#2. The Mirror's Image / Chapter 3

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When the alarm clock went off, I didn't think much of last night. I assumed that it must've been a crazy dream or maybe some of Billy's weed that had gotten the best of me. Whatever the cause I figured it couldn't have been real.

Getting out of bed was somewhat freaky, as I expected Jasmine to be at my bedside. But all that was next to me was the broken glass that covered the floor, and the envelope that stared at me like a tempting jewel.

I grabbed it and put it up to the light to try to make out some of the words in the letter, but it didn't work. So the best thing I could do was just command Jasmine out of it and ask her to grant me my first wish after a good nights rest.

Staring at the broken glass and my cheap $40 makeup, I craved something a little more. Something that was green and had Benjamin's winking at me every time I opened my purse. "Jasmine, I want you to grant my first wish!"

At first, it was still... and then in thin air; she came to me. "And what might that be?"

"I want money! And not just chump change, I want A LOT OF MONEY!"

"Money is unhappiness when not controlled right. The value of it is worthless when taking into consideration all the knowledge and love that exists in this world."

"Yes that sounds nice and all," I said trying to be polite, "But I just want to be loaded."


"Yeah, loaded! To the point where I can have a limousine taking me to school, and where I can have a crew clean up after Tony and me!"

"Who is this Tony?"

"He's my boyfriend," I said blushing.

"And does this Tony love you?"

"Well sure he does, why wouldn't he?"

"I wouldn't know. All I can tell you is my experiences in life. Even though times have changed, concepts still are the same as they've stood for thousands of years. A man doesn't love you because you can supply him in bed or the amount of money in your pocket. He loves you for the person you are, and for everything you offer, both good and bad."

"Well I know Tony very well, and this past year has been like a dream with him."

Jasmine nodded her head, "So how much money would you like? Although I highly advise not to ask for it."

"Not ask for it? What am I dumb? Yes, the sum of money might be a little abrupt, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'd say, give me about 15 billion dollars. It's not too much, but it'll last Tony and me for the rest of our lives."

"As you wish," Jasmine said, snapping her old prune-like fingers.

There was no sound, and as I glanced around for cash to wave in like a tsunami all I could hear were birds chirping outside. "Hey what gives? Where's the money?"

"I don't know child, why don't you look in your closet and pick out some clothes." She winked.

I did as told, and as soon as I opened the closet money began to pour out onto me! Money! Loads and loads of money! It was a never-ending supply of cash!

"Aren't you going to get ready for school Amanda?"

"Hell no! I wouldn't be caught dead in this getup and driving that shitty car outside! I'm going to call for a limousine to take me to school and on the way, stop for some new clothes and makeup because I highly doubt that the school is going to mind. I'll make it worth their while." I said raising up a wad of cash.

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