Chapter 25

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A slightly pressure came to light on Bethany's nail as she bit it anxiously. She forced her hand down to her side as she leaned against a building slightly outside of the Central City w

She couldn't stop thinking about how when she had run there, she had seen herself in a sort of blurred image beside her, running in the same direction. She tried to ignore it, repeatedly telling herself it was nothing just so the worried feeling would leave her stomach and she could focus on the task at hand.

Eiling, being Eiling, told the blonde that she wasn't allowed to know where exactly the military base he was stationed at was located, so she was waiting patiently for a sketchy car to pick her up.

The building she happened to be waiting at was a gas station, which, to her disliking, seemed to be buzzing with population. Several people walked by and looked at her strangely; she wasn't sure if it was the black jeans and shirt or her tense demeanor.

Vibrations tingled up Bethany's body as her phone began to ring, she thought it was going to be a 'no caller ID' number, most likely Eiling, but her eyes dilated at the sight of Barry's name.

"Hey" she said calmly, pressing her phone to her ear.

"Hey, Bethany. What are you up to?"

The blonde looked around the parking lot that sat in front of her.

"Just getting some stuff done," she said vaguely. "Why? What's up?"

"I was just curious, but would you like to go to dinner tonight?"

Bethany smiled lightly, looking towards the ground.

"Of course, Barry."

Slowly, a black car's rumbling engine pulled up to the curb. She didn't have to think to know this was who she was waiting for.

"Hey I'll text you later, I've gotta go." Without waiting for a response, Bethany ended the call as a man in camouflage stepped out of the vehicle.

"Ma'am," he gestured to the open car door, which she quickly entered, finding herself in between two other men.

Across from her sat the general sipping on some sort of iced beverage.

"Hello, Ms.Howard," his voice mocked her name, giving the allusion that this was strictly business, which everyone else in the car must have thought. "Care for a drink?"

"No thanks," she looked around the vehicle, noticing that the windows were entirely tinted with no view of the landscape outside. "I don't drink."

Eiling hummed in response, a slightly laugh sneaking into it, before he downed the rest of his drink and set the glass in a cup holder.

"I do apologize for the windows," he smiled inwardly. He felt as though he had all of the power in their situation.

"It's really not necessary."

They drove for around an hour, the majority of the ride quiet, before they came to a stop and the cars engine shut off.

They all stepped out of the car. Bethany stretched for a minute before looking around.

When the general stepped out, he watched the blonde curiously as she took in her surroundings and slowly ran her tongue over her bottom lip. Suddenly, she licked her index finger and held it in the hair and slowly turned around until she felt a breeze.

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