Chapter 16

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Sometime in 1949

Lucifer's POV
The applause in the room was deafening as I watched the man walk up to the stage. Lilith was sitting at the table, left of me. A whole group of ritzy people sat around in the room, listening to the extremely boring speech this guy was rambling on about. I loomed over the roast beef and potato meal on the table in front of me. Lilith taps my leg underneath it.
"Is it the guy on the stage? Or one of these douches?" She whispers to me. I make an 'I don't know' gesture. But I was lying. I knew exactly who we were targeting. The man next to me pulls a small pistol out of his coat pocket, and looks around nervously. I glare at him. None of these humans could see, or hear me or Lilith, because that's the way that I wanted it. The man cocks the gun as silently as possible, before starting to stand up. I knew I was smiling evilly at him, but I just couldn't help it. Another day, another soul earned. The police don't have time to react before he shoots the man on the stage. Twice in the stomach. The police run over, seizing the man, and one runs to the stage. Marcus, the shooter, starts screaming hysterically.
"BURN IN HELL! THINK TWICE THE NEXT TIME YOU OWE SOMEONE MONEY!" He fires off another shot, to the ceiling in the struggle, making the chandelier fall, and maim two other guests. Lilith laughs sadistically. I shoot her a look before struggling to hold in my own laughter. Marcus is hit in the head by a cop, and he instantly is knocked out. Sorry Marcus. But the only person that will be burning in hell will be you. I take out a crystal, reserving it for his soul. I see Azrael, the angel of death, walk up to the dying man on the stage.
"Yup. Tough luck. Either immediate medical attention or death." I say to Lilith, half mocking heaven. She flips her hair, grinning.
"Hell is definitely more patient."
I knew that Azrael could see and hear us, but he chose to ignore our smart remarks. His charcoal cloak swept over the man when he leaned over him.
"Calm now. You are headed to the fields of beauty and perfection." A brilliant white light flashed, and the man's astral form stood next to the angel, staring down at his body.
"Why?" He asks Azrael. The angel merely shrugs, and touches his forehead, making the man's soul disappear into Heaven. His wings flap mindlessly before he glares back at both Lilith and I. I nudge Lilith with my elbow.
"Smile and wave." I say sarcastically. She grins, and the angel disappears. Marcus is dragged away, into a police car. I follow him, and enter myself into one of his dreams while he is passed out.
"Hello, Marcus." There is an echo to his thoughts, one that rings again and again. He struggles against his restraints in the chair.
"Who are you?"
"Well, I'm an angel." I tell him. It wasn't completely a lie.
"An angel?" He questions. I nod.
"Of course. Would I lie to you?"
"What's your name?" He mutters.
"Sameal. Or Satan. Or Lucifer. Whatever floats your boat." He scoffs at me.
"Right. And I'm the fucking Easter Bunny. Where am I?" I'm not fazed by his denial.
"You're semiconscious. You're dreaming." He laughs.
"Ri-ight. How do I get the hell out of here?" I lean against a wall next to me smoothly.
"Well, if there's a will, there's a way. Unfortunately, not with me and my crowd."
"And who's your crowd?" He asks mockingly. I give him a blank stare.
"Hell. Which you will soon be joining." And with that, I disappeared, leaving his only him and his dream,
But now it's more of a nightmare.
I flip open the page of the newspaper while I sat absently on a bench in Central Park. Months had gone by and I was still up on earth, waiting for the word. The third page of the paper had large, bold lettering across the top. The headline of that particular article. It said Convention shooter to be executed by the 28th of May. Just for shits and giggles, and because I was bored, I read the first few sentences of the article. "Local man Marcus Marielli kills thirty four year old Samson Colegate at the Goldengate Community science convention, for reason, Colegate owed him(Marielli) a large sum of money, that he failed to pay back to Marielli.
Today was the 27th. I was totally prepared for Marcus's death, since his soul now belonged to me. Fair game right? A human sits on the bench next to me, reading the paper as well. I knew he couldn't see me. He straightens his vest, and clears his throat. If I was quiet enough, I could hear his thoughts. I drop the astral paper I have in my hands, and it falls undetectably to the ground. "Real shame they shut down the plant. I see that nut from the convention's gettin' fried up later tomorrow." I exit from his thoughts after realizing that a bird had landed on me. Well, not me, but through me, to the bench underneath me. It cooed, and I silently slipped my hand out of the veil to smack it harshly, shooing it away. I hoped that dude didn't notice. Whoops. He looks up at me from his paper, eyes as wide as saucers.
  "Where'd you come from? Who are you?" I shake my head at him in mock shame.
  "No, no. It's, what's your name, and where are you from." I correct him sarcastically.  He stands up briskly and walks off. I grin at him, hearing his thoughts as he walks away.
   "The city is full of nuts nowadays." I spread my wings out tentatively, looking around to make sure no humans were around. Wings were pretty much near useless in the veil, it's almost as if there is a hidden power keeping them from being felt in there. They fall briskly to my sides, and frighten off the pigeons resting near the bench.
  "Yeah. Mine are bigger!" I yell at them as they flap off. I hear Lilith's lithe footsteps behind me.
  "Wow. You're like an anti-social interaction magnet." She says while walking up.
  "Look who's talking. Ms. Ice cream thief." I mutter, noting the vanilla ice cream cone in her hands. She is licking off the last remnants of it anyhow.
   "Calm yourself. What they don't know won't hurt them." I roll my eyes at her.
  "Getting real sick of you."
  "Yeah, you say that every day. Want to know something? I don't stick around you for the free ice cream. I don't like you either. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with you." 
  "I believe you are mistaken. Who came to who?" I ask her, knowing the answer. She sighs dramatically.
  "Why are we still here."
  "We're still here because we're waiting for our friend Marcus to join us in Hell. You know it's easier to get the damned souls into the crystals on earth than down there." I say, matter of factly.
She finishes the ice cream and begins munching on the cone loudly. Every so often she would lick her lips, and it started to get really annoying.
  "If you don't stop, I'm going to reach in your mouth and pull out your tongue." I said saltily. She widens her eyes, and then throws the cone to the side, frightening off several pigeons.
  "You weren't always this grumpy." She mutters. Since she said that, it just enticed me to be more grumpy.
"You know what? I've just about had it with your sass." She turns her head around quickly to look at me.
"Ever since that fight with your brother YOU have been SUCH a DAMN JERK!" She yells as she disappears. I'm left to stare off into the empty park, full of life and people walking around. I couldn't care less that she left, I don't need her. She's been nothing but a taxing burden, left to me to remind me of my one terrible and selfish, but equally intelligently free-thinking mistake. I hear the whoosh of angel's wings, and I unfurl my own for flight.
"Please don't leave just yet Samael." My brother, Gabriel says in his trademark innocent, kind voice. Better than my voice when it comes out.
"What do you want now Gabriel?" I bark, my voice cold and menacing. I swear I see a hint of sorrow in his aquamarine colored eyes, but it quickly left and was replaced by scorn.
"We aren't going to have to fight again, are we?" I situate myself on the bench, facing away from him.
"Why are you really here? Did Father send you to check up on me again? I feel special." He glares at me, and even though I can't see him, I can tell it was harsh.
"Father has asked me to alert you to the dangerous path you are on." I couldn't help it. I cracked up laughing.
"Thanks Chachi, but I know exactly what's on my path. It's a couple of free souls here and there and oh! Yeah. A little thing called sweet revenge."
"Is that what you think this is? Some kind of battle that you and Father have going on? He only wishes the best upon you Lucifer. Along with the rest of his creations." This time I turn around to face him.
"Really? That's what he had in mind when he through me in the desert to fend for myself? Gee, never thought of it like that. Thanks dad." I say to the sky. Gabriel's eyes flick around, studying my face and actions.
"Do you really think sarcasm is going to win you any favors with Him?" He says monotonously. I flip my palms up to the sky and shrug dramatically.
"Who knows?" His bright green and blue eyes watch me half heartedly.
"I was going to warn you about something. It's not under orders that I be here. And I can get in trouble for telling you this." This interests me. Gabriel going against daddy's word? Unheard of. I sit closer to him, our wings touching.
"A girl is to be born underneath the constellation Leo, in the year 1953. She is going to be from you."
"So you're saying I'm going to be a father?" I ask, disbelief likely written on my face.
"No. That's what I thought too, when I first heard the news. I thought she was going to be conceived in the traditional way, with a female human, and an archangel. But no. It will be a ritual. With your feather."
"So, this girl. She's going to basically be half me, making her a nephilim. But I'm an archangel. Isn't that impossible?"
"No. Just extremely risky. I needed to warn you against just leaving your feathers around carelessly. Goodbye Samael." I catch his arm before he flutters off.
"Why did you warn me?" I question stubbornly. He gave me his warm smile. "You're my brother. Of course I'd warn you." He looks up again to start his long flight home.
"Wait! Please don't go yet." I knew I sounded weak and desperate, but Gabe's the first real family I've talked to in literally centuries. He turns to me, pity on his seemingly carved features.
"You know I can't stay. My emperyeas simply can't be around yours for too long." I close my eyes, hearing his now matured, commanding voice made me feel millennials older.
"I know how Father feels about me Gabriel. But how do you feel about me?" He tucks his wings in, and stands up straighter to look me in the eye.
"I love you Lucifer. I do not like what you have become." And with that, he disappears, leaving me alone, to face my guilt, once again.

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