I'm going to try

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This title is what I said to myself before starting to write this chapter. #inspiration

"Mathias. Mathias! MATHIAS!"

"Shit what year is it."
Mathias Køhler sat up and rubbed the sleep from him eyes.

"It's 11 am."

"Why would that matter... OH FUCK."

Mathias pushed past Tino, and jumped out of bed, running to his dresser. He opened every cabinet, clothes flying all over the place.


The Dane ignored him, grabbing his favorite outfit and sprinting to the bathroom.

He took a quick shower and tried to blow dry his hair and put on his clothes simultaneously.

With in 5 minutes the spiky haired blond was back in his room, cleaning for a change.


"Help me make the bed!... Please?!"

Tino sighed, but helped the other fix up the room. They were done in record time, and Mathias ran to the door and just stood there.

"Mathias why are you being so... Clean?"

"Well a friend is coming over so..."

"You never do this when Alfred and Gilbert come over."

"Well- I- It's different."

"How s-"

Before he could finish the door bell rang, and Mathias lunged at the door knob, almost falling over. He managed to regain his composure though, and opened the door with a smile.

And there he stood.

Thump thump.

The beautiful

Thump thump


Thump thump


Thump thump


Lukas Bondevik

Thump thump thump thump

Mathias almost put his hand to his chest in fear his heart may detonate.

Lukas simply gazed up at the Dane with a perfect poker-face and shook his head.

"Idiot, you know why I came here right?"

"No- Um, ye- Wait what?"

"We're supposed to study. Get your notes."

Lukas all but shoved Mathias out of the way, waved at Tino, and plopped down on the large sofa.

Mathias rushed to get his backpack, and came back with a messy stack of papers.

"These right?" He asked hopefully.

Lukas snatched the papers, gave them a once-over and glared back at other boy.

"Idiot Dane, I can barely read this. Write new notes."

"But this took forever to-"

"Do it."

"Um, okay."

Tino gave Mathias a look of sympathy, but still left to his office for work.

The young boys sat together in silence, Mathias unable to focus on his work. Instead he was distracted by worried thoughts, afraid he had done everything wrong.

He had tried so hard...

I tried.

Was it not enough?

Does Lukas hate me now?

No, he's always hated me.

But has he really?

What did I do wrong?

Suddenly he found it hard to breathe as tears picked his eyes, and his vision became blurry. He stared at the table, tapping his foot quickly against the ground.


No response. Just labored breathing and short quick taps.

He had stopped writing, his hands shaking uncontrollably. In fact, his whole body was shaking now.

"S-s-so-sorry I-I c-c-can't."

Lukas' eyes widened.

Mathias was having a panic attack

Having experienced several himself, Lukas still had no fucking idea what to do.

He got up and ran down the hall to Tino's office, not bothering to knock.

The elder looked up abruptly, noticing the heavy foot steps that made there way toward him.

Instead of saying anything, Lukas practically dragged the other into the living room where Mathias was.

"Lukas wha- Oh shit."

Tino ran over to Mathias, taking his hands in his own. "Breathe... In through your nose... 1.. 2.. 3.. Out through your mouth."

This process repeated for quite some time, Lukas standing behind the couch awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands.

"Just don't stress him out to much okay?" Tino said to Lukas, walking back to his office.

Lukas quietly sat down next to Mathias, not saying a word.

"Sorry." The danish boy whispered.

"You didn't... Do anything idiot."


Lukas took Mathias' head in his hands.

"You're okay now, yes?"

"What?... Yeah, I'm okay..."

The Norwegian lightly kissed the other's cheek.



Mathias full on shoved his lips onto Lukas' expecting him to pull away immediately, but instead he kissed back.

After they had stopped kissing, Mathias tucked a piece of hair behind Lukas' ear and smiled.

"I've always wanted to do that."

Wanna know something weird? I started writing the panic attack scene yesterday... And I had my first actual panic attack today. Huh. Weird.

Also this was short, sorry bro.

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