Icee Cups (2)

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After all this time... I finally finished it! Hope you all enjoy!

Mathias Køhler spent 6 hours of his day "working" at Scoopy's.

Lukas Bondevik spent 2 hours of his day on a bench outside of Scoopy's.

Mathias and Lukas spent 1 hour of their day tossing an Icee cup back and forth, a dollar tip every time they caught it.

Eventually that Icee cup multiplied. First it became two, then three, and eventually four total Icee cups.

Lukas placed another dollar into the cup. 510 dollars. He threw the cup to Mathias.

Mathias took the cup, placed a dollar inside and weekly, tossed it back, not paying much attention to where he threw it.

The cup landed in between the two boys. Lukas sighed, rolled his eyes, and got up to get it. But before he could take a step forward, someone on a bike road by, and with great skill, reached down and grabbed the money filled Icee cup without stopping.

When Mathias looked up he saw Lukas running after the hooded person, and jumped over the counter, following behind him.


The two boys  walked back to the ice cream shop together having lost the bike person.

Lukas hit Mathias on the back of his head. "Hey what was that for?!"

"You have horrible aim." Lukas answered, and walked slightly faster.

By the time they got to Scoopy's they saw someone on a bike riding away from the shop. It was a different person, but the boys didn't really think about that at first.

"Shit!" Mathias yelled, sprinting over. He hopped over the counter like he did before, and the cabinet where he put all of the Icee cups was wide open and empty. Not only that, but the cash register had been ransacked as well.

"Nonononono!!!!" The Danish boy looked over to Lukas who had the perfect poker face, like always.

"Idiot Dane." He called the police department and filed a police report while Mathias stood at the counter, looking, and feeling, pretty freaking guilty.

After Lukas hung up he got walked to his car, and drove away without another word to the other.

Mathias buried his head in his hands and muttered profanities under his breath.


Nothing had been heard back from the police department, and Lukas hadn't been back to the shop sense.

Mathias laid face down on the bench Lukas used to sit on. He had been moping there for the past two hours, shifting positions every few seconds.

Just like he had thought Lovino had a fit when he found out that his (mostly) loyal employee had lost all of the cash register money. He had fired him immediately. Antonio now covered what used to be Mathias' shifts.

At this point the bleach blonde haired boy didn't have a job, and he already knew he'd have to ask his two roommates to chip in a little extra rent this month.

He finally turned around to face the sky, and met the cold hard violet eyes of Lukas Bondevik himself, staring down at him.

Mathias' pouty face transitioned into one of undeniable excitement as he leapt up and engulfed Lukas in a tight hug, so they were both standing next to the bench.

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