Chapter 57

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Mrs. Mathur to her husband: What are you doing??? He is our son.
Mr. Mathur: No, he is not. We all know he is not our blood.
Mrs. Mathur: That does not change the fact that we are his parents.
Mr. Mathur: No. It does not change the fact but the truth that his real parents are alive does change it.

Sanskar is shocked. How can his papa even think like that??? How can he think that anything in world can ever change what they have??? He knows that his papa might be hurt but this much hurt that he has assumed that their relationship, their love can change. He soon starts to blame himself that he should have come and told mathurs everything but what could he do now. His father thinks that he didn't come to tell them because he only wants that family.
Sanskar: No pap......

Mr. Mathur raises his hand in the gesture for him to stop as he has not finished yet.
Mr. Mathur: It changes the fact that we are his parents because they are their real parents. It does change the fact that he will be happier with his real family, his brother and may be all the other members.

Sanskar: No it does not papa. Yes they are my biological mom and dad but it can't change the fact that you are everything for me mumma papa. I love you. I love you the most.

Laksh takes his step back in shock. He knew the fact. He always knew that mathurs are most important for his brother but still he had a hope in his heart that his family will be normal someday.
And with the word normal he means that it to be like swaragini's family. Since he has lost his brother his family was broken. He does not neglect the fact that they all used to love each other and will always but after that accident his family was weak and broken. Actually stating the fact that accident has affected Laksh the most. He only did not lose his brother, he also lost his father, her mother lost his husband and his father became a mechanical robot who just provides his family money and a name in society. That 9 year old kid lost his everything in the age when he was not even able to understand those things. What he had post accident was just his 2 friends. But when Sanskar came back he thought his family will be okay and actually better that Swaragini's family. After accident he has always idolizes their family but yeah, he also was jealous of his two friends for having such a perfect family.

Then Sanskar came back and he again started assuming that his family will be normal only family comes first.
He wants to accept Sanskar's family but he just can't and you can't blame him there when he only wants his own mom dad to best in his own sibling's eyes. He does not want any outsiders to be as important as his own mom and dad. Even this thought is tremendous for him but today Sanskar accepted that not just mathurs are important but more important than his own mom and dad.

As soon as Sanskar said that Ragini knew, Laksh will be completely broken. That is why she tried to warn him that day on terrace that a day will come when truth will be out. She tried to make him ready to face this but now she thinks she failed. She failed!!!

She looked at his face, that was total pale, his palm which is in her hands is completely sweaty, he is at the verge of crying, he is on edge. He is in dilemma where he has to choose between his ideal life and his brother's ideal life. Just one more these kinds of words from Sanskar and he will be completely gone. She is blaming herself for his situation. She is thinking that she could have done something, she always knew that this is gonna happen but still she was not able to tell him properly. She could have done something for her best friend, for her love. The best friend, who was always there, every time she needed someone he was there but today even when she knew, maybe she did not know the time but she knew about this and still she could not save him.

Swara is standing there holding Sanskar's hand. After that accident she has always hated these kinds of emotional situations and tears. It makes her believe that she is again gonna lose someone very important. That is why she has always avoided tears. Tears make her weak, numb. And today she is seeing that in eyes of few people who are most important for her.

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