Chapter 1

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The rust covered sword made a *clang*sound as it hit up against my golden wings. They are mounted with several other precious jewels. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention when He told me what they were, so obviously I can't share the information with you. Anyways, that doesn't matter. My name is Lucifer. Or Belial, or Samael, or Beelzebub, or Mephistopheles, or Satan, or several other nicknames that are stupid or otherwise completely pointless to mention. I would apologize, but it's really not my problem is it? I'm the one your pastor tells you to avoid, the one he blames for the problems of the world too. (No hard feelings, right?) Bit of advice, I don't want to cause people pain, I don't want them to do awful things and I certainly don't want all of you to think I look like a goat. (Here's to you, Satanists) I actually look a lot scarier. Just kidding. I'm literally a burning pile of light, with two faces and a severely overrated superiority complex. How am I typing this up right now you ask? Well I'm using a host body. Don't freak out! I needed a written contract from said person, he's not even here right now actually. He's down in Hell, as a soul just kind of floating around. So I'm the only conscious soul in here now. I've had it since 1409, he's from the U.K.... well you know what? The story is not about him, it's about me. I know how that sounds but come on, I'm way more interesting.

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