First Contact

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I swing the blade across another chest, sending it flying back. Finley spends her last round at point blank, killing it. She drops it and reaches for her knife. Xander continues savagely blowing them away spending his shells greedily.
Energy charges up in me as I send bolt after bolt into them. Finley roundhouse kicks one in the head before swiping her elbow around its neck at a dangerous speed. I turn around bringing the blade with me. It's energized point cuts through the rudest parts of the skin down to the bone. The creature falls to my feet. "Finley, how many more inbound?" I ask. "Six." Something lands on my back, pinning me to the ground. I try my hardest to flip onto my back. It kicks my staff away. Finley charges towards it knife at the ready. One of them bites down on her shoulder, pulling her back. She drops the knife just as it drags her away. I reach out to her, firing off a bolt at her assailant. I miss. Xander chases after it with his last shell loaded. I look up, at the creature above me. It's muscular form and thick arms grip my throat tightly. I grab its arms and shock it as much as I can. But it takes everything I give it. With one arm it lets go, winding back to kill me. I reach in my sheath, ripping my spare knife from it and jabbing it into the creatures chest. I shock the knife. It screams in agony. Now it feels me. I get up, retrieve my staff, and run after Finley. I hear Xander pop off his last round. It drags her further and further. Three more intercept it, all of them pile on top of her. Xander picks up her knife and slices through a neck. He grabs a shoulder and yanks it back, ramming the knife into a chest. He yanks it out and plunges it down into one of they're backs. The last one tackles him, lifting him off the ground and slamming his back into a car. The window shatters. He wedges his forearm between its jaws trying to keep it from killing him. He screams. I pull my pistol and fire off
A round. Its head jerks aside, before it falls to the ground. He looks at me, shocked. "You couldn't have used that any sooner?" He asks. "Your still alive aren't you?" He shakes his head. I walk past him towards Finley. "Are you okay?" I ask, reaching down to her. She takes my hand and cringes as she flexes her shoulder to stand. "I think so. My armor lock is engaged, the bleeding should stop soon. I'll be okay." I shake my head. "Well were in for it now." Says Xander. I look up and all around us. They surround us. They're atop buildings and crawling out of sewers and from alleyways. The staff instantly takes its blue glow. Finley reaches for my pistol. "Go ahead. I won't need it." I say. She nods. Xander clutches both knives tightly. One of them roars loudly, apparently telling the rest of them to charge. A bullet flies strait through its head. The rest of them turn back. A squad of soldiers walks forwards, holding automatic rifles to they're eyes. They begin firing. The creatures begin pouring in on them. Xander, Finley and I leap into action striking them down as we run. I twirl a double bladed staff expertly through the air killing a few at a time. The bullets continue flying behind me. The whirring of helicopter blades grows louder in the distance. An explosion throws a few of them aside. Grenades. The staff moves between my fingers and rushes through the air, gliding through muscle and bone with ease. I bring it back stabbing one of them who has latched its claws in my back. It's grip loosens and I throw it aside. They continue coming more and more. Slowly the gunshots become less frequent. They're running out of ammo. One of the choppers flies by, shooting down a hoard of them as the turret turns. The man pulling the trigger looks me in the eye before turning away. He's never seen a Nolite before. Much less one fighting an army of lizard monsters. I'm losing focus. One of them manages to squeeze its claws between the scales in my armor. It pulls, trying to tear it off. I whip my body around, dragging the blade across its tendons. It releases me and drops to its knees. Finley shoots it behind me. I take a deep breath. "You getting tired?" Asks Xander. He slides over the hood of a car before planting his boots in the chest of a G'hunawae. "Are you?" I ask.
"Are you kidding? I could do this all day." He says, hurling the 6 inch Tanto. It spins for a few seconds before reaching its target, tip pointed out. He leaps atop it, and rips the knife out.
I run by him, finishing the job with my blade. An explosion rocks in the distance. The gunfire is halted. I turn back. One of the soldiers leaps atop a car, trying to escape the gripping claws.
I run back towards him, hoping I'll get there in time. Finley smacks it with the butt of a dropped rifle before emptying the magazine on it. She helps the Soldier to his feet before swiping his pistol off his holster. More and more the choppers fly over head, shooting through side mounted machine guns. A rain Of spent shells falls upon us. A car smashes into it, crushing the cockpit and the pilots. I stand there, shocked. The Depeer. I turn back to the street at the beach. But see only one thing, the man who haunts my nightmares. He killed me. "Finley cover me, I'm going in!" I shout. She slides behind the cover of an overturned cab. "I got you, go!" She says. I run down the street, trusting that she'll keep the creatures from tackling me. The man looks at me, I'm seen, but I don't care. I charge towards him, weapon at the ready. My legs kick off the cement and send me flying up towards him. The gleaming silver staff is swung up towards me. I block it, kicking him in the face. His 7 foot body staggers back. I land on a boot and knee, just in time to roll out of striking distance. The blade crashes down, shattering concrete where it lands with the sound of thunder. Energy balls around my fists and I send bolt after bolt towards him. He doesn't even feel it. Our blades clash over and over but none of my strikes land. And with each one I feel a pain I've never felt before. It's like, I'm being hurt, but not in the body. He said, my mind is connected to the staff. I feel every sharp impact, every blow, every slice. I feel it. And it hurts. Our blades break away and he swings his behind him, placing it on his back. I still hold mine, refusing to let it go. I almost smile.
Black energy flairs around his arms.
A single bolt of dark energy strikes me in the chest. I'm blown back. I try my hardest to keep from getting knocked off my feet, but I fail. With every bolt I'm buried deeper and deeper in the cement. He reaches down, and grabs my staff. He places his foot to my chest, and presses down hard. He looks at the staff. It looks so small in his hands. But to me, it's all I need. Another bolt hits me, that thought is shaken from my mind. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. I see in his hands, the energy gathering into another bolt that will soon shoot me again. Just before it does, I lift my hands. Dark energy seeps between them, piercing my show of defiance. The bolt hits me with a pain I've never felt before. It's hot and cold, like water so boiling you don't feel it. With a random burst of energy I lift myself from the creator I've been thrown into, throwing my body into him. He backs up from the impact of my shoulder against his lower stomach. He reaches down and grabs me by the waist. With little effort, he throws me. My back shatters a windshield. I slide off the hood and walk towards him. "Who are you to stand against me boy?" He asks. Blue energy swirls around me. I move my arms around like charging defibrillators. A single blue bolt strikes him like lightning sent from the sky. He backs up, taking one more look at me. "I already told you." His eyes narrow, knowing I can beat him. "I'm the Shift. The Strong One." I charge at him, leaping into the air once more. He counters with an uppercut that sends my flying higher than my initial jump. On the ground I see my staff laying on the ground next to the hole I made, I can make it. My body rolls on the ground before getting to my feet and running towards it.
"You won't be needing that." He says. The air parts when his weapon is swung, slicing through it. It hits me directly in the stomach. I hit a wall.
On the ground I crawl towards my weapon, but he kicks it away, walking towards me dragging his across the cement. Xander leaps in front of me and raises a pistol. Just before my world fades to black, I hear him pull the trigger, as I see Dāku's head jerk back. I live long enough to see him smack Xander aside. Finley turns my head towards her. Panicked eyes stare at me. Than the world fades to black.

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