Chapter 3

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*author note: I do not own the quiz in this chapter.*
  Hullo. I am Zachariah. I am also like Phoenix. However, she does not know who I am. She is to meet me soon, but first you will.
I am fourteen. I have been at our school for a year but I have decided to be Phoenix’s chaperone. I will take her around our school. I will also take you around the school with us. Feel proud! only certain people can come to this school and not have already taken the test. Only you and Phoenix . This is because you have something special about you. However, I am here to have you take the test. Phoenix  is on her way so we will wait on her.
He had three places to sit. He sat at the desk in the front of the room and I wondered what he was thinking. He gestured to the seats in front of him. one to the left the other to the right. He wanted me to sit. I chose the right. We sat for about five minutes before he tried to start a conversation.
“Has anything ever happened to you that you couldn’t explain but no one else seen it. Like talking to a friend and they suddenly disappear and you see someone else?” I did not know if I should answer. That would make me sound crazy so I turned my head and just watched the door. It wasn’t long before I heard noises behind the door and seen it suddenly swing open. Behind the door was someone my age and someone who was dressed like a clerk. the girl was Phoenix. We were going to be in for a ride.
“Hullo, Phoenix. I am Zachariah. Your chaperone and proctor.” After this he told her what he told me. I wonder what our test was about. Maths? Science? My answer was none of the above.
“ Phoenix, Sahara. Sahara, Phoenix. You are sisters.” I gasped. Sisters? I had never met this girl in my life. Was this some sick joke? I looked at Phoenix and noticed that she had similar features as I did. Who was our parents and why did they leave and separate us?
“I know sisters? Just trust me.” Said Zachariah.
“I am Professor Rebekah. At this school we teach you to use powers no ordinary human has. We are going to give you a test it will determine your classes and if you are even powerful enough to stay here. I am going to leave you with Zachariah. “Ready ladies?”
Test 1:
here you will discover who you are and your powers.
Your age is___
under 18
18 -25
If older please do not finish.
Question 1: Do you love animals?
Yes alot
they are okay I guess
no, I hate them
Question 2: Do you hear “voices in your head” a lot?
Yes they come to me a lot, these bodiless voices…
Eh, sometimes
No, I hardly/ never hear voices in my head
Question 3: Can you easily tell how someone is feeling today?
A. all the time
B.  Sometimes
C. no, never
Question 4:  Are you emotional?
Sometimes, it depends
Question 5: How often do you have dreams of the future/ past?
All the time
I can’t remember/ I don’t have future, past dreams/ I don’t know
Question 6: Have you ever felt that something bad is going to happen, and it does?
yes a lot of times
maybe once or twice
no never
Question 7: When something happens do you ever feel like it has happened before?
Yes a lot of times
Maybe once or twice
no, I don’t know
Question 8: Are you good at imagining?
yes I love to imagine stuff
I am normal I suppose
not really
Question 9: Do you believe there are Psychic powers?
I don’t know
Question 10: Are you good at concentrating (in any way) ?
yeah i am the best
only if i want to
Question 11: Do things seem to fall a lot when you are around?
yeah it is freaky
Question 12: Have you ever seen a color around a person or object?
i'm not sure/ maybe
Question 13: How often have you guessed correctly the way a person reacts to a situation?
all the time
Question 14: Have you ever dreamt of doing something where you live now (KItchen etc.) ?
yes all the time
once or twice
Question 15: When you have gone somewhere for the first have you ever had the feeling that you have been there before?
yes repeatedly
only once or twice
Question 16: Do you know your Natural Element?
Mostly A : Telepathy, Aurora view, precognition, retrocognition, clairvoyance, remote viewing, astral projection, telekinesis, elemental control
Mostly B: Elemental control
Mostly C: Not Physic
both a and b: Aura viewing
both a and c: Very little strength in Precognition
both b and c: very little strength in clairvoyance
*proofreader's note: Answer section only for readers. Sahara and Phoenix did not have this section.*
“Congradulations, Sahara and Phoenix. You are both Psychic.”

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