Chapter 3

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I flew around for a while, and immediately recognized it as my favorite pastime. I saw several beasts clambering around underneath me, I'm guessing that's what Father was doing in my absence. When I returned, I saw a coiled green scaly thing wrapped up on the silver floor. I looked at Father, not fully understanding why it didn't have a pairing yet. Father stared at it with me. "She keeps eating the males I give her." I tilt my head at her. She kept flicking her tongue in and out, like it was mocking both of us. I look back at Father. "What about the other beasts?" He grins. "Thought I'd spice it up a bit, making the female first for once." I sit down, and lean my head on my hand, which is being propped up by my knee. And I sigh. My Father looks over at me, and abruptly points one finger to the sky. I look up, confused once again, and when I look down, a snake with a different shade of skin stares back, next to the green one. She slithers closer, wary of the new visitor. After a second she seems to accept him, and they both slither downward, away from my Father and I. He is smiling again. " I don't understand. What changed?" I ask him. He pinches the bridge of his nose. "The brightness of the others, she didn't like it." I push the thoughts of the slithery thing from my mind. "What next?" I ask. He looks back at me, with a brief sense of pity. "You seem lonely, I know exactly the remedy." When I really thought about it, I was sort of alone. He shuffled off into the distance, away from me. I sat there in silence, thinking of what new thing he might come up with. Upon his return, there was a jangling noise accompanying him. I looked up to see a form much like mine, but with a gray and red light instead of my golden one. It smiled at me, and introduced itself after looking at Father. " I'm Saint Michael, third of the commanding force, underneath the host of Heaven, and his secondary, You, Lucifer of the Morningstar." I looked him up and down. This guy was very uniform. Instantly after he had finished his introduction, I did the same, although he seemed to already know me. "I'm Lucifer, second underneath the Host of Heaven." He smiled and nodded. I saw a golden blue ring around his head, and I tilted my head at him. He must have noticed me staring, because he pointed up at my head shortly after. I lifted my hand up to feel for it, felt something stiff and burning hot. I couldn't see what color it was, but at least I had whatever the heck it was, just like the new guy. Father patted him on the back. " I think you two will get along very well." And he walked off, leaving us alone to our own devices. He looked at the three sets of wings I had on my back. He spread his wings after. "What are these for?" I flap mine mindlessly. "Flying." I answer abruptly. He curves them upward, and brings them back down, propelling himself upward. He flaps away into the beyond, and I stay down on the silver floor. I hear Fathers voice behind me. " Are you ready Lucifer?" I didn't understand. "Ready for what?" "To see the Garden." He answers. I get up to follow him, and I look back into the sky to look for Michael. All of a sudden, I hear a static sound in my mind. Michael appears back on the floor beside me. "Did you say something?" I realized what must have happened. "I think we are telepathically connected." He thinks about it. "I suppose it only makes
sense." Next we hear Father in the distance. "Hurry up you two!" "I've got to show you something!" We both follow him down a long glass staircase to a wooded area that was drenched in the orange light of the setting sun. Father looks back at us, happiness written on his face. "This is Edèn!" He announces over the calling of several of the feathery blobs from before. Me and Michael both peer around, looking at the beautiful design. I hear the snapping of twigs and I whirl my head around to see what it is. I see a younger version of Father. He looks scared until Father shows up and introduces him. "'This is your brother, Adam." "Adam, these two are your brothers, Michael and Lucifer." Adam looks at us, not completely perceiving what was happening. "But they are-" "Different." Father interrupts. "Adam, you don't have to be blood to be brothers." He looks us up and down again, seeing us as if for the first time. "What are they,Father?"  He looks back to Adam. "They're my creations, just like you, and they are my children, just like you are." Michael seems to still have his composure, even though this kid was basically insulting our whole being. I glare at him. "And what exactly do you think you have to hold against us, little one?" Father stares back at me. "Lucifer, what are you doing?"  I finally realized I was acting like a jerk. I blinked several times. "I'm sorry Adam." Michael was still stony faced and solemn. I walked away, intending to explore more of Edèn. I left Adam behind, not recognizing his stance as my "brother". He was different, and no matter what Father said, we'd never fully understand each other. I saw a flash of light soon after and a even stranger version of Adam appeared in front of me. "This just keeps getting better." I thought. Father walks up beside the new form, and I immediately understand. "It's a she." I say aloud, but more to myself. I realized both her and Adam had neither fur, no scales, no feathers. "Did they know?" I ask Michael. "They certainly don't seem to mind if they do." He tilts his head at the she-creature, and gestured upwards with his shoulders. Father snaps his fingers, surprising her. "Your name is Eve." Adam walks up to her. "Hello Eve." While they communicate, Father glances back at us. "Alright, these are humans." " They are gentle, they aren't as knowing as any of us." "Treat them with care." I stare at him, not believing my own ears. That was just nuts. It's not fair, it's not fair that he created those soft chunks of flesh and expects us to treat them with special care. It's not okay. I can't believe this, these humans are not my siblings. It's just not happening. I find it sickening that Michael can be so fine with this. I watch them for a moment, Eve and Adam looking at his wings and spreading them out curiously. Ugh. I stomp off, noticing this new controlling feelings that I can't stop.
                           This part of my life, well, it's called jealousy.

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