Chapter 5

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As Heaven continued to grow and change, so did the Tree in the Garden. It was a beautiful thing. I checked up on it every once in a while. I was expecting Father, Michael and Raphael to put up a fight and not allow it, but Eve's argument was that I had planted it, so it was technically okay. That's why she needed me. She still continued attempting to befriend me, while every once in a while I would show her a kind word, or visit her in the Garden, even though I always told her it was just to see the Tree. Anyways, Father continued to create more of us, he told us to brace ourselves for more siblings. "Great. Just what I need."  When he returned with a opal colored, white winged,doe-eyed form of something, Father stepped forward to where Michael and I were standing and introduced it as Gabriel, the messenger. "Messenger of what?!" We don't send anything to anyone, so it was useless to have a messenger. Nonetheless, I introduced myself to Gabriel, and then walked off, letting Michael introduce himself. "Why is Michael always so accepting?" I guess I'll go check up on the Tree again. As I walk down the staircase to the Garden, Raphael slams the fiery sword down at my feet, blocking the entrance. "What is your problem?!" I shout. He picks up the sword slowly, as if I'll make a run for it. "What are you doing Lucifer?" I roll my eyes at him. "What I always do when I'm fed up with getting new siblings." I answer. He points the sword up at my throat. "Wrong answer, Light Bearer." "I won't have you consorting with Adam, or Eve anymore." "Stay away, or face the fire." I've no choice but to turn back, so I do. "I'll just come back later, with Father." I say to Raphael, who is still giving me the evil eye. Now I'm bored, I realize as a walk back up to the Firmament. Maybe I'll just fly around and see if I can find anything interesting. Gabriel is in the corner, learning how to flap his two sets of wings to get off the ground. Michael ducks his head every time, afraid of getting whacked in the face by them. I hear the Fiery sword turning again, and running feet, coming my direction. I see the little tan form of Eve, scarcely avoiding the great sword, and hear Raphael shouting his sorry back at her. She looked out of breath. "Lucifer, I...need something." I look down at her small form, looking like it might collapse any second. I offer my hand for her to lean on, and she gladly accepts. I explain to her why I can't go with her. "Raphael wants me to stay away." She looks up at me, like a lost puppy. "But what about the Tree?" "You'll have to take care of it." I answer abruptly. The next second I see Raphael in the distance, glaring at me. I narrow my eyes at him. Removing my hand from underneath Eve, nearly causing her small frame to fall over. "I have to go." And I fly off into the night.
                    This part of my life, it's called plotting.

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