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Some things just come naturally to you; your songwriting, selling out arenas and stadiums, winning awards, caring about other people, being hopelessly in love and so on.

Kissing people, unfortunately, wasn't one of them.

You tend to freak out when someone kisses you, you hide it perfectly fine but the feeling is still there inside you. You thought it was because you were into women, kissing men made you feel weird. You were right, partially. Because when Dianna kissed you for the first time, you were just as freaked out. You got used to it though, but that didn't end well because the two of you broke up and you had a very hard time getting over her.

You haven't kissed many people since her, kisses on cheeks don't really count, do they?

The first time your best friend, Karlie, kissed you on the cheek nearly two weeks after you first met her, you freaked out. But you never freaked out because of cheek kisses? So, why was this any different? You admit that Karlie is drop dead gorgeous, she's definitely one of the most beautiful people you've ever had the chance to meet.

Were you possibly attracted to her? Maybe. Were you going to take the first step forward? No way in hell, she has a boyfriend!

So, naturally, when she showed up at your door at one in the morning with a tear stained face, you had a few questions. You let her in, wrapped her in a tight hug without probing her with words that were along the lines of 'why are you crying?'

She doesn't say anything, you don't ask. You take her to bed and she asks you to stay, you know it wasn't the best option considering your growing feelings for the girl, yet you comply. She wrapped herself around your body, your senses were suddenly elevated, your heart was pounding and was ready to rip out of your chest at any given moment. You felt the same you do when someone kisses you. Maybe the feeling wasn't just limited to kisses, why didn't you discover this before?

You barely sleep that night, but Karlie, she slept like the dead. You let go of her arms around you and rush downstairs. You know this isn't good, whatever it is that you feel for her. She has a boyfriend, you remind yourself. It hurts, but you're also naturally good at getting over things and moving on.

Karlie says she had a fight with her boyfriend, a small part of you hopes they will break up and you can whisk her away like prince charming. But the bigger part of you, the part that happens to be Karlie's best friend, doesn't want the young girl to be sad.

An idea hits you, you ask her to go on a road trip with you. She looks at you like you've grown five heads, after all, why would Taylor Swift want to spontaneously go on a road trip?

She says yes anyway.

You drive, she picks music. You tell her that she has a great taste in music, she smiles. And you swear that smile could replace the sun in the sky.

You're falling for your best friend! The sane part of your mind scolds you. You ignore it, you're on a getaway with the person that means the most to you, and that's enough for now.

You take turns driving, and picking music. You take impromptu swims and a lot of photos. You're embarrassed and you blush when she plays your songs on the car stereo and badly attempts to sing them. You tell her to stop but in reality you want her to keep going. You tell her that her laugh is the prettiest thing in the world, it's not really something a friend would say and you both know that. She thanks you anyway, and kisses your cheek. You wanted to launch yourself off the cliff you were standing at, tiny actions of affection from Karlie made you feel way too much than you were supposed to. Maybe you were in deeper than you thought you were.

'She's gorgeous.' The words repeat in your head everytime you look at her.

You let her borrow your sweater, and your heart that was stuck on its sleeve. You know she's forbidden territory, but you have a thing for risks. After all, taking risks is how you've gotten anywhere in life.

It's nine in the morning, you're in a balcony of a posh hotel by the beach. You feel like you're the only two people in this whole world, you wish it was true. And something tells you she wishes the same too.

You hand her a cup of coffee and she's rambling about something, you don't pay attention because her face and her sea breeze stricken hair is way too distracting. Her skin looks soft, almost like a baby's. You have a lot of difficulty stopping yourself from stroking her cheek.

Your eyes wander to her lips, you wonder how they would feel against yours. Sure, you know they're incredibly soft because she has kissed your cheek multiple times. But you need to feel your lips against hers.

Realisation hits you, you've never kissed anyone first, it's always the other way around. Yeah, you've leaned in and signalled the other person to take action but you have never actually kissed someone before.

You feel a rush go through your body, Karlie is still rambling unaware of all the rollercoasters circling on a high speed inside your head.

You barely felt it, it was so quick you're not even sure it happened. You lean forward and press your lips against Karlie's for a quarter of a second. You're still thinking it was a trick your mind played and that it didn't actually happen.

But she noticed it, and you noticed that she noticed when she stopped rambling. "Taylor," her voice was barely audible. You caught her completely off guard, you kissed someone first, you took the first step.

You wanted to run out of the room, screaming. But your feet were glued to the floor, and so were your eyes. How can you even look at Karlie after what you did?

You notice Karlie getting closer, you mentally prepare yourself because you're sure she's going to smack you in the face and leave you forever.

You're surprised.

No, you're basically dead.

She kisses you. Not once, not twice, but multiple times, she doesn't stop and neither do you. She kisses your lips, your nose, your jaw, your neck; she doesn't leave any unmarked territory. Her lips are softer than you know them to be, she's gentle and this is already one of the best kisses in your entire life. You would gladly consider this your first kiss, it was the kind of kiss that steals the ground beneath your feet and makes you want to fly up in the sky. It was the kind that makes you feel high but in a good way, the way the sky lights up with fireworks on the fourth of july. Karlie is amazing, you already knew that.

But she keeps getting better and better you don't know what more you could ask from life, this is already the best thing that has ever happened to you and you're only on the first kiss.

You reciprocate everything she does, every stroke and peck, you like this. You like this a lot.

You notice that you didn't freak out this time, maybe because it felt one hundred percent right.

You tell her you like her and she says she feels the same.

She breaks up with her boyfriend, you take her on dates. You two go through tons of ups and downs, you have fiery fights and passionate nights.

Sometimes you think you regret this relationship, but then you look at her face and everything in the world feels right.

You may have a few regrets in your life but you know that taking the first step and kissing her was the best decision you had ever made.

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A/N: i am and have always been open to prompts or requests so feel free to send them in!! comment or drop a message on my profile :)

one shots [kaylor]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora