The Man In The Golden Armor

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My boots crunch in the parking lot. The diner is filled with screaming people. One of the creatures rushes towards me. It roars as it nears. I leap into the air until we're eye level. I bring the sword out and swing. It's lower jaw takes the hit. I fall to the ground and it staggers back. On my feet, I run around it and sink my blade into its calf. It screams and faces me. It's tail hitting me, throws me back. I tumble a few times before Xander runs towards it catching it completely by surprise. He slam fires off his shells until he's empty. The creature shakes it off, opening its mouth to him. He pulls a pin and tosses a grenade. He jumps, stomping it's upper jaw closed. It reaches up, wrapping its claws around him and throwing him to the ground with the force of a train. I spring into action, running to cover him. The grenade explodes before I reach it. Its a clean kill. And by that I mean it's head is still in tact. People stare at me and Xander. I walk over to him and lift him off the ground. Finley comes running from the bushes. "Is he okay?" She asks. "Unconscious, but he's fine. We gotta get these people out of here."
She looks back at the diner. "Our main focus is holding off the Serentus Maxen population until we can get reinforcements." I shake my head. "These people will die if we don't help them." Her blonde pony tail wags from the force of her turning her head at me.
"I'm sorry Donnie. We have our orders." My tone gets a little more aggressive. "Keepers doesn't give me orders. Neither does Kree. They might control you, but not me." I turn to the diner. "Never, me."

The streets are completely abandoned.
No cars, no people. They're all in the buildings. I guess seeing guys with big guns walking through town should give them some kind of hope. A car falls out of the sky, shattering in front of us. One of the giant flying creatures lands atop it. We open fire. It screams, spreading its wings before charging at us on foot.
Keepers lifts his rifle, and puts a hard light beam through its head. It falls to the ground with a glowing hole in its skull. They fly over head in packs. "Drop em'!" Shouts Kree. We obey, shooting at them with everything we have. Keepers gun is he only thing that seems to have any effect. A few of them fall to the ground after being shot by Keepers. The ground shakes beneath our feet. I turn to the beach, and see the first wave of G'hunawae. "They're coming!" I shout. Keepers turns his attention back to the beach. "If we don't stop them from getting past us they could spread." He says. Jackie looks at me. "Rone, Jackie, take the front, kill as many as you can. Sam, keep them contained, focus your fire on the flying ones but if you see one getting past us kill it. Keepers, Red, you two are with me." We split off. Jackie and I go running for the front. I leap into the air landing on one of them with both boots planted in its chest. It refuses to be kicked off its feet. It's claws grab my ankles and swings me through the air. My body goes smashing through a storefront window.
I emerge a second later firing off my rounds. It moves quickly, too quickly. Another one barrels into me, knocking me to the ground. Jackie shoots at them to no avail. She misses every shot.
I pull my pistol and empty my mag, only hitting them once. I slip in another magazine and pull the trigger. The gunshots are loud. My hands vibrate even when I'm not shooting. I fear nerve damage. More and more of them pour out from the ocean. I'm tossed from side to side thrown against cars and smacked aside. One of them leaps atop me and starts ripping into my armor. Sam's metallic flaming fist slams into the side of its head, killing it.
"Thanks." "Don't thank me yet." He helps me to my feet. One of them leaps on his back, inserting its claws into the steel. He flies back crushing it against a solid brick wall. Another leaps at him. He throws it to the ground and stomps on its head. They pour into him like a flood. Eventually they bring him down. I toss a grenade into the pile of monsters. The explosion throws them off. "Ow!" He shouts, hoping I'll notice. "Sorry." I shrug. I take cover behind a flipped car, reloading my magazine. Jackie looks at me from behind the cover of a wall. "I'm running dry!" She says. "Same." I reply. "Dammit where are they?" Asks Kree. "We could really use them right now." I peek over the tire and see more of them running towards us. I reach behind me and start lobbing grenades at them. Sam gets back to his feet and dashes towards them. Someone emerges from the water. "Is that a person?!" Asks Sam. "I think so." Replies Jackie. "Hey! What are you doing out there?!" Shouts Sam. "You shouldn't be here!" I keep looking. Something not right. The creatures run strait past him as if he's not there. He just keeps coming. He's wearing armor that belongs in a different era. He reaches up, and pulls a familiar looking staff from his back. It shimmers a bright silver, and crackles with dark energy. He starts running. "Sam get out of there!" I shout. He reaches Sam and grabs him by the throat, and begins dragging him behind. Sam struggles against the grip, punching him wherever he can. He ignites himself into flames, to no effect. The man throws him into the air and punches him. Sam creates a new pothole in the ground. Jackie and I fire upon him. He just keeps walking. "Guys!" I shout. "Oh no." Whispers Keepers. The man raises the staff. Jackie and I run dry. Kree tosses me a magazine. I quickly shove it in my rifle. Red slides beside me. "Do you know how to use hat thing?" I ask. He looks at me. "No." he says. Dammit Donnie why didn't you show him?! He pulls it from his back. "Go get Sam, I'll cover you." He says.
I don't know why, but I'm filled with an uneasy sense of dread. Like death is near. "Go!" He shouts. I leap over the car as barrel towards Sam. Red runs towards the man in golden armor. Kree and Keepers give him cover fire. I don't know how I know, but that man isn't human. He's something else. Something that doesn't belong here. I drag Sam behind the cover of the overturned vehicle and lift my rifle. Looking down the sights I see there weapons clash. I see fear in Johnathan's eyes. Again and again they're weapons clash. Bullets have no effect on him. The dark energy swirls around his staff. Lifts it over his head, and bring it down on Red. He tries his best to block the blow, but the blade is too sharp. The staff shatters. Red drops to the floor on his knees, clutching his head. He screams in agony unable to move. The man reaches up, with his blade poised to strike. I drop my empty rifle and run towards him. He looks up at me, and before I reach him, he delivers the final blow. Red's screaming is silenced. I stop in my tracks. He keeps eye contact with me. A laser strikes him in the head. He staggers back, clutching the side of his head. He turns to Keepers.
Someone leaps off the building behind him and sinks an axe into the side of his helmet. Like a black knight, Judger lands in front of him ready to fight. He pulls another axe from his back, and throws it. The man shatters it with a swipe of his blade. Judger runs towards him and punches him hard in the gut. His blows come so fast it's hard for me to keep up. The man just stands there accepting the punches like nothing. His fist moves so fast. The impact crates a small ripple in the air. Judger's body flies like a bullet strait from the barrel. I leap out of the way. He slams into the car like a cannonball imploding the vehicle. The light in his eyes dies out. "Fall back!" Shouts Keepers. Jackie grabs Sam. I grab Judger, my former enemy. I look back up at the man who defeated the strongest of us. He slowly places the staff on his back. He keeps his eyes on Keepers. "You started this war. You called me here. Now I'm here, and you run." He taunts. His voice is deep and rugged, terrifying and garbled like the crunching of cement. "Face me!" He shouts slamming his spiked gauntlets into his chest. The creatures have stopped coming. They've stopped moving. Now they watch us from all angles, watching us leave in defeat. I take one last look at Johnathan Pillar. The way he bravely gave himself for Sam. For all of us. His staff lays next to him, shattered. So, this is it? This is how it ends? This is how we die. Killed by failure. Defeated by fear. If only for a moment, nothing lasts forever. "That's where your wrong, Captain Rone." Calls the man. I look up.
"Some things, never, Die." He says, holding up Johnathan's helmet. His eyes flair at me through his visor, a, intense, hateful stare. Slowly, he crushes the helmet in his hand.

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