Author's Note

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It has been quite the battle... never in my life had I thought I could accomplish such a huge dream of mine, and here you are ready to delve into my first novel. I'd just like to thank you sincerely for reading this book; it truly means the world to me. But not even that, what really makes my day is knowing that people from all across the world can enjoy my hard work and chilling tales. As a young writer, the task of writing a book is more than daunting; it's downright intimidating. You have people who think it's just a one-day thing and others that demand a copy within the first few months of writing! I started this journey on September 3rd, 2013 (my first day of high school), and completed this project on December 16th, 2016.

Within that period a lot has transpired in my life. Things have changed, people have come and gone, and I've discovered new passions and lost old ones. But above all, writing has always been my number one obsession. To create a story and come up with characters and scenarios while also anticipating the reader's reaction is something I've always had a rush for. Ever since I could read my biggest dream was to get my book into a Barnes and Noble store (and who knows, maybe it'll happen someday?)

The book in your hands right now is the result of many all-nighters, countless days of dreaming away in algebra class, and always mustering the strength to pick myself up when life would beat me down.

I've poured my heart and soul into this novel, and never have I felt prouder to share something with the world.

And before you start to read this, I'd just like to give you hope in saying that anything's possible. No matter what others say or what you've gone through, in the end it's all up to you if you want to make your dreams become a reality. You have the power to move mountains and create waves that ripple through the ocean. You can engrave your name into the universe and show the world what you're made of. I promise to you all that this is just the beginning, and that absolute personal longevity begins with a single spark of madness...

This book is for you Dad, I hope I've made you proud.

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