Sad Stuff

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- Angst
- Trigger warning

"Mathias Køhler,
Smile bolder,
Keep the weight off,
Both your shoulders,
Don't you ever,
Get much older,
Sleep on angel,
Spread your laughter,
And help the ones,
Who you don't take after."

Mathias repeated that song in his head every day. Every time he felt sad, every time he felt angry, and every time he wanted to give up he hummed the tune of the song his mother use to sing to him.

His mother passed away last night.

Mathias didn't cry when he heard of his mother's death. He just... Stopped.

He stopped talking.

He stopped listening.

He stopped eating.

He even stopped smiling.

Lukas was the first to notice.

The Norwegian boy came home from work to the apartment he shared with several other people: Tino, Berwald, and Mathias.

He sat on the couch and opened up a new book. 2 hours later, he was surprised not to find Mathias pestering him, but he wasn't complaining.

Another hour passed, and Lukas set the book down, then started making dinner. Berwald was on a business trip, and Tino worked late, so he didn't prepare that much.

After finishing making pannekaker he walked up to Mathias' door and knocked. "Dinner is ready."

He started to worry when he didn't get a response. The Dane would usually come sprinting over to the kitchen to eat, and he wasn't usually in his room this time of day, either.

Lukas knocked louder and waited a minute, before putting his ear to the door.

He heard Mathias' muffled humming from the other side of the door.


No response.. Just... humming.

Fed up, Lukas opened the door, as it was not locked. He saw Mathias laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling emotionless.



Lukas crept into the room, closing the door behind him.

He reluctantly sat down beside the Danish boy, on the messy floor.

He lightly patted the others cheek.

"Dane, dinner is ready."

No response besides the increasingly loud humming.

Lukas stood up and left the room, only to come back a minute later with a plate of food, including silverware of course.

He moved Mathias to a sitting position, somehow still not triggering a response, and set the plate in his lap.



Lukas left once again when he heard Tino enter the apartment.

"You made food?" Tino asked.
"Yes." Lukas answered, finally taking a plate of pannekaker and leaving to his room for the night.

~ Time skip brought to you by procrastination~

Lukas woke up to awful blinding light coming through the blinds. At least he didn't have work that day.

Tino had left to go pick up Berwald from the airport, and Lukas decided to go check on Mathias.

He opened Mathias' bedroom door, finding the boy in the same place he was yesterday, food untouched. But his head was slouched. He was asleep.

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