The Nine

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We fly over the town. It's destroyed. The buildings are on fire from the constant mortar blasts. Several destroyed helicopters litter the city streets. There's no one in sight. "There's nothing left." Whimpers Cassie. "There's nothing here sir, should we turn back?" Asks Kree.
"No. there has to be some survivors down there." "He's right sir, there's nothing left to fight for here." Agrees Vex. "Xander are you questioning your commanding officer?" Asks Keepers. "No Sir." He replies immediately. We keep flying low, searching for somewhere to land. "Oh My God." Gasps Sam. "Theres someone down there." I turn. A girl stands in the center of the street. One of the G'hunawae lays dead on the floor with a thin pole speared through its chest, a Depeer stands in front of her. She stares at it, without fear or destain. I can't watch this. I turn, and leap off the chopper, sucking energy out of the surrounding buildings as I fall. I reach to my back for the staff. I feel nothing. Stunned by the realization, my body slams into its head and crashes to the ground. Slowly I get to my knees. The creature eyes me a second before kicking me. I hit a car imploding the doorframe. Sam comes down upon it with a wave of fire. It turns its attention to him. Jackie appears in front of the girl. "Run!" She says. The girl stares at Sam and I, remaining rooted in place.
Jackie takes her by the hand and runs to safety away from the fight. I look up at Keepers, who stares down at me, before telling Finley to keep going.
"I hope you win, Donnie." He says.
I nod at him. Sam crashes down in front of me. "Help me!" He shouts angrily. "Oh right!" I say. I turn to the beast and lift the rifle in my hands. My legs carry me past it as I pull the trigger. Sam smashes into it with everything he has, knocking it back. It grabs him, and throws him aside. I leap, kicking off the wall of a nearby building I release the rifle. Energy swirls around my fist. Metal plated knuckles collide with its lower jaw. It's palm bashes into me like a truck crushing me against the ground. It looks at me through crimson eyes, pushing harder and harder. Its claws dig through the cement until they're wrapped around me. It knocks me through a wall and releases me, ripping through the floor. I fall amongst the debris onto the ground floor. Sam burns it with wave after wave of glowing flames. Its arm pushes through the building to its left, dropping chunks of rock and wood as it does. Its arm emerges, punishing him. He flies like a bullet smashing between floors. He falls to the ground letting his flaming form die out. His skin hardens to metal and he runs towards it, retaliating by lifting his hands above his head with interlocked fingers. He brings them down upon its skull and follows up with a punch to the jaw over and over. It winds up its arm and clasps a fist. I run out into the street and brace my ankles against the tar covered street, preparing to catch the fist. It slams into my chest forcing my ankles to dig into the ground. Veins pop out of my forehead as I push against it. My ankle pops, releasing all its tension. I'm drug across the surface of the street and thrown into Sam's metal form. The two of us topple over several times before coming to a stop. Sam is instantly back in action. He lifts a car, and after setting it ablaze he hurls it at his opponent. It brings up its arms to block the flaming projectile. Claws rip through the metal like plastic and rip it in half. Sam leaps fourth. Just as he gets within striking range of the creature, the flaming rear half of the vehicle slams into him crushing him against the building we've caused so much damage to. It pushes him through the building and I can hear him screaming as he crashes through walls. Now it's my turn. Energy sparks around me, built up from all the torn live wires around me. I charge towards it at 60 MPH. I slide between it's legs jamming my knife into its back. It whips around with me in tow. Heavy footsteps tell me it's going somewhere.
By back is pushed into a wall. Than I hear a sound like a thundering explosion as energy empties into its flesh through the knife.
The world goes black. I'm not dead. I can't move. I'm stuck. My body is pushed to the ground by a heavy body. Underneath me are broken, edgy bricks. "Donnie?!" I hear Sam's voice.
"Can you hear me?!" Jackie.
I try to scream but to no avail. An idea pops into my head and I try pulling energy from my surroundings, barely managing anything. I hear the crumbling of bricks beneath me as well as above me. This will have to do. I flex every muscle in my body. My black vision blurs slowly to blue luminescence as energy flows around me. I hear the sparks and crackles of the energy doing is job and incinerating everything touching me. I expect the creature laying dead above me to burst into ash before I run out of air, but it doesn't. The bricks below me crumble, giving way to a dark tunnel. My blue glow vanished along with my concentration. The skittering of feet and claws sounds all around me. I shake my head from the fall and look around seeing nothing but black. The creature is lifted from atop the hole revealing Sam. He throws it aside and calls down to me. "Are you alright?!"
"Yeah I'm fine." "What is that?!" He asks. "I don't know, some kind of tunnel." Jackie's voice comes out panicked and rushed. "Look out!" Claws rip into my arm giving me a slight jerk. It pulls me into the darkness. Sam's flaming form flies down the tunnel revealing more of them. "They're nesting here." He says. Energy sparks around my fists. The creature releases me. They surround us. Three of them fall down immediately with the sound of gunfire.
They charge us. I reach for my secondary knife and begin slashing and shocking. Sam blows them back with punches of steel and ignites others with walls of fire. He brings back his elbow for a punch, accidentally touching me. His arm grows blue with Nolite energy. It overtakes his entire body for a moment before vanishing. "Did you see that?!" He asks excitedly. "I'm a little busy." I growl slipping the blade between ribs and throwing a new body to the ground. Another leaps on my back slashing at my armor. Two more flank from the front. A bolt of energy is able to kill one, the other tackles me to the ground. I bring my arms up blocking the claws from my face. Another joins in, biting into my armor with sharp jagged teeth. Through the chaos I manage to get a hold of a lower jaw. With a sharp turn to the left the creature is sent fleeing in pain. The other two grab me by the shoulders and throw me across the tunnel. Sam leaps in front of me and busts a head with a single punch. The other growls before leaping at him. An energy spike kills it mid-leap. "There's gonna be a whole lot more if we don't get out of here." I say, leaping out off the hole with ease. Sam floats up and lands beside me with ease. Jackie stands there with the girl watching the two of us in amazement.
"Who, Who are you?" She asks.
I look at Jackie, than to Sam. Keepers, Kree, Vex, Finley, and Flynn walk towards us, holdings rifles in they're hands. I smile at them. "Could you make any more of a mess?" Asks Finley. "We cleaned it up the best we could." Replies Sam. "Damn you guys are dirty. What happened?" Asks Rone.
I point over the the monsters carcass leaning against a building. "Oh. You guys killed that thing?" He asks. "Yeah it was more me and Shifty here. Jackie kinda kept the girl out of harms way." Says Sam. "Sam, I told you-" "I know I know it kinda slipped out." He replied. "Who's she?" Asks Xander. " I was going to ask you the same thing. Who are you? Because Your obviously not military." I look over at her. "How do you know that?" I ask. She rolls her head at me. "You talk a lot. I've never seen them do that." She says, keeping her cool. "Oh, makes sense." Keepers walks towards me. "We need to get moving, this place isn't secure. We'll search the streets for more survivors, than we'll move out." He says. I nod, before turning to her. Hey eyes. They're green. "Come Find Me." The voice replays in my head. Her hair is short and black, with a small black dress to match. "Come with me." I say, holding out a hand. She looks at me in the eyes for a moment longer, before taking my hand and holding it tightly.

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