#3. The Midnight Railroad / Chapter 6

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Glenn started the process of banging on the windows repeatedly, which furthered the pain in Gage's head to an all-time high. "It's not going to work Glenn we have been trying that for hours!"

He peered at the clock forlornly realizing that it was 4:30, and asked, "Maybe someone will see us when the sun's out?"

Gage replied, "Well, on the wall, it says 6:00. That must mean something will most likely happen at that time. Maybe that's when the train will stop, and we can get off?"

Glenn nodded his head and took a seat. Rick started to walk towards him, "So we haven't heard much about you. What do you do Glenn?"

At first, Gage didn't think that Glenn had heard Rick, but after a couple of seconds, he replied, "Well I'm a vending machine man. I install and refill snacks." He chuckled, "It's not the most exciting job, but it pays the bills."

Gage laughed, 'Glenn seems like a chill guy. A little quiet and weird, but an overall cool person to hang with. In all honesty, nobody was unbearable, but ehhh I could probably go without Debbie, Rick, and that annoying baby.' Gage thought to himself as he looked out the window.

All of a sudden Jackie cried out, "Hey, I saw something!"

In a flash everybody got up, "Ouch!" Gage hit his head against the side of the window getting up. He could feel a bump on the top of his head but dismissed that as he approached the flock of passengers that crowded the backside of the train.

"I think it was a cactus!"

"No, it was a coyote!"

"Who the fuck cares? It's long-gone now." Rick cursed.

"Well, what do you think it was big-shot?" Debbie asked in a cocky manner.

"Your liposuction doctor."

Gage looked down at where they had set the clock; it was now 5:15. And an unsettling presence sent a devilish tune down his spine, and the ominous ticking of the clock began to creep into his subconscious. The constant sound reminded him of something, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Minutes passed, and Gage felt like a bomb was about to go off. The arriving time that was 6:00 was looming over him like the sky ready to come down. Soon seconds felt like minutes, and it didn't take too long for it to hit 5:55.

Sitting there in mildly-discomforting pain, Gage felt a sharp pain go through his head! "SHIT!" He clutched the back of his head in agony, and all of a sudden that's when it hit him! Everything started to come back! All the thinking and retracing for hours on end was now flooding back to his memory! He could remember what happened!

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