#1. Cut The Deck / Chapter 4

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Charles started to hand out the cards, and everyone took them all and began to stare at them with the intent of winning. Unfortunately for Gerald's opponents, none of them were going to earn a penny and on top of that, if none of them could beat Gerald that would mean he would get the huge pot of millions.

Everyone put a large sum of chips in the middle of the table and the game had begun.

Gerald looked at his cards and knew what he needed. Lucky for him, he had those cards tucked in his crotch compartment. Gerald gave Charles a card and got one back. It was rubbish. Suddenly he could tell that one of the men was about to sneeze, so he took the opportunity and used it. Right as he did so ACHOO, instantly Gerald did his switcheroo trick and now had himself a flush.

Everyone showed their cards and raised the pot a little bit, but Gerald ultimately had the best hand, winning the round with ease.

"Well, it seems that Gerald isn't backing down. We'll just have to see how long his luck keeps up with him." Antonio said looking towards Gerald.

Gerald gave him an amused look and took a soothing puff of his cigar.

Game after game Gerald was reeling in chips like he was a pro fisherman. He was unstoppable, and everyone was complaining. Everyone except him that is.

Everything was going smooth until Gerald let the booze hit him like an 18 wheeler, and he started to get cocky and drunk, "You all sure you can play poker? If you need help, just look for a manual on how to play it, and read under beginner!" Gerald abruptly chuckled in a sinister laugh as he watched all of the men including Antonio start to clench their fists and teeth in anger.

Gerald could tell that they were trying to catch him in the action of cheating, but he didn't care at the moment. Booming with extreme confidence in himself he seemed prepared, but getting drunk wasn't a smart thing to do at a time like this.

"What's your trick Counterferd?" Said a man.

"What's your name again?" Gerald asked.

"Marcos Valiente, and answer my question." He gave Gerald a stern look.

"What trick? I am the poker king of Vegas like you all said!" He chugged down the rest of his Cristal and was now starting to feel dizzy, and not aware he was over his alcohol intake.

Gerald asked for another glass, and once he guzzled it down, another round began, and of course he won. It soon was becoming a pattern, a glass every couple victories.

After rounds upon rounds of his luck and skill the minutes ticked on with it getting very late, and Gerald could tell that everyone was getting tired of him winning. Everyone went bankrupt losing all their chips, except for Antonio.

The pressure was setting in, and Antonio had a minuscule amount of chips compared to Gerald's flabbergasting total.

Charles handed out the cards, and as Gerald analyzed his hand all he needed was an ace, and luckily for him it was tucked inside his crotch compartment.

Antonio gave Charles a card, and he did his switcheroo bit.

In that second Gerald panicked! He saw Marcos looking at him in an instant and almost froze up.

But to his amazement, Marcos didn't open his mouth. 'Did he see me do that?' Gerald frantically thought to himself.

He gave Charles two of his cards, trying not to look guilty.

But Gerald was pretty sure Marcos had seen him do it, but he couldn't understand why he didn't say anything at all. Before Gerald could think about the issue, he received two rubbish cards. Hopefully, he thought he'd have this in the bag as he showed off his three aces.

Midnight Creek TalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora