The Fall

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I shake my head in disbelief. I can't help but stare at her in shock. "Alice?" I ask. She sits next to me with her wrists in chains just like mine. "I'm sorry. But I can't spend my life behind bars for someone I just met." She says.
"But you met them weeks ago. Your dating one of Them." She shakes her head. "You think I wanted to give them away? Do you actually believe I want part of this?" I'm speechless. "I never asked for this. Had I known this is what I was getting into, I would have just let him die in that alley."
"He still would've saved you. No matter what you did to him, he still would've saved you. I've seen him do it. Your just too selfish to see that." She looks down in shame. "He's the kind of guy that would brake for a squirrel." She says with a scoff/chuckle. "And your the kind of person that would speed up over one." She looks at me with a harsh scowl. The door opens and two cops step in. They lift me off my feet, and drag me out. Just before the doors close, is see one of them take off her cuffs. "I hope it was worth it!" I shout as the heavy metal door slams.
"Get moving." One of them growls, shoving me forward. We're in Washington. I think. I'm not sure. But I don't feel safe here knowing those, things are attacking the eastern seaboard. I hope Donnie is doing better than I am. I mean, in sure they're not smart enough to interrogate him. Still, I was chased by one, they're kinda scary. I remember the way it tore through a building like Godzilla in the 60s. Wherever he is, I know he'll come get me. They all will.

I awaken on a table. I'm strapped down with leather belts. Amateurs. My muscles strain for a moment, than the leather snaps. The metal buckles bend and give. Within seconds I'm free. I step off the table, and examine myself. I'm still wearing my armor. I guess they didn't know how to get it off. My helmet and the staff are nowhere to be found. As is anything else I had on me. Where am I? I walk over to the door in the dim lighting. It's bolted shut. I think I have enough energy to blow it off. I wrap my metal plated fingers around it, and push. The lock explodes on the other side. The door swings open. Two men stare at me, with guns pointed at me. I raise my hands.
"Sir, He's awake." One of them says.
"Yes sir." He turns to me. "Come with us." They grab me by the arms, and begin shoving me down the hall.
I walk in front of them, knowing I could kill them easily if I really wanted to. But I don't know where I am or how many others there are. For now, I play along. Im pushed into a room. Its big, thats the first thing I notice. The second, is there's no windows. I'm in. Safe house of some kind. I can already hear Jackie sarcastically asking "Thats your deductive reasoning?" I smile  at the thought. The soldiers sit me down in a metal chair in front of a desk. Than they bring Rone in. He's wearing handcuffs around his wrists. They sit him next to me. And one by one my entire team is brought in. I lean over to him. "What's going on?" I ask.
"Well, Keepers started a war, and they don't trust us." I look at him with questioning eyes. "What do you mean they don't trust us?" "They don't think we should fight because we're too powerful." I shake my head. "What does that mean?"
"Mikel Keepers. I told you this would happen." Says a man. He's wearing the classic military uniform. He looks at me. "Great, now that we're all here, we can begin." He says. Behind all of us are soldiers, the room is filled with them. Each one clutching a rifle like it's a child, ready to pull the trigger.
"Hello everyone, my name is Jameson Ford. Approximately 5 days ago we received word of electromagnetism acting strangely in a place near Blocksburr, Alaska. And two days later," a screen ignites behind him.
"These showed up in Florida."
A video plays of a Serentus Maxen ripping a person out of a vehicle, it screams and so does the man in its claws. The video stops just before it kills him. It's frozen in a frame of its entire body, every muscle exposed in broad daylight. Rone looks down. Jackie pinches the bridge of her nose. Keepers puts his hand to his chin in a show of shame. "The total death count that day, was 31. That includes, law enforcement, as well as innocent civilians. Not to mention the wounded. But since then, the count has grown.
And if we do not stop them, that number, will continue to grow. Which is why I brought you all here. I've seen people like you before, And I've destroyed them. It wasn't they're fault, but they needed to die. I know, many of you didn't choose this life, but like it or not it's what you have." Sam raises his hand. "Are you going to kill us?" He asks. The man looks at him, dead in the eye. "Yes. I am going to kill you. That kind of power, what you have, should not be in human hands. No one should have that kind of power." Keepers speaks up. "Don't kill them. Kill me. If anyone in this room deserves to die, it's me." "And I couldn't agree with you more." He replies. "If you let them live, I'm sure they could be of great use to you in this fight." "Take a look around, Mikel!" He says slamming his palms on the table. "Those people just looked out there windows on a Tuesday morning, and saw aliens crawling out of the ocean. And to top it off, they saw a 7 foot man fight someone with a glowing sword. My goal, is to keep them from panicking anymore, and throwing genetically modified human beings out there is not going to help my cause." I raise my hand. "I'm a Nolite, actually." He glares down at me. " I'm vary well aware of that." He says harshly.
"What are your defensive perimeters?"
Asks Rone. "That's not something your going to need to know Jackson." Xander opens his mouth. "Why did you bring us here? To, yell at us before we're being killed? What's the deal?"
In turn, Ford gives him a nod of approval. "To let you know, why you have to die." He answers. Kree gets up from his chair, with anger in his eyes. Of all the time I've known him, his eyes have never shown this kind of rage.
"You think that by killing us your bettering mankind?!" Two soldiers grab him by the shoulders. He jerks his elbow into one of them. He feels it through the Kevlar, leaning forward. Kree follows with a knee to the face and a punch to the chest. He falls to the ground. Four of them men attack him, pinning him to the wall. All of the guns are pointed at him.
"Yes, in fact Mr.Davis, I do." Kree's face flares red in blind rage. We both know he can kill every soldier that holds him back, but Finley's stare holds him down. They shove him to his knees.
"You see, since Keepers here decided the world needed, SuperHumans, there has been a dramatic increase in super powered humans across the globe. Fortunately most of them have remained docile. At least until we get a clear shot at them." He turns to Keepers. "I am getting tired of cleaning up your messes." He waves his hand. All of us are grabbed, and lifted from our chairs and thrown into a single cell. They hurl keepers in harder than the rest of us. He hits the ground with a hollow thud. Finley helps him to his feet. Cassie leans against the wall with her arms across her chest. "What did they tell you?" She asks.
"They're going to kill us." Says Sam. He's afraid. I've never seen him like this before. "Sam, we'll be okay. I promise." He looks at me. "How can you promise that Donnie?"
"Because we've faced worse odds, And survived worse. We can make it through this." "So we escape, than what? We live the rest of our lives fighting America and the G'hunawae?" Asks Xander. "What kind of life is that?" Kree shakes his head. He and Finley talk silently in the corner, before he wraps her in a tight hug. "I don't know Vex but it beats sitting here waiting to die." "Donnie's right, we can't just give up. There has to be some way out of here." I smile a bit. "I can get out of here. My problem is how to get you guys out. We all saw the locks. They can only be opened by Ford. And he's flying back to Florida." Sam looks over at me. "How do you know that?"
"Well, its stupid to place your prisoners in the war zone. At this point I'm sure that's what Florida is." Finley nods.
"How long do you think we have until they decide to pull the trigger?" Asks Cassie. Her voice is flat and unamused.
"For someone who is facing death you seem vary calm." Says Kree. "I'm not facing death. You are. You did hear him say he wants to kill the 'SuperHumans' right? If I punched you, I wouldn't send you flying. Therefore I'm not in any danger." I give her a tense stare. "What?" She asks. "Where's Alice?" Her eyes flicker with unease. "Is she dead?" Asks Sam loudly. Jackie smacks him in the arm. "No, she's fine. But, I guess it's safe to say she broke up with you." She says. My eyes grow wide. "What do you mean?" "Donnie, how do you think they found you so fast? They had known about us for months. They were just, waiting for this. And she gave you away like you were nothing."
At this point I can tell she's afraid.
"That sucks man." Mutters Sam. "Yeah thanks." I reply flatly. I look down at my boots and lean against the cold cement wall. "They can't just keep us here like caged animals." Growls Kree. "Wait, what happened to that axe guy?"
Asks Xander. My brows furrow. "What DID happen to him?" Asks Sam. We all trade confused worried glances with each other.

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