Basically Crack (Q&A answers)

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Me: Okay so today I'll be answering questions from the Q&A I posted. Along with that, I have decided to drag a few people into this with me...

Denmark: Ayyyyyye.

Norway: Hi.

M: Anyway let's hope I don't screw this up. I'd also like to take this time to apologize for probably making all of the characters in my stories really OOC... Sorry. But let's get on with the answers!!

M: First, @daydreamingninja007 asks "Why do you ship DenNor?
How did you start shipping it?"

M: Well... I remember when I saw Denmark for the first time, I immediately liked his character. Then I thought that the personalities of Denmark and Norway really complimented each other I guess. I started reading fan fiction and other stuff until eventually it became my favorite ship!

Denmark: I guess I'm just a likable person ;)

Norway: ..Sure..

M: Next question is from @Mckenziepikachu who asks "Simple question what are your other ships from Hetalia?"

M: So.. I hope no one stops reading this just because of ships and everything. I don't mention other ships than DenNor in my one shots that much because of this but here we go (not in any particular order):

UsUk (I've been liking this ship even more than usual recently)
FrUs (Not very popular..)
RusAme (Yeah, I ship a lot of people with America)
Ameripan (New recent)
PruAus (I used to ship PruCan but I really don't anymore.. Sorry PruCan fans!)
HongIce (I'm not super invested, but I still ship it)
Spamano (Refer back to first one shot)
BelLiech (It's just so cute...)
TurkGre (My greek friend is not to happy about this one)
Yeah that's about it... I think.

Denmark: Why though.

Norway: For once Denmark actually has a good point. W h y.

M: Whatever. Okay, Now ZacharyWolf101 wants to know "Who's your best friend on here? Wanna give her a shoutout? *Wink Wink*"

M:....Boi. Okay here have a shoutout: ZacharyWolf101 you're cool I guess. (Love you bro, no homo. Unless u want homo ;))

Denmark: So are you in a relationship or..

M: Nah.

Norway: You're weird.

M: I know. But the last question is from @YukiAtlantis who wonders "Where do you come from?"

M: I was born, and I still live in North Carolina, USA. I'm not going to specify the city, but yeah.

*Norway kisses Denmark*

Norway: Why the fuck did I just do that?

Denmark: Idk but I liked it.


M: You did that because as the author, I can control your every move. :)

Norway: I hate you.

M: Okay. But anyway, before I end this, all of you can ask me questions whenever you want! I love getting feedback and fun comments from you all!! I hope you enjoyed this short update, and please feel free to read the small rant about someone I dislike below if you want. Bye!

I'll call this girl "J".

So she talks this talk about absolutely HATING anyone who dares lie about anything. But the first time we met she lied to me.

She told me that she had seen Hetalia and loved it. I was very excited because I had never met someone before that had any idea of what Hetalia was before I told them. That's how we became friends in the first place.

She then told me she was "re watching Hetalia".

But one day she told me how happy she was that I introduced her to Hetalia. Hold tf up. She has now said that multiple times since then and I just ignore it.

P.S. I have a good reason for not liking her. This is just one of the SMALL reasons so don't worry.

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