Lego Land (2k+ special)

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I know, I'm awful. ❤️

Mathias was ecstatic. He had finally convinced Berwald, Tino, Emil and Lukas all to go to Lego Land with him. The danish boy had his heart set on this goal for much longer than considered healthy.

"Let's go, let's go!" Mathias shouted to his friends, jumping up and down at the door of Lukas's house, as everyone met there earlier for lunch before the long drive.

"Calm down Mathias, we're not set to leave for another 30 minutes." Tino sighed, shoving various snacks and a few hard metal cds into a draw string bag.

Berwald nodded and grunted in agreement, sitting on a stool next to Tino.

This commenced as Lukas was shoving Emil's and his duffle bags into the trunk of Berwald's mini van.

Mathias whined, sliding down the wall, and laying on the hardwood floor.

"Aw c'mon, why don't you go try and wake Emil up, and we'll leave as soon as you can get him into the car," Tino smiled down at the impatient guy.

Mathias grinned wildly and sprinted straight into Emil's room, slamming the door wide open.

Emil didn't stir an inch, even at the loud door slamming noise.

Mathias simply picked up the boy in his arms (blanket and phone included), and ran to the car, quickly, yet gently, placing him down in the very back seats of Tino's silver mini van.

He just buckled the seat belts over Emil's sleeping body.

Lukas, meanwhile, was finally able to close the trunk, fitting everyone's bags in the back. He went ahead and sat in the right middle seat (from inside the car view facing forward), knowing that was where he'd end up.

He had to go through the left door, though, since the car doors were automatic, the right door didn't work, and no one could ever figure out how to open the doors manually.

Mathias raced back to the house, let Tino and Berwald know everyone was ready to go, then got in the other middle seat next to Lukas.

Timmy skiperoo

About half way through the drive Berwald had to take over due to lack of coffee energy from Tino.

The sun was at it's last few minutes, blasting purple, pink, and orange across the horizon.

Tino and Lukas laid asleep, and Emil laid "asleep" while Mathias fondly stared out the window.

Sadly, the middle seat windows were not that of which you could roll down, and Berwald refused to play music since everyone else was sleeping.

So the blue eyed boy took out his red trim headphones and placed them upon his head.

He decided on his "Oddly enjoyable yet still makes me sad as hell for some reason" playlist. The first song was Fireflies by Owl City.

He whispered along to the lyrics and continued watching the sun sick below the line of sight. Luckily, and amazingly not a tree was in sight on the left side of the road. Only fields and various crops.

"I'd like to make my self believe..
That planet earth.. turns..

Mathias always wondered if he got the interpretation of this song correct, the answer being probably not, but nevertheless it made him sad to think about.

Before he even realized, a few tears escaped his eyes, and it felt like the world crept away from him entirely.

When the song ended, the sun was gone, and having had his dose of sadness for the day, the headphones made their way back to their designated bag placement.

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