Icee Cups

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Mathias would have woken up with a smile if it weren't for his stupid alarm clock wich he ended up throwing across the room. "Dang it, not another one." He muttered before wiping a smile onto his face and jumping out of bed.

Once Mathias had done everything he needed to get ready for work, he walked out the door and smiled at everyone who he passed by.

Making it to work, a little late because of stopping to get ice cream from "Moo's" the blue-eyed boy finished the last few licks of his delicious cold treat.

"Mathias! Where did you get that ice cream from?! Is that why you're late?!" Mathias' boss Lovino stomped over, his other employee, Antonio close behind.

"Ya, I got it from Moo's! You should really try their ice cream, it's really good!" Mathias exclaimed, cheerfully.

Lovino stood in front of Mathias, hands on his hips. "Idiota! Moo's is our competitor, you work at an ice cream shop for goodness sakes!" The man exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.

Antonio put a hand on Lovino's shoulder. "How about we calm down a little Lovi?" Antonio suggested calmly.

"Tomato bastardo! I don't need to fucking calm down!" Lovino yelled in the others' face.

Mathias stuffed the waffle cone in his mouth and ran over to the ice cream parlor he worked at, noticing that there was no one else serving ice cream. As he was running he glanced behind him, seeing Lovino and Antonio in a intense make-out session, causing him to trip and fall over virtually nothing.

Getting up a quickly as possible, Mathias threw on his "Scoopy's" hat and leaned against the counter where two customers waited. One boy with bleach blond hair and violet eyes, the other smaller boy who held his hand had the same eyes but his hair was closer to white. "What would you like to order?" Mathias asked, fixing his hair slightly.

The older male held no emotion on his face as he ordered. "Two waffle cones. One coffee and a black licorice for Emil."

"And what sizes?" Mathias said.

The same boy with the bleach blond hair looked down to the younger, who pleaded silently. "One scoop each." The little boy looked disappointed.

Mathias was a sucker for adorable faces, so he instead he put two scoops on the cone with black licorice, assuming the youngest of the two was "Emil". Just in case of a little accident he stuck the cone through a small ice cream cup, so the ice cream wouldn't get all over the boys' hands.

"Here ya go, 4 dollars please." Mathias said, handing the two their ice creams, only charging them for two smalls.

The eldest boy glared at Mathias, but gave Emil the black licorice anyway, handing over the $4.00. Then suddenly he slapped Mathias right across the face. "To much sugar." He was all he said, and walked away.

He was hot. Was strangely the first thing that crossed Mathias' mind after being slapped, as he watched the two boys walk off.

Mathias figured the two would keep walking, but instead they sat down at a near by bench.

Lovino and Antonio were nowhere to be seen ;) and Mathias continued to run the stand alone. No customers had come yet, and Mathias, bored as heck looked over to the bench where the boys continued to sit.

He took out a napkin and wrote What is your name? on it, folding it into a paper airplane. He threw it. But it didn't go any where.

So instead Mathias wrote the same thing on a different napkin, rolled it up, shoved it inside a waffle cone, then put the waffle cone inside of an icee cup with a top so the waffle cone didn't get dirty.

Mathias threw his strange contraption at the bench, and it landed almost perfectly beside the boys.

The boy that the note was directed to opened the icee cup, handed the waffle cone to Emil, and unfolded the note.

Rolling his eyes, that same boy wrote ON the icee cup, shoved a dollar in it for the waffle cone, and threw it back at the stand, where it hit Mathias right on the forehead.

"Ow..." Mathias rubbed his head, finding the name Lukas scrawled on the cup. He was very surprised that the boy actually responded and his smile grew, but when he saw the dollar he immediately  frowned. Mathias shook his head, placing another dollar in the cup and throwing it back.

Lukas picked up the cup and scoffed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a dollar bill, also dropping it into the cup, then proceeding to throw it back.

Mathias smirked when the cup was thrown back at him, putting another dollar in the cup, throwing it back.

Then finally when the cup was back in Lukas' hands he was mad. He shoved another dollar bill into the cup, chucking it at the stand.

This process repeated until there was a total of 101 dollars in the cup. It was a wonder all of that money even fit inside of it. But as Lukas went to place his fifty-second dollar bill in the cup he realized that he had run out of all the money he brought from home.

Lukas weighed his options, looking down at his younger brother who had managed to fall asleep in the broad daylight. He picked up Emil and the Icee cup.

And then... He ran.

Mathias, who had been leaning on the counter stood up completely. Lukas had just left... With his fifty-one dollars. "Oh shiiiiiiit." Was all he said before running after the violet-eyed boy.


The next day Mathias was at the counter of Scoopy's one again. He had gotten scolded by Lovino for leaving the ice cream parlor unattended, and he wasn't having such a good day, as he had also lost 51 dollars pretty recently, and there were no costumers to keep him busy.

With a sigh Mathias crossed his arms and buried his face in them. Maybe I could just take a nap here he thought, but was interrupted by something hitting him on the head.

"Ow..." Mathias rubbed his head and looked for the source of impact. Then looking down at his feet Mathias picked up the item:

An Icee cup that had Lukas written on it, and it was full of money. The blond smiled, looking up to see Lukas sitting on the same bench as yesterday, but this time Emil wasn't with him.

Mathias' smile grew. This is going to be a fun day...


Yo. Sorry if this sucked. This was my first fan fic / oneshot. Anyway, please comment and also: Tell me if you want part 2!

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