractive dentist." taylor wishes she didn't say those words out loud, but with her mind spinning in circles she had no clue what she was saying.

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