The East Coast

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Rone checks the magazine in his rifle. He pulls it out, pulls out three live rounds, and tosses the empty magazine out the window. He shoves them in his pocket before entering another magazine and pulling back the slide. I look down at the staff in my hands. It glows brilliantly with blue energy. "I don't know how you can use it so much." Says Red. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I try to use it but I just, don't like it." He says. My brows furrow. I didn't like it either when I first got it. But now I can't seem to go into battle without it. "It takes getting used to." He turns to me, and holds out his staff. "You'd get more use out of it than I would." He says. I shake my head. "It doesn't work like that. It's bonded to you, and you alone. It's gonna stay like that until the time of your death." He shakes his head. "I don't want this." He says. "That's to bad. You have the powers, you have the staff too." He looks down at the staff. "Ready up." Says Kree, looking out the window. Something crashes into the hull of the chopper. "Dammit, Finley report!" "Something just hit us sir."
He turns to the other window. Something flutters far away, growing closer. There's a bunch of them. Jackie gets up, and grabs the duel triggers that accompany the machine gun turret.
They begin falling as she shoots them down. Than one of them gets too close. It grabs onto the landing gear, and starts ripping into the bottom of the chopper. I grab my pistol and leap over the edge of the chopper catching myself on the other landing bar. This ones big, at least 10 feet tall. It's hard to tell. It's wings flap in the wind though it's perched. I shoot it once in the head. That only gets its attention. It releases its grip on the craft and wraps its wings around me. I hold on with everything I have. My muscles strain to hold us both. I'm defenseless as it has my arm, and pistol, pinned to my side. Rone reaches down and grabs my arm, reassuring me. Kree reaches over the edge and empties his rifle into the creature until it lets go. I slide the pistol back into its holistic and grab on with both hands. They help me up. Jackie maintains a heavy fire on the creatures that fly towards us. One of them flanks us and slams strait into the propellers, bursting the engine into flames. "Were going down, I'll try to give us the softest landing I can." Says Finley. Another creature crashes into the chopper, this time in the cockpit. It rips Finley from her seat and tosses Xander out. He spins around in the air until I can't see him anymore. Finley screams, pulling a knife from her back. She jabs it several times in the head to no avail. It holds onto her tight. I grab the staff and place it on my back before leaping atop its head kicking Finley's knife deeper. It screeches before dropping out. It takes Finley and I with it. I look back up at the chopper. Jackie continues the gunfire even as they're spinning towards the ground. Another one crashes into it, reaching in to grab someone. Than another, and another until it crashes to the ground. I reach out, grabbing Finley's hand. I throw her up as hard as I can to spare her the fall. Both the creature and I hit the ground hard. Finley lands a little softer.
I get up, my back hurting. The creature roars behind me. I turn to see it in full light. It's a greenish blue, brightly colored. It's mouth is jagged and sharp like a beak. It screams a high pitched roar before snapping at me. It's jaws make a hollow thud as they collide. I quickly duck aside, swiping the blade across its throat. It falls limp and lifeless to the ground. I look around, searching my surroundings for my lost comrade. She walks out of the bushes. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Peachy." She says. Something roars in the distance, followed by the screeching of tires. She rips back the slide of her pistol and charges off down the street towards the town. I beat her there. Someone screams in the distance for help. I find them inside a vehicle, with a Depeer ripping into it. It grows closer to them with each passing second. I grab the staff from my back and run towards him. The door comes off rather easily. The man scrambles out. "What is that thing?!" He asks. "Run!" I shout. It rips its head from the wreckage and looks down at me. It sinks its claws into the car and tears it in half before stomping towards me. Finley shoots it several times in the head. It turns to her. I shock it to keep its attention. It throws one of its arms down at me. I leap out of the way slicing into its arm like a lumberjack. It groans in pain. A giant meaty fist slams into me, crushing me into the ground. It holds me there. Finley continues shooting it. Xander comes out of nowhere. He lands atop its back and blows a shell into the back of its head. It falls to the ground. He and Finley help me out from underneath it. "Where's everyone else?" I ask. "Beats me. I landed on my head. It's a surprise I didn't break my neck. Did either of you see where the chopper landed?"
Finley shakes her head. "Damn. Well, we're gonna have to find some way to regroup." I look over at him. "I suggest we make a run for the town. Those creatures are as strong as you guys said they are, in sure they've pushed back the cops by now." Xander nods. "I agree." "Well, lets get moving." We all turn to walk off. "Wait, what about me?" Asks the man. He's in his mid 50s, with a thick black beard and plenty of battle scars. "The next town is a few miles that way. You should be able to reach it before sundown." Says Xander. I smack him in the arm. The man nods. "Should I tell the police or the army or something?" he asks.
"I don't think it will make a difference." Says Finley. "Who are you?" He asks. I look over at Finley and Xander. "Were agents of FireTeam Hazard." Answers Xander. The man runs off in the opposite direction. "Well, lets get moving."

Smoke climbs from the cockpit. I look over at my teammates. Red drags Keeeprs from the wreckage. Jackie, Sam, and Judger set up a perimeter. And me, I lay on the ground sweating. My head pulses. Something moves in the tree line. I instantly grab the rifle and lean against the hull, ready to fire. Nothing. I grunt as I stand up. "Rone." I turn to Keepers, and walk over to him.
"Do you think we stand a chance?" He asks. I look up at the sky. It's infested with flying monsters. "Yes. I do. We've faced worse odds than this. When I worked for you, we were the ones everyone was afraid of." "And now we're on the bottom of the food chain." He says. "Hey, we can't give up. To give up means the earth is taken from us. Our homes, families, loved ones. If we give up we're giving up all of them." He reaches out to me. I take his hand and help him up. "Your right." He looks at Jackie,Sam, Red, and Judger. "Alright guys.
Lets regroup with Shift, Finley, Xander and Kree. Hopefully they've made it to the town by now. Maybe we'll find them before something else finds us." He picks up his laser rifle and pulls back the slide. "Lets go."

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