Chapter 8

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On the ground, so far down that I couldn't see Heaven anymore, I didn't know exactly what to do. I just kind of sat there. One thing was for sure, I hated humans, all humans. It was their fault that I was here now. I took a look around. Everything was covered in grainy tan stuff. Everywhere. East,West, and South. North was the clear blue sky, with the shining sun glaring out on me. That star, once a symbol of my rank in Heaven, now bathing me in shame. I sighed. I start to walk. Whatever happens now, happens. I don't care what it is. This situation could not get any worse. All of a sudden I hear a high pitched giggle. "How's that for speaking to soon?" She pops up directly in front of me, red hair flowing. "Hi, Lucifer!" I blatantly walk as far away from her as angelically possible, and I ignore her. She frowns. "At least you aren't alone now!" I continue ignoring her. She follows me, running to keep up. "Hey, Samael!"Don't forget about me!" This time I turn to her. "What did you just call me?" She cowers away, since I probably scared her, not meaning to. "That's your true name now." "Samael." I turn and continued walking. "No it's not." "My name is Lucifer, Light Bearer, of the Morning Star." She laughs again, making me think that what I just said she took as a joke. "Whatever you say." "Samael." I would chase after her, but I decided against it. She starts to hum. Then she starts talking about the grainy stuff. "I betcha this stuff was hard to make, huh, Samael?" I stop abruptly, making her crash into me. "Do you ever stop talking?" She blows me a raspberry. "Not while I'm awake!" She dances off, as if she doesn't have a care in the world. I start walking again, may or may not be hoping she falls and breaks her leg. Because I would definitely not be carrying her. Suddenly, a whole bunch of the grainy brown stuff just starts shifting underneath my feet. She runs over, asking what was happening. As soon as I begin to explain it, a whole bunch of the stuff just falls in, leaving me in the entrance of a hole in the ground. I look up at her through one eye, because the other got sand in it. She starts chattering again, while I completely ignore her and explore the inner opening of the cave. She slides herself in, careful not to slip. "Hey!" "Wait for me!" It was dark where my own brightness usually would lighten But I guess that went away when I fell. She ran to me, scarcely avoiding tripping on the rocky base of the cave. She was short, being so young. I realized this would be a perfect time for her to be quiet, because Father knows what's in here with us. Then I thought, of course there's nothing else. It was closed off until I fell in. She splashed in something liquid-y. "What are you doing?" "Stop." She whined at me. "It was accident!" "Geez!" I sigh and realize that this is going to be awful if I'm stuck with her for the rest of eternity. "What are you exactly?" I ask her. She struggles to not trip once again. "I've already told you." "I'm a figment of your imagination." I look at her, disbelieving. "That doesn't explain anything." She gasps dramatically. "I don't know how else to explain it!" "I'm just your subconscious." "I symbolize what you really wanted." I stop abruptly. "What I really wanted?" "What I wanted was to stay with my Father in Heaven." She fiddled with her hair. "Then I guess you should have listened to me." I start walking. "Listened to you?" "You didn't give me any advice." She stops at a strangely colored rock. "Like I said, you just didn't listen!" "Remember Samael?!" "You said you didn't care!" I pinch her lips together to get her to shut up. "Does anything about this rock seem strange to you?" She jerks my hand away and rolls her eyes. "Stop changing the subject, Samael!" Then she turns and seems to finally see it for the first time. "Woah." Woah was right. The rock was opaque and opalescent, a vibrant purple contrasting the brown of the surrounding walls. I move around it, and find that behind it, there's an opening to a deeper section of the cave. When I step in, I can't catch my breath. I was going to say it, but the girl beat me to it. "It's beautiful." It's covered in jewels, the whole thing looks like it's made of colored ice. Green, purple, red, blue, white,black. It's all so much to take in. She runs around, taking it all in. Everything she says echoes out. I remain quiet and still, lacking the appropriate words to describe the crystal chamber. A gurgling sound to my left alerts me back to the real world. I stare at the spot that the sound came from, and a second later a bunch of steam and boiling water jumps out. I look around and realize they're everywhere. The girl walks around to me. "What is that?" She asks me. I walk to the edge of the steam maker. "I don't know." I look back at her. "What did you say your name was again?" Continuing to stare at the steam maker, she answers. "I don't have a name." I look at her, in disbelief for what seems like the hundredth time that day. "Then I'll name you." She looks at me, seeming to be happy. "What'll it be?" I point my finger at her. "I'll name you, but you are going to have to stop all of...that." Looking down at herself, she looks up grinning, but I could tell she was trying to suppress it. "Okay." "Will do!" I think of what a good name for a young girl could be. "How about Lila?" She thinks about it for a second, then shakes her head no. I look back over to the steam maker, and thought again. I certainly don't know much about girl names, the only girl I knew was Eve. "How about Zorro?" She looks at me, not believing that I would even suggest that. "No." I think again. "How about Lilith?" She looks down, smiles, and looks back up at me. "That's the one!" She jumps up and slings her arms around my neck. My hands were spread out on either side of me, I was confused. "What are you doing??" She tightens her grip. "I'm hugging you!" She yells, which echoes off the walls of the cavern. I take both of her arms, and tear her away from me. "Well,stop." "Don't do that." She frowns. "Why not?" I sit down on one of the rocks. "Because it's weird." She lays next to me. "Well you're weird, but they don't outlaw you." I rest my head on both my hands. "Speaking of which, I'm going to lay down some ground rules for you to follow." She grumbles. "Whyyy?" I look back to look her in the face. "Because I don't want you to be bouncing off the walls all the time." "Wild child." She grabs one of my wings softly. "What happened to your wings?" I shift uncomfortably, I'm not used to them being so light. "They cut them." I say. She spreads them out completely. While they were still large, they would be virtually useless to fly with. "Why?" She asks. I shake them out, making her lose her grip. "Because I made a mistake." She sits up. "Will they ever heal?" I look down. "Probably not." Dried blood was on the sections that they had clipped too close to my my skin. I didn't want to clean them because I didn't want to remember. "It doesn't matter Lilith." "It's over." "I fell, and I can never return." She shifted where she sat. "Does it hurt?" I look up at her. I hadn't really thought about it, the emotional pain was a lot worse than any physical. But even then, I didn't really feel it. "No." I folded them up completely and tried to forget. "Please don't ask me anymore questions." She immediately stopped, probably realizing she had hit a nerve. "I'm sorry, Lucifer." I looked away. "No." "Like you said, it's Samael."

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