#5. Lunar Darkness / Chapter 11

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Maneuvering through the vents wasn't easy, along with the fact that we had to be as quiet as a mouse. It was becoming swelteringly hot, and with our suits on it made for a clumsy and claustrophobic challenge.

"Simon, do you see anything?"

Simon peered up ahead and whispered back, "Yes I think we're coming to the end of the building!"

Another minute passed by in silence until we hit it, and in doing so, we now had to drop outside without being caught. In this clunky space gear especially, it made it all the more physically grueling.

"If we're spotted we'll run, so get ready!" I murmured.

"Ok, I'm jumping out now! Get in position," Simon pushed the vent out, and then reluctantly but bravely jumped out and plummeted to the floor...

The way out of the vents was from the side of the building, and from a semi-impressive height, it didn't make me feel comfortable. On top of that, if we were to break our suits whether it be a crack in the helmet or a tear in the suit itself, we would be done for before we could even get onto the ship!

I was waiting for Simon to show some signs of life after the big fall but he looked dead to me... this wasn't a good idea.

I feared for Simon and myself but in the end decided to jump anyway.

Taking a deep breath and positioning my knees to bend... I hit the ground with a THUD!

I felt like a powerful football player hit me as my body impacted against the concrete of the colony.

I had landed luckily right beside Simon and called out to him, "Simon... Simon are you alive?" I asked moving up to him, but also realizing I had injured myself pretty badly.

"Yes, I'm alive... But I think I broke my leg on the fall." He moaned in pain and rolled over to his side trying to get up.

"I think we're in the same boat Simon; my leg hurts like a motherfucker!"

"Which leg did you break?" Simon asked short of breath.

"I broke my left," I said while caressing it.

"Well, that's good."

"Why is that remotely good?!"

"Because I broke my right and you broke your left. We can walk by leaning on each other, and once we get to the ship there's a self-help med kit we can use!"

"Ok then, let's try it."

We both started off on one leg and gradually got up. Leaning on each other like a one-legged race, we slowly began to walk away from the building and into the creepy deserted streets.

"Do you see anyone?" I asked.

"No, do you?"

I nodded my head no, and we continued a bit further. When we got to the front of the building, there was a cart in the distance, but Axel and the driver were gone.

"Who's cart do you think it is? It doesn't look like the one Axel drove us in." I asked.

"I don't know, but maybe it's the man who tried to kill us in the control room!"

"We need to get to the cart before he comes back because if he sees us, we're screwed. With our broken legs, this cart is our only ticket out of here in less than two hours!"

We began to limp quickly towards the unattended vehicle, but suddenly halfway through we could see a black figure in the distance coming out of the surrounding City Hall building. "Quick! Pick up the pace!" I yelped.

We immediately began to push ourselves as fast as we could to reach the cart. We were getting so close that I could see the keys in the ignition! The man was running behind us, and in his hand he had a large dripping syringe!

Simon and I jumped in and started up the cart! The man now was just yards away from us running at maximum speed! Suddenly in an instinctive panic I screamed, "FLOOR IT SIMON!"

Simon mustered all the strength that he had and let out a howl, "AGHHHH!" He smashed down on the gas pedal just as the man was inches away from our open cart!

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Just keep driving to the front and we'll make it in time!"

As we raced past the town, it seemed that there was no one in sight and that we were all alone. "There's gotta be something wrong here... where the hell is everybody?" I asked looking around.

And then I gazed at the big city clock that illuminated the colony, "It's 11:45, they must be at that stupid anniversary!"

"They'll never suspect a thing!" Simon said giving me a high five.

"Hey look, we're approaching the beginning of the town! Before we open the city doors, we need to make sure that all our gear is fastened."

Simon stopped the cart, and we both made sure everything was secure, "Okay then, quick before one of those lunatics spot us!"

We disassembled out of the cart and headed for the exit!

Simon and I pressed the button to open the door to the town, which led to a closed room where we now had to close the city door, and then open a vault that was connected to our ship. We made sure our helmets were on and checked our gear once more. After doing this, we trudged towards the ship, which was now only feet away.

"We did it man; we did it!"

"Wait until Mr. Marchisio hears about the shit that's happened here!"

I took the liberty of opening the rocket's portal. As the vault opened, we were surrounded by darkness. Stepping inside someone clicked on the lights, and we found that we were not alone...

"Simon, Rich! Why are you both leaving before the anniversary? What's the rush?"

"Axel, you better let us leave. We're needed back at the station!" I commanded.

"Well guys, it looks like you're not leaving for shit!" Behind him stepped out many armed guards.

"What do you want from us?" I asked still leaning onto Simon.

"I just want you to witness the celebration!"

"Listen here you son of a bitch; you're just bringing trouble onto yourself!"

"You two seem a bit tense; perhaps a nice nap will calm your senses..."

Axel took out a weird looking gun and kicked us to the floor! He pointed the gun at Simon's head and POPPED the trigger! I punched Axel hard in the jaw, and he turned towards me! Without a sign of regret, Axel pulled the trigger again! BANG! And as my strength faded, I could feel us being carried off the ship...

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