Chapter 9

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Michael's POV
Gabriel misses Lucifer. To me, it's not a big deal, but of course, he was my older brother, so I did love him, but we just never seem to get along, and we certainly didn't have anything in common. The ones I miss are the humans. Adam and Eve. They were the ones that I got along with. Lucifer was ignorant to hate them. He was ignorant to think that he could be loved better by Father if the humans were expelled from Heaven. I think times are going to change dramatically. When Lucifer showed Eve the fruit, he set a chain reaction of forces that will continue on forever. Not just for the angels, but for mankind as well. He messed up, blatantly. He was prideful, like Father had said. Because of him, a large chunk of the archangel's power is gone now. He took it with him when he fell. A portion of his wings are left up here though. We have them displayed by the Tree, the Tree that was the humans downfall. A shout from my brother, Gabriel, interrupted my thoughts. "What did we have to go off tearing his wings off anyhow?" I stop sharpening the long blade I had in my hands long enough to answer him. "Because Father told us to, Gabriel." His eyes look downcast. "Oh." I continue sharpening the sword. "Yeah." He looks across from the silver shield that he was supposed to be polishing at me. "What if he never forgives us, Michael?" I bang the sword down on the table. "Gabriel, what part of Lucifer rebelled escapes your brain?" He shrugs and looks away from me, to the shield. "I miss him, Michael." My gaze softens. He was younger, and Lucifer was a bigger part of his life than he was for me. "Look Gabriel, he did something wrong." "If Father didn't punish him, we'd all be doing bad things all the time." "It'd be anarchy." He looks back at me, pondering it. "I suppose you are right." And then continues on polishing.

Lucifer's POV
I wake up to the sound of gurgling. We're still in the cave, I remember. Lilith is next to me, still sleeping. She snores. It's annoying, like everything else about her. I nudge her hard, to wake her up. It doesn't work. "Aw forget it." I say to myself. I have things to do. With my angelic strength, I break the large rock in the center of the cavern from the floor, and move it to the side. I'm going to need a lot of room. I sit back, thinking of what I need to do next, and Lilith starts to wake up. She sits up and looks around. "What are you doing?" "It's too early for waking up." I look over at her. "Rise and shine powderpuff." "I need your help." She stands up, stretching. "Don't you have some angelic abilities that you can use and help yourself?" I look over at her, nodding. "Yeah, I do, but bothering you with it is a lot more fun." "Plus, I need you to be my water girl." She stares at me like I have two heads. "Your water girl?" I snap my fingers and a Lilith sized jar materializes. "Yes, remember when you stepped in that puddle?" "It was the result of run off from a stream somewhere." "Go find it, and bring back the water from it." She grabs the jar from me, and walks off. I watch her walk off. "Don't get lost!" She turns around and rolls her eyes at me. "Whatever." I smile at her as she walks away. Okay, I what now? I think to myself. Smooth out the ground. Right. I spread my hands out in front of me palms down, and wave them above the floor. The rock crinkles and smoothes wherever they go, and I don't stop until the whole floor is completely smooth. The next thing I do is create a reflective surface on the east wall. I look at my own reflection in it, not believing my own eyes. I looked like a man. Ugh. I knew I was more dull, but I never expected Father to turn me into a man. I had bright curly blonde hair, and was a lot shorter than I was previously. My wings were still there, although they were jagged and tattered, they were a dull bronze color now. "Why didn't Lilith tell me that I looked like a man now?" I touched my unfamiliar face, not used to the flesh on it yet. My hair was curly. I look away from the mirror, not liking my new form. I hear a short scream from the other end of the cavern. "Oh great." I say aloud. I walk to where it came from, and I find Lilith cowering away from a fluffy brown lump on the floor. "What's wrong with you?" Her eyes were wide and she was flat up against the rock. "IT'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I raise my eyebrows up at her in mock distress. I stare back at it, trying to decipher if it was actually dangerous. It looks back at me, wiggling it's rear-end and the tail it had. It had it's ears raised, and it was sniffling it's wet black nose. "Are you serious?" I say to Lilith, who is still cowering by the rock. She whimpers, begging me to get rid of it. I hold my hand out in front of it, and it immediately comes up to me and allows me to pet it. "You're afraid of this little guy?" She lets some of her guard down. "It attacked me!" It's panting now. "It attacked you?" She steps away from it backwards, and told me what happened. "I was taking the water back, and it came up behind me and barked." I stopped petting it and looked up. "Is that it?" She watched it warily. "Well...yes." I petted it again and breathed harshly through my nose. Then I stared laughing. I couldn't help myself. She crossed her arms. "What's so funny?" I look at the creature. "Because you say this thing scared you, but you are just like it." She rolled her eyes. "How?" I try to explain through laughter. "Well you're both unexpected guests." "You are both slightly furry." She narrowed her eyes at me. "No, I'm not!" I walked over to her. "Well it's your"- I notice the creature followed me. It sits at my feet, waiting. Lilith stares at it in disgust. "Stop bringing that monster closer." I look back at her. "It's not a monster." "It's just one of my Father's creations." She stares at it. "Your Father?" "Do you mean God?" I look back at the furry thing, trying to forget my grief and sadness. "Yeah." I lean down to pet it again, because it was close to irresistible. "Now about that water." She gives me the jar. "Here, this is all I could get." I pick it up and feel the weight of it. "It's still a lot." "Good work." The creature whimpers at my feet. I lean down to pet it one last time. "Why didn't you tell me that I looked like a man?" She blushes and looks down. "It suits you." She mumbles. I had heard her fine, but I decide to have some fun with it. "What'd you say?" She looks away. "I said it suits you." I turn around, barely suppressing my laughter. "Okay then." I walk with her back to crystal chamber, (that's what I decided to call it permanently) and the little brown creature follows as well. Lilith walks closer to me. "Wow, two days and you already have a crowd." I look back briefly. "Yeah, one creature, and one cute little furry brown thing." She hits me on the shoulder. "Hey!" I start laughing, because I keep being so mean to her, and she can't do anything about it. "Well it's true." As we make it back into the Crystal Chamber, she is taken aback. "What have you done?" I look around. "Well, I have to make it livable." She looks at her reflection on the east wall. "Wow, I am kind of furry." She says as she messes with her curly red hair. I stare at my reflection next to her. "Yeah." "Did you think I was making it up?" She looks at our contrasting sizes. "How are you so tall?" I look at her, then back to me. "I don't know." "I'm shorter than I was." The little brown creature wiggles its tail and pants."Do you suppose if that thing is staying, it should have a name?" I look at it. "Yeah." "How about Zorro?" She rolls her eyes. "What is with you and the name Zorro?" I grin at her and shrug. "I don't know." "There's just something cool about it." She stares at the creature's reflection. "How about Rex?" I look where she was as the creature tilts his head. "I think he likes it." So that's what we stuck with. He wags his tail and seems to grin his creature grin.

Lucifer: The story behind the angelWhere stories live. Discover now