Painting the Apocolypse

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Night falls. Flames ignite the light.
Finley, Xander and I watch the city burn into the night. I only hope mine got out alive. "Any word from Keepers?" I ask. Xander shakes his head. "Looks like we're on our own." I say. "Where do we go now?" Asks Finley. We all stay silent. Everyone down there, is either dead, or trapped.
There's too many, creatures down there for us to risk it. They've taken the city. It's over, for now.
I turn and walk off into the Forrest behind us. "We should set up camp here. I'll keep watch." Xander agrees. He drops his pack to the ground, and collapses atop it. His armor clinks.
Finley leans against a tree and slides down to the sitting position.
I crouch down and sit with my elbows in my knees. My eyes close, if only for a second. When they open I'm somewhere else. Pain and misery burn within me. "Do you feel it?" Asks a voice. "Do you feel the pain, of failure? Of death? It hurts, doesn't it?" I turn around. Dāku stands there in his golden armor. He tosses something in the air before catching it in his gauntlet again. "Look around Donnie. A new age has begun. The age of Dragons and Knights is over. Now it's time for the Asylum to rise." I reach for the staff as he gets closer. "You know, one interesting thing about the Nolite Staff, is its connection to your mind. Ya see, severing that connection is vary dangerous, not to mention painful. So if I break the staff, we'll let's just say it would be vary painful." "If your trying to scare me-" "Oh I would never try such things with a Strong One. I only want to inform you about the things I'm gonna do to you." I shake my head.
"I will never stop fighting you." He stares down at me. "Why not?" He tosses me something that looks like crumpled tin foil. It lands at my feet, tapping my boot. "He did." I look up, he tosses me a small chain. Dog Tags.
"What did you do to-" he cuts me off. "He's asleep." He says, pointing to a body laying limp on the floor. "At least I think he is." His eyes narrow as if he's thinking. "I don't know it's so hard to tell." I shake my head. Energy flairs around my fists. He turns to me.
"I'm going to kill you." I say between clenched teeth. "Oh really?" He asks.
"Take a look around Donnie!!!" He screams, repeating himself. His voice is deep, booming and foreboding. "Do you see Rone or Keepers around here?! It's over. You lost!"

Six Hours Later...
Transport trucks roll out. Each one filled with survivors of the first attack. Our first objective was getting Sam and Judger back behind cover. The SWAT tried they're best, but the Serentus Maxen are too strong here. They've gotten a tight hold. If we don't stop them here, I fear they will take Florida, and move across the entire east coast. That's what I'm afraid of. "Rone?"
I immediately touch the com piece in my ear.
"Donnie?" "Oh thank God your alive." He says. "What happened to you guys?"
"We got to the city, but we were too late. It was on fire with those creatures running around everywhere." I shake my head, we're looking at the same thing. "I know. We lost." I hear him sigh. "Where are you?" My eyes flicker at the burning embers. "About a mile north from the city. We couldn't afford any more casualties." His next sentence is hesitant. "Casualties?" I slow down. "Yeah. We lost Johnathan Pillar. Sam and Judger are down. I hope you guys are doing better than we are." "We're all fine. Alive at least. Running out of ammo fast. Do you know of the military rolling in?" He asks. "No. I saw a scout chopper though. That's probably a good sign." He says. "Well. Lets hope they get some troops down here soon. They've taken the city already." "I get them spreading." Says Donnie. "Me too. Not only that, we met they're leader. It was scary. He was walking out of the ocean like it was nothing. He was huge, and wearing armor made from, I think gold." "I know. I had a dream about him. He told me we were finished." I shake my head. He took one city. I don't know the death count, but it's not a small number.
"Ill debrief you when we find each other." I turn to Keepers. "Lets get moving."

The room is crowded with men. All eager to be shipped out. "What do you think they are?" "Aliens." "I heard some guy created them in a lab."
"I have family there." "Damn that sucks. You think they go out okay?"
I shake my head, trying to focus the fear out of my mind. From what we hear, there's not a huge chance of any survivors still in the city. The higher
ups want to keep this under wraps.
Something about not speeding panic.
Major Ford steps up. "Alright. Listen up. These creatures, are somewhat unknown to us. We know nothing about them. In fact, we haven't even been able to Kill One. But don't worry, anything will die if you put enough bullets in it.  We've managed, to snap some footage of they're movement patterns. To put it bluntly, they're fast.
They're strong, and there organized.
Not to mention, almost bulletproof. Therefore, the use of explosives in close proximity is permitted. There are two types, of these creatures." The guy next to me mock snores. I jab him in the stomach with my elbow.
"And the smaller ones. They are the ones you'll be shooting at. Our choppers will be focused on the bigger ones. Do not, engage them." The smaller ones, aim for the throat, or the neck. Those are the most vulnerable parts. The chest is good too but I don't think your really gonna get a clear shot at them." Someone walks on stage and says something in his ear. He sighs. "I just received word that they're being spotted off the shores of Georgia, All the way to New York." Someone behind me whispers. "That's where I live."
"This changes nothing. You go in fast, you go in hard. Alright, lets get moving." He says.

After loading up on gear, I'm on the first chopper headed to Florida. I sigh, trying to calm my nerves. My helmet is strapped tightly to my head with my golden visor covering my eyes. I lean out the side of the chopper with my fellow soldiers packed into the cab. One of them sneakily listens to music beneath his helmet, I don't say anything. I'm too busy preparing for the death I'm about to see. "This is Ford. We just received word of reports of SuperHumans in the area. Be advised, they are extremely dangerous. I am sending a special team after them because they are high priority targets that need to be dealt with, professionally." The guy next to me shakes his head and scoffs. "This world just gets crazier and crazier each day." I nod.

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