Monsters In Cages

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All around they stare at me. I hear them ask what I am. Every time I move they turn into children poking a lion in its cage. They've posted a total of 12 guards all around. They increase security every time I bend the bars of my cell. They all stand four feet away, never getting closer for fear I'll rip one in half. I just might. It's tempting.
At first they tried to shoot me. But nothing worked. They're last attempt was armor piercing rounds. One of they're men suffered a bullet wound to the leg because of that. I wonder what the others are doing. No doubt they're
Receiving the same treatment I am.
Whatever Keepers had over me, he can no longer hold it anymore. They will kill him for everything he's done. He started this war. He killed that young Nolite. He killed those people. If anyone should die, it's him. I've payed my dues. I've done everything in my power to right my wrongs. Now, I'm free. I notice one of them inching closer. My fist slams into the bars nearest to him. He leaps back as my fist sinks into the metal. All they're guns are pointed at me. Though they know it's pointless, it's an instinct. It's what I would do. They know I could escape at any moment. They're just here for show. For now I wait. If and when the others make they're move, they'll come for me. Not because they care for me, but because deep inside they know they need me. Shift can't kill Dāku alone. Neither can I.

12 hours later

We all sit silently. Jackie sits next to me resting while Sam bumps his against the wall over and over. Kree gets up, walks over, and grabs the back of Sam's head. Sam looks up like a scared little boy. "Stop." He says. Sam nods. Kree sits back down. "So this is it." Mutters Jackie. I look over at her. "No. I don't believe so." Cassie looks over at me. "Why not?" She asks. "Because he hasn't killed us yet. I think, he's saving us as a back up plan in case they're too much for him." Rone seems to consider this. "Lets hope that doesn't happen. As much as I want to get out of here, the lives of all those people out there are what matter most. I nod in agreement. "Well I for 1 hope he fails so miserably that he'll come in here begging for us to help him." Scoffs Sam. Xander looks over at him. "ORAH." They slowly bump they're knuckles. I shake my head. "Of all the unlikely places, he decides to make a friend in a prison cell." Mutters Finley. We hear the shocked gasps of the people in the next room. "Whats happening out there?" Asks Jackie.
"Gee I don't know Jackie let me check the news." Replies a sarcastic Xander.
"Whatever it is, it sounds serious." Says Cassie, with her ear pressed hard against the wall.

MarbleHead Massachusetts
The screaming continues. The monsters flood from the ocean, chasing after them and killing whatever they can grab. I'm under a garbage truck, shivering on the cold cement. I can only see they're clawed feet stomping by. The man on the floor next to me shudders. I lift my finger over my lips and he nods along, sweat dripping from his face. A sickening crunch erupts as something grabs his leg. I reach for his hands and pull against it. His screams echo in my mind and burn in my ears as I strain my thin muscles against his attacker. He slips away and flies into the air, where his screaming stops. My shuddering breath is hushed by my quivering hands. All is quiet. The people all around have since left, all ran away or, dead. Four giant claws reach under the truck, and clasp the mechanicals. It's lifted and hurled 30 feet away. Standing above me is a monster.  Blood and saliva drips from its mouth. It stares down at me. Gunfire bounces off its head stealing its attention. I turn and see two soldiers shooting it with automatic rifles. "Run!" One of then shouts. I obey. I hear the gunfire stop followed by screaming. Thundering footsteps follow close behind me. Im wearing the total wrong outfit for this. A short black dress that wasn't made for running, neither are the moccasins on my feet. In an instant, instinct takes over. I stop running. Its body flies over mine with my hands on my head. It trips and tumbles with a loud crash. It struggles to get to its feet out of anger and frustration. I really pissed it off. It roars after me as I run. My eyes scan the area, searching for a working vehicle. I was a really bad influence as a teenager, I know my way around hot-wiring a car. If only there were a single car in here to hot-wire. It seems these creatures were smart enough to destroy all the cars first.
In the words of the late Robert Muldoon, "Clever Girl." One of the smaller ones tackles me to the ground. The two of us roll over one another a few times before stopping. I grab a small rock while keeping its jaws at bay. It groans when i slam the rock into the side of its head cracking it. On my feet once again I run, looking back only once. My 30 foot tall friend chases me after murdering my much smaller one. I didn't like him vary much anyway.
The ground shakes with every footstep it takes. My heart blasts rapidly in my chest like the machine gun fire they spray upon the beasts. This might sound a little weird, but I'm not entirely afraid. I was actually more afraid under that truck. But now that I've seen it, the fear is shrinking. I think I'm crazy. My short black hair falls in my face and i try everything i can to keep it out. I fail. The one day i decided not to put it in a ponytail and were attacked by aliens. This is my fault guys, sorry. Stupid Karma. Well at least ill have a good excuse for not showing up to work tomorrow.
"Godzilla's chasing me can I go home?" 
I can already hear his overly deep thick voice. "No Lily I need you to work late tonight!" The thought of stopping crosses my mind but I doubt he'll fall for that again. Wow Lily, even in this critical moment you find the time to make a terrible pun. Great job. I run almost breathless. A car is on its side, but still on. I smile. The creature roars behind me. I cal still do this. Throwing my entire body into the car, I hope to flip it back over. It only shifts a bit. And now I have a bruise on my shoulder. I turn around and watch the creature walks in slow motion towards me. It's giant body is covered in random spikes and it's skin is black and ugly. Its teeth are too big for its mouth, a few of them bulge out in jagged defiance. It's eyes are dark, and foreboding. And this is how I die. No, it's not. My adrenaline kicks in, and I dart towards the storefronts on either side. I hug them, keeping away from the center of the street. In a blind rage it rips through the buildings like nothing. I slow to a stop, and see it continue destroying the small covering that hangs over the sidewalk. Maybe there's a gun store nearby? Stealthily, I run in the opposite direction hoping it doesn't see me. The destruction stops. All is silent again. All accept for its growls, emanating from behind me. I feel it's rugged hot breath on my neck.

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