Baby Mama Drama

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Jalen's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. Some number that wasn't in my phone was calling me. I answered it. It was around 7:15 am.

J- Hello.

B- Hey Jalen.

J-Who is this?

B- OK so now you gonna act like you don't know who I am?! Jalen, don't play with me.

J- I don't. That's the purpose of me asking who you are.

B- OK, fine. Since you wanna act like you don't know me, I'm Brooke.

J- I still don't know you are.

B- I'm Brooke. The girl you met at the club that night, 8 months ago.

J- Oh. Oohhh! Brooke. OK, so now I remember you. What's up?

B- Oh, so now you wanna know what's up, nigga?! What's up is this baby in my stomach. And it's yours.

J- Tf?! That ain't my baby.

B- So now you calling me a lie, huh?!

J- I know that ain't my baby. So yea.

B- This is your baby, Jalen. So you can stop being a deadbeat, cuz you're gonna take care of her.

J- Oh, it's a girl?! Tell the father I said congratulations.

B- You is her father, jackass.

J- That ain't my baby. And if it ain't mine I ain't takin' care of it.

B- Ok, since you wanna sit up here and deny, deny, deny, and lie, lie, lie, I got sum for you.

J- Yea, yea, yea, girl.

B- Say yea, yea, yea, all you want, but believe me when I --- *gco*

J- Bitch bye! *hangs up the phone*

That girl is crazy. Man, chicks do that to me all the time. I got out of bed. Shenica was peacefully sleeping, the sun shining through the room. I went in the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, and I didn't have on a shirt. I left the room, and closed the door. I went downstairs, into the kitchen. Tre and Shenaye were in the kitchen drinking hot cocoa, talking and laughing. I ain't gonna lie, they were such a cute couple.

Jalen- Good morning.

Tre- Morning bro.

Shenaye- Morning. And put a shirt on.

Jalen- No.

I got a mug down and fixed myself some hot cocoa, and put lots of mini marshmallows in. I joined Tre and Shenaye at the kitchen table.

Tre- What been going on, bruh?

Jalen- We gotta talk bro.

Shenaye- I'll give you two some privacy.

Shenaye left.

Tre- What's up, bro?

Jalen- Man, how about this morning this random chick called my phone talm bout she's my baby momma?

Tre- For real? How early did she call?

Jalen- She called me a few minutes ago.

Tre- Damn man. Shenica better not find out.

Jalen- I hope she doesn't. She's already mad at me because she think I want Liyah back.

Tre- Mmm.

Jalen- I mean I do. To be honest, I'm not happy with Shenica.

Tre- Wow.

Jalen- And then her ass gonna have the nerve to call me thirsty, but she was looking at Liyah nigga!

Tre- Talkin' bout Nathaniel?

Jalen- Whatever his name is. She thinks she's slick. But whateva. She can look at who she wants to look at. I don't care. I don't want her anyway.

Tre- Wow. True feelings huh?

Jalen- Yea.

Tre- I love Shenaye. That girl is my world. And I don't want to lose her.

Jalen- Yea. To be honest, y'all a cute couple.

Tre- Aw, thanks bro.

Jalen- True fact. But anyway, back to this baby mama shit.

Tre- OK.

Jalen- So she said that we met at that club 8 months ago. And she's pregnant with a girl. I kept saying that wasn't my baby, so she said that she had some for me. I guess some Karma or sum.

Tre- Wow, bro. You better be careful.

Jalen- Bruh, I ain't worried about that bitch.

Tre-*laughs* Well, I'm going upstairs.

Jalen- Aight.

Tre got up from the table and went upstairs. I went in the living room and watched SpongeBob. Soon, Tre came down and watched it with me. We watched back to back episodes.

*two hours later*

Shenaye and Shenica came downstairs. They were dress like they were gonna go somewhere.

Shenica's outfit

Shenaye's outfit

Shenica- We're going to the mall.

Shenaye- See ya later, SpongeBob watchers.

Me and Tre laughed. Then, Shenica kissed me, and Shenaye kissed Tre. Then they left.
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