Criminals and Hunters

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The nine of us sit at a long table. Larson walks in, wearing his trademark trench coat. He looks bad. Really bad. His tan skin is bruised, and it looks like he hasn't slept in days. He's not the kind of guy to get stressed over anything, so this must be taking a toll on him. "Well. Keepers, Mason, David, Evan, Samantha, Donald, Jackson, Sam, and Jackie. You come to me for help." He says. "Who's Evan, and who's David?" Asks Sam, now awake. Larson lifts his hand, and points to Judger. "Evan." He than points to Xander. "David." "Let's get to the point." Says Kree. "Right then. Well, the military has also come running to me, saying they need support." Keepers looks down. "They're first choice was the, former SCO.
But seeing as though they're base was abandoned and over run by mutant aliens, he figured that was your resignation as the Director." Keepers glares at him. "Well he's not wrong." He replies. "Anyways, I'm afraid if I help you, I'll spread my forces too thin. And I don't want that. You have, what, 6, enhanced individuals and a Nolite? I have only 3, so you can see where my dilemma is. Not to mention 2 of you took them out. All of them. Which brings me to my next point." He turns to me. "I believe you have something that belongs to my dear Amanda." He says. I read up and pull the staff from over my shoulder. It clatters across the table. "Thank you. As I was saying, I am willing to make a deal with you." "Yeah yeah we already talked about this. Donnie goes in, and you help us take down the crucible." Interrupts Xander.
"That's the thing Mr.Legend, there's 4 of them. 4 Nolite structures that you need help blowing up. And I think my idea is better than yours. If I were to blow one up, I would blow up, the one located in, drum roll..." He looks up, tapping his fingers on the desk. "Arizona!" He says with mock surprise. "I am not going to Arizona. For starters we don't know if he'll launch an even bigger attack while we're gone. In which case the fastest way back would be by plane, and I highly doubt American Airlines is letting people go to New York anymore. And even if we could get a private jet to bring us back, I wouldn't feel vary safe knowing Dāku has those scout ships flying around." Larson peeks across the table at me. "Who's, Dāku?" "Dāku, is the one who is leading this charge. And he has some serious beef with our resident Nolite here." Explains Xander. "Sounds intense. Well, my thing, is profit. What, will, Zachary Larson, get, in...Return?" He asks.
"I already told you, you help us, and as soon as this is over, I'll turn myself in." I say. "Nope, I already have a Nolite.
I want something else." He says caressing his chin. "You can have whatever you want from our old Head Quarters."
"Oh, do you mean the base that is filled with horrible portal monsters? Um, no thank you."
"What do you want?" Asks Kree. "I'll tell ya what, when I need, a favor, I'll call on you. No matter what it is, without question, I expect you to answer. Deal?" Keepers inspects each and everyone of us, scanning for signs of doubt. They're hands clasp tightly, sealing our fates. "Good. So what I'm thinking, is I'll send my three E.I. With you, as well as a
Small platoon. You'll have everything you'll need to blow that thing up. Also, these are My men your ordering around, so do try not to get them killed will ya?" Keepers nods. "Might I add, one more thing. The Crucible in Arizona, it hasn't been opened yet. If you destroy that one, and the one in Alaska, we can bottleneck them. They'll only have two portals to come through, and they're both along the eastern seaboard. That would make them a whole lot easier to fight." I hate to admit it, but it's not a bad idea. The risk of casualties is significantly lower. Not to mention if we do get a chance to blow that portal in Florida, and in Massachusetts, that would force them to empty out through the ones in Alaska and Arizona. Im sure they know how to solidify the portals connection to our world by now. I almost want to curl my lips into a grin.
We have an army at our backs, a plan, and some explosives. We got this.

"Get in there you heard him were moving out lets go!" Rone and I walk through the army, watching them load up on guns and armaments. They all stop to stare at us. Both of us wearing armor stolen from the SCO. Sam walks out followed by the rest of our team. "Keepers is staying here. The rest of us are with the away team." Says Kree, updating me on our current status.
"Should we say some words?" Asks Sam. We all stay silent. Not knowing what we'll find out there.
Either a simple hit and run, or a fight, greater than any of us. It's a fight none of us can hope to win, at least, not alone.
But I am not alone.

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