Chapter 7

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When I show the new thing to the other Archangels, they love it. Father is proud. He looks it over. "Well done, Lucifer, Gabriel." Michael takes it in his  hand. "What are you going to call it?" Gabriel frowns at it. "The accidental noise maker perhaps." I take it up into my hands again. "When I hear this thing make noise, it feels like everything comes aligned in perfect harmony in a continuous fashion." "So how about calling it a harp?" They all seemed to settle on that, so harp it is I suppose. I started to play it when everyone dispersed. I had never realized that I could create something like this, I was confused as to why Father had given me the opportunity. I looked back at him. "Father, why did you give me the materials to create the harp?" "Did you know I would?" He looks back at me, smiling. "Lucifer, when somebody asks for courage, do you think I grant them courage, or do I give them tests to discover the courage within themselves?" I crease my brow, thinking about it. He explains. "When somebody needs to be reminded that they are special to me, are they given attention, or are they given ways to be noticed?" Finally, I understood. When he walks away, I tilt my head at him. How could I ever think that He loves me less than any other? I laugh at myself and walk off, harp in hand, in search of Gabriel. When I finally found him, he was off by the edge of the Firmament, staring at the star that symbolized him. "Gabriel." I say quietly as I stand next to him. "What are you doing?" He finally seemed to realize that I was speaking to him as he looks over at me. "Just looking at the stars." He says monotonously. I stared at them for a moment. "Why?" He laughs. "I don't know. They just seem control." I take another look at them. "What do you mean?" He glances at the harp that was still in my hand. "It's like you and your harp." "There is nothing that doesn't have a purpose." "The stars know that, your harp knows that." Suddenly the ground became very interesting. "Gabriel I've come to apologize." His attention is drawn away from the stars. "For what, Lucifer?" I continued to stare at the ground. "I realize I may have been rude to you, upon meeting, and the others for that matter." "I'm sorry." He looks me in the eye. "Lucifer, you are forgiven. I've had moments like that also." He turns back to the stars. I smile back at him, and walk off, looking for Michael. I check the entire floor of Heaven, and don't find him. The only other two places he could be was the Garden, or the sky. I guess I'll check the Garden. I walk to the staircase, and start to walk down it. Raphael slings his sword down in front of me again. I throw my hands up in the air in mock anger. "You're going to take somebody's head off one day!" He takes it back up slowly. "Why are you here, Lucifer?" I sigh. "Calm yourself, I'm here to see Michael. Is he here?" Raphael looks me up and down, trying to see if I was lying. He takes the sword up completely, and allows me entrance. "He came in here about an hour ago." "I think he's with Adam." I nod at him. "Thanks." He looks away, and I walk off, looking for the second Archangel. When I find him, he's sitting on a log, flanked by the two humans. He seems to be telling a story, so I let him finish. It must have been funny, because they started laughing at the end. I smiled at both of them. "How could I have ever hated them?" When they both got up and walked away, Michael stayed on the log. I walked up to him. "Funny story?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. He grinned when he looked up at me. "Yup." He answers. "What do you need, Lucifer?" I sigh as I sit next to him. "Nothing." I start picking at the decomposing bark. "Just came to apologize." He looks as confused as Gabriel did. "For what?" Looking at his kind face almost made me chicken out. "I may have been very rude to you the first moment we met, and maybe every moment afterwards." He looks down. "Perhaps." " Father would forgive you, so I will also." I breathe out a sigh of relief and regain my composure. For some reason, it was the hardest to apologize to Michael. "Well, thank you for your time." He smiles that trademark smile again. "Anytime, Light Bearer." After I get out of his sight, I walk in the direction of where Adam went. He's next on the apology list. All of a sudden I hear somebody running towards me. I see Eve's small form behind a tree. She  thinks I can't see her, I realize. I would play along, but I had other things to do. "Eve, how come every time you show up, you're running from something?" I hear a creepy giggle. I continued to stare at Eve, even behind the tree. "I don't want to play games with you Eve." "Come out from behind there now." She walks out slowly. I back up away from it slowly. "You're not Eve." A little girl with flaming red hair and bright blue eyes looks up at me and giggles. "Hee,hee,hee." " No, I'm not!" She says, in her little girl voice. I stare at her, I'm disbelief is evident on my face. "Then who are you?" She giggles again. Ugh. "I'm a figment of your imagination, Lucifer!" "I'm your persona, and the symbol of your own downfall!" She giggles again. I can't stand her for one more moment. She gets closer to me, and starts poking me. "Admit it Lucifer!" "You hate it here and you'd do anything to get out!" "Say it!" I grab her wrist, a little harder than I meant to. "Now you listen here you little pest." "I don't know how you got here, or why, and to be quite frank, I don't really care." "So you had better leave." "Now." She giggles and disappears into thin air. I hear Adam's voice behind me. "Who are you talking to?" I turn around, but still looking at where the girl was. "Nobody." I answer. "Sorry about that." "Actually, that's what I came here for." He looks tired. "What do you mean?" I walk closer to him, trying to forget about the girl. "Well Adam, brother, I feel like I may have shunned you the first time I met you, so I'm sorry." I said it quickly, with barely any breaks in between the words. He nods. " I've never thought of it as shunning." I kind of did the same thing to you." I mess with the dirt, trying to distract myself from the events that had just unfolded. "Well the good news is is that it's in the past." He looks around. "Is that all?" I ponder over what I might say next. "Yes." "I'll let you get back to whatever it is you were doing." He walks off, into the woods. On the way back to the Firmament, I "accidentally" let my path take me to the tree. Raphael wouldn't want me to, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Will it?  When I see it, a fair amount of wildlife had made a home out of it, and the glistening green leaves were drenched in the light of dawn. The golden apples on it were plump and enticing, and although you could barely see the bark anymore, save for the bottom, most of it was a beautiful brown color misted with golden white. Eve was lying underneath it, sleeping. I stepped around her quietly, careful not to wake her from her peaceful slumber. I touched the side of the tree softly, as though it would injure it if I didn't. Some of the leaves shook as a soft breeze brushed through, and I felt alive. Like I could do anything, be anything I wanted to be. As soon as the breeze finished, Eve tussled in her sleep, and finally sat up. "Oh, good morning, Lucifer." She says in a chirpy voice. Still looking at the Tree, I respond. "Yes, it is indeed a good morning." She smiles as she watches me stare at the Tree. "It is beautiful, no?" I look at her this time. "Yes, it is." "Did you raise this all by yourself?" She gets up to stand next to me. "Yes." I trace lines in the Tree's bark. "That's amazing." She looks it up and down. "I know." I pick a single apple from a low hanging branch. "I wonder what it tastes like." I hand her the golden fruit. She looks at it as if it were going to jump up and bite her. "Father said we should not eat from this tree." I stare at the apple. "It looks harmless enough." I say, more to myself than to her. She speaks anyways. "Lucifer, I mustn't." "I'm sorry, but I must obey my Father's command." I let the apple fall to the ground. "You're right." "He wouldn't want you to know anything new of course." She watches as the apple rolls towards her feet. "What are you talking about?" Without realizing it, I had opened a can of worms. Except these particular worms were infectious. "Nothing." I say quickly, trying to avoid a huge argument. She grabs my shoulder, trying to get me to face her. "What did you mean Lucifer?" This time I turn to her, and shake my head. "It doesn't matter." "Does it?" She kneels down to pick up the apple. "It does to me." And if you don't tell me, I'll just find out for myself!" I try to take it back, but then she took off running. Fast. According to both of our biologies, I should be faster, but she knew her way around the Garden a lot better. A minute or so after the  mouse and cat game we were playing, I took to the skies and turned it into mouse and falcon game. I see her slowing down, so I land down in front of her and she stops. I was too late though. The next second she is taking a large bite of the apple, and I'm shaking my head in disgrace of myself, her, and the situation. She seems delighted at first, then opens her eyes wide at me and covers her-those- areas quickly. I break off a large leaf next to me and throw it to her. "Don't look at me like that." "This is your own fault." She was still holding the apple when Adam shows up. "Oh boy, this just can't get any better can it?" He looks at her for a second, with the leaf on. "Eve, what on Edèn are you doing?" She tosses him the apple, and tells him to take a bite. At that point, I was totally done with these humans, they were causing nothing but trouble. I watch as he takes his own bite, and has the same results as Eve did. I didn't realize it, but Raphael had snuck up behind me, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, knocked out. When I came to, my Father and all the archangels were around me, and Adam and Eve were sitting in corner, looking very scared. "Whaaaa." I start to say, but Father interrupts me. "Eve says you are the one who told her to take an apple." "Is that true, Lucifer?" I look at her, then back to my Father. What good will it do to lie? Especially to somebody who's never lied to you? I've no choice but to answer. "Yes, I was the one who told her of the fruit's power, therefore she became curious." Father watched me for a second, and then to Adam. "And you?" He stared up at Him. "I did what Eve told me to do, sir." Father sighs. "Very well." "You've disobeyed me, even after I warned you." "And lucifer, having been the ring leader, your home in Heaven will be denounced." He turns back to Adam and Eve, leaving me to feel horrible. "As for you Eve, having been the one that took the first bite, and then dragging Adam down with you, he shall rule over you." "Childbirth will be painful, and every month you'll be given seeds of your own, to remind you of your mistake." She does nothing but nod. Father sighs, and snaps his fingers, and they disappear. He looks at Raphael. "They are never to return to the Garden." Raphael unsheathes his sword. "Very well." Father walks over to me. I brace myself, waiting for the inevitable. He looks at me, pain and emotion painted on his face. "Lucifer, you were my first, and I ordained you." "You walked amongst me and your brethren without pride." "But now, this?" I looked down. I had nothing else to say for myself, and nothing he could say could make me feel worse. "I'm sorry, Father." He looks away, tears in his eyes. He snaps his fingers, and the next thing I know, I'm being dragged away by Michael and Gabriel. I don't fight against them. There's no use. They take me to the edge, and I feel the edge of something sharp against the bottom of my wings. They clip large portions of them off, and when they've finished, they hurl me off the side, without a second thought.
                   This part of my life, it's called falling.

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