500 Days / A Celebration

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How the actual fuck did I reach 500+ reads. whAT.
Anyways... Hope you enjoy! This will (finally) be alllll fluff and happiness. Aka this is gunna take me a long time to write. Love you guys!! <3
Also sorry if Lukas is OOC.
Update: This is the longest one yet so strap on in!!
- M

500 hours.

Nearly 3 weeks

And just long enough


Mathias Køhler

To fall


In love.

500 days.

A bit over a year

And just long enough


Lukas Bondevik

To fall


In love.

It was no secret that Mathias Køhler was crazy in love with Lukas Bondevik. But no one would have ever guessed that after 500 long days after he and his brother moved in with Mathias, full of never ending pestering from the smiling bright-eyed Dane, Lukas returned those same romantic feelings.

And now, it was February 24.

Valentines Day.

Lukas was never one for huge celebrations, or really any celebrations at all, for that matter.

Mathias was quite the opposite, practically super-sizing every holiday every year.

Just a bit of information so maybe just maybe you can understand Mathias' surprise later in the story.

---------------TimeSkipoo- Wait actually I don't think this really classifies as a time skip... oh well. ----------------------------------------------

Lukas had woken up to who knows what. He had assumed that he was just to lazy to close the blinds again, and now he was paying the consequences. But something was wrong. Because instead of light through the window, he saw light through the door, and the shadow of a figure hiding in it.

"What do you want," Lukas more demanded than anything.

"You asked me to wake you up when I went to sleep. Goodnight Lukas."

"Oh. Yeah... You know you can call me big brother though, right?"

Emil sighed over dramatically, dragging along to his own bed. But not before swinging the door to Lukas' bedroom open all the way letting a huge array of light shining through.

Lukas groaned quietly, clutching the blanket over his face. He checked the clock next to his bed that read 4:32am, then literally rolled out of bed.



Lukas picked himself up off of the floor and walked over to the door. He wearily flipped the light switch on, nearly hissing audibly.

Lukas almost walked back into his room, but froze in the middle of his step. Turning around back through the door, he made his way to the kitchen. Lukas regretted not bringing his phone as a light source. Bad idea on his part.

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