Chapter 13

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After the other gods had left, I messed around with a crystal and Cain's soul, and Lilith busied herself with cleaning the rest of the crystals off the floor. "I wish that crazy magic woman would have stopped staring at you." She says after she finishes. I look up and narrow my eyes at her. "What are you talking about?" She plops the crystals down in a messy pile. "Hecate." "She couldn't take her eyes off of you." "It was annoying." I run a hand through my hair, in preparation for using my Emperyeas. "I think someone's jealous." She rolls her eyes. "I was not." "I was merely pointing out a rather bothersome fact, based purely off my visual senses, not my emotions." I don't reply. Instead I'm writhing on the floor, trying to channel my power into pushing the soul into the crystal. Black splotches are starting to show up on my field of vision, and my wings are flicking open and closed, trying to keep up. "Man, this is harder than I thought it was going to be." I thought to myself. A sharp flash of green light, and a faraway screaming noise(I suppose from Cain's soul) and the next thing I know I'm lying on the ground in an exhausted heap. I see Lilith hopping up and down and smiling. "You did it!" I hold up the crystal and whistle sharply. My wings slope down heavily from my back, I was too exhausted to hold them up right now. I stand up painfully from the polished stone floor. "Now that it is in, what now?" Lilith shrugs. "I suppose it's decorative?" "Can I hold it?" She asks. I hand her the now black crystal. "It's heavier." I nod in agreement. "I suppose it is."

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