Taking Towns

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"They have taken the Eastern Seaboard, I repeat, they have taken, the Eastern Seaboard." Rone shakes his head. Kree puts a crack in the wall with his knuckles. "Let us out!" Shouts Xander. "Xander stop." Says Keepers.
"Keepers I can't just sit here and let this happen!" He shouts. "Let me out of here right now!" Keepers lays a hand on his shoulder. "Get your hand off me!" He smacks Keepers arm away.
"I can't believe you. All of you, your just going to sit here and wait for the end?" Sam gets up. "There's something I've known about for a while now." He says like he's got a dirty secret. He places his hand on the wall. Veins of grey cement run up his arm and slowly take over his body. "Sam we've all known about that for a really long time." He looks at me. "Not that." The wall lets out a low crack. A scraping sound can be heard as his body merges with the wall. We stare in amazement.
His body must be absorbing the cement at such a small level that his molecules are merging with the wall. He gets his arm in as far as the shoulder. "That's all I can go." He says. "What do you mean?" Asks Cassie. "I mean, I'm afraid that if I put in my head I'll get stuck in there, suffocate and than I'll die alone." Xander looks at her. "That escalated quickly." "Just do it you big baby." Growls Cassie. "Nope."
I turn to the metal bars. "Kree can you hear anything else?" I ask.
"They're soldiers are being pushed back. They're taking a lot of casualties.
Donnie I don't think they're going to last much longer." "Not if we don't get involved. I look up at the fluorescent light above me and focus my energy. "Guys it's gonna go dark for a second." I say. The light flickers out of existence.
I place my hands on the bars, and, Zap.
My skin sizzles beneath the metal plating that covers it. I smile. I did it. I'm exhausted and in a bit of pain but I'm still alive. I hear them all talking behind the metal door and smile. I turn around and see a soldier standing there with a key and a blank look on his face. A swift punch to the face sends his head flying back. He retaliates, throwing a punch to my lower jaw. He catches my fist and yanks me forward, throwing his elbow into my lips. I whip my arm around, a strike which he ducks. He hooks around my arm and twists it behind my back, slamming my head into the wall. "Stop." I look up at him, clutching my head. "I'm busting you out of here." He says quietly. The key turns and the door opens. Rone is the first one out. He shoves him up against the wall and pounds on him. "Rone Stop he opened the door!" He stops, and looks at the man holding his slightly bleeding lip "ow." He mutters. "Sorry. Force of habit. What's your name kid?" Asks Rone. "Flynn, I'm gonna get you out of here." He says. "Where's Judger?" Asks Keepers. "This way."

I continue throwing my weight into the bars bending them in with every impact. The soldiers rolled out a few minuets ago. They left all of us for dead. I know where we are. We're in Massachusetts, Boston. And according to them, the G'hunawae own the Eastern seaboard now. This is not a vary good place to be. With another crash, the bars break. I look up, and begin searching the room for my clothes and equipment. It's pointless. They've probably taken them to an offsite facility. That would make more sense. The doors open and I grab one of the busted bars. It spears the wall next to Shift's head. "Woah, are you ready?" He asks. I nod. "Good than," he pauses. "What, are you?" He asks. This is the first time he's seen me without my hood covering my face. My cybernetic body glints with metal parts. "I am nothing." I reply, my mouth glowing with every word. "Okay, lets go." Says Sam. "He's right, we don't have a lot of time. Come on I know where your equipment is." Says a soldier. I nod, and follow them. "I'm pretty sure they took the staff, sorry. They wanted to see what else it can do." Explains the soldier. "That sucks." Replies Sam. "It's not what the staff can do, it's what I make it do." Explains Shift. "Well, we can talk about that later. Right now there is a city out there that needs your help." "Where are you taking us?" Asks Keepers. "To the armory, you'll need everything you can get." We load up on guns and ammunition, filling several duffle bags with extra magazines. We load up all our stolen equipment on a transport helicopter, and prep for takeoff.
"Where to first?" Asks Vex. "First, we're going to MarbleHead, That's where the bigger ones have been hitting the hardest." Says the pilot. Keepers tells everyone to get ready. And we obey. I feel less battle ready without my equipment. But that is to be expected. That's not to say I'm any less dangerous with a gun in my hands. I was created to be lethal with any weapon. Especially a gun.

Dakū -The Dark One Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ