Chapter 2

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A long while before the discovery of man...
*craaaack* "there we go" says an unknown voice. Oddly, it still sounds familiar. It speaks again and snaps it's fingers. "Alright, open your eyes." I immediately pop them open, seeing a very bright something. After a minute I realized it was me, and I looked up to the owner of the voice. He looked kind and relatable, in a grandpa figure sort of way, your first sip of coffee kind of way, your first glance at the sunset kind of way.  I ask him who he was, and what I was. He takes my arm and the surrounding light around his hand diminishes for a moment while he writes something into it. You are my first child design, and I am your Father. He walks away slowly, but seems to disappear into the distance quickly. I finally realized what he was getting at. I looked at what He wrote into my arm, and seeing it was in a key shape, I was confused. That's strange. A key? To what? My confusion didn't last long, as he appeared beside me once again, and looked into my eyes. "Your name shall be Lucifer, Light bringer. You are created with light, for all things are revealed in it, but it does not compare with my knowledge, remember that, and you shall always be the most beautiful of my creations, deny that, and you shall be scolded." Immediately I snapped up, and knew exactly what it meant, what it all meant, why I was here, and how. I walked off to the edge of the silver floor and looked down. Right over, a beautiful nothingness shined back. My Father spoke again. "How is it Lucifer?" I put my attention back on him. " It's a little empty, Elohim." He chuckled, but I didn't really understand what was funny. "That's what I was thinking." He put his hands together and walked to the edge beside me. "Let there be light!" He shouts, and immediately light glared back softly. I smiled brusquely, because it reminded me of myself. I realized he was looking at me again. I looked away, letting him handle the rest. The next thing he does is kneel down and draw a curly line on the glistening floor. A simple building appeared behind us, with two little windows in the front. Underneath us, the ground quaked softly, almost undetectably so, and several brown and green blobs formed immediately. The next thing He does is open a distorted black book, and the glassy blue surface appeared in between the green and brown blobs. "This will be called the day!" He announces, and I nod. He shifts the great dome with his hand, and the next thing I see is a great bunch of... dark. I don't know how else to explain it. I noticed underneath the foggy white stuff that the other things he had created were there too. He looks around, and I was curious as to why he hadn't changed it to the brightness again. He looks back at me and winks. "And this will be the Darkness, made to contrast the light, and create a need for it." I frowned slightly. I liked the light. He looks down at his creation, and said that it was good, but something was missing. He claps his hands and a couple of feathery blobs appeared on the ground at our feet. One of them had something green in their little mouth. The other made a cooing sound, and I creased my brow, and looked up at my Father. He was smiling widely. "Hello there, small one." It cooed again, and I continued to look at it. "Why so small, Father?" He looks up at me from the little feathery thing. " Because a lot of wonderful things come in small increments, Lucifer." I stare back at it again, with a new perception of it. "What is it?" He picks it up carefully, lifts it into the air, and it opens it's wings, letting the wind pick it up, and then it takes off, followed by the one with the green branch in its mouth. I look at my Father, and in that moment, I knew he was going to be my greatest role model. After the feathery thing is out of sight, he looks back to me with a straight face. " It was a dove." "Two to be exact." I stare across the short space at him. "Why was it the first beast, Father?" I notice he is wrapping a string around his finger. "Because moments ago, you didn't know that you could even fly, and now, you know exactly how to."  I stare back, not understanding how one person could have so much wisdom, then turn abruptly, spread my wings, earning some drag from the wind, and fly higher and higher above the silver floor, the little house, and my Father. I notice he's smiling back at me.

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