Chapter 1: Tea

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It wasn't that long ago when you fell down into the underground and tried to find a way back up to the surface. But as you walked further into what appeared to be a cave full of rivers and crystals, you were spotted by the royal guards and taken to the underground's palace where you're life is about to change... forever. You were placed before his royal majesty, King Mettaton, who looked human, but discovered that he was very much not. It was the most advanced animatronic like thing you have ever seen, and he was... beautiful.

It didn't take long for him to decide what to do with you, humans not being allowed to enter the underground, so you had become Mettaton's personal servant. Why a personal servant you ask to yourself? Let's just say he grew very fond of you right off the bat. As soon as he got a closer look at you while kneeled down on the cold floor in the throne room that day, something sparked in that devilish robots soul. He took your chin, turning your head gently from side to side to get a nice long look at you. Then he smirks.

"What is your name, darling?" He asks, his hand holding your face. You gulp, answering him quickly.

"Y/n... s-sir..."

"How lovely~. As I'm sure you are already aware from my guards taking you here that your kind is not welcome underground. We have had some... unfortunate events take place here involving a human, BUT I think I can make an exception for you, dear~. I have been dying to see another human come here, so..." Mettaton ponders for a moment, then speaks again." I think I'll make you my personal servant~. You'll be living here permanently under my care~."

"WHAT?!!" You screeched. You'd rather die than live here! You struggle to move away from him, his guards keeping a tight hold around your arms. You keep screaming in protest. "No! I don't want to stay here! P-please! Let me go back home!"

"You shouldn't have fallen down here then, human. Don't worry. If you do a good job as my servant, you'll be rewarded with good food and living quarters~!"

Before you could protest to this tyrant of a robot, he orders the guards to drag you away in you new home...

That whole ordeal happened almost a year ago. Much longer than you thought it was... you became accustomed to your new life, still living in the same room the day you were thrown in here and given a very pink maids clothing and poorly made food for the servants to enjoy. Mettaton's promise for a reward for "good behavior" was not met... did he even promise that? Either way, you have been able to survive through this.

You were able to make a few friends, who were your fellow maids and servants, in order to keep yourself from going insane with social anxiety, you find time to read when the metal idiot upstairs isn't whining, you learned how to sew to keep yourself extra entertained and to fix your clothing as well as Mettaton's clothing, and your cooking has greatly improved, having to cook for mettaton many times when he threw a tantrum at the chefs. You wondered how Mettaton was even able to eat, but you stopped questioning that a long time ago. If you had to be honest with yourself, things were looking a lot better down here than they were up on the surface. You didn't come from the prettiest or the safest place on earth and... you have no one to go back to. Your entire family is deceased. A car accident taking their lives.

So maybe this was fate? Taking the robot king out of the equation would make your situation for the past year feel a lot nicer... but lately things have been looking up. Well... just a little. It's been more awkward and uncomfortable for the past several weeks between you and your king. He's been... teasing you. And not the kind of teasing that friends do when they're really good friends, it was sensual teasing...

There were several times where he asked you to pick things up off the floor that he purposely dropped just to get a nice look at your ass sticking up from bending down on your knees. When you discovered this, you tried kneeling to pick the items up, but was ordered to do it the other way so as to not -hurt- the knees... then there are times when you are in the throne room to hold a tray of wine beside him while he talks to his visiting citizens and instead of taking a sip of his wine, he'll sneak his hand behind you and run a finger along your back and buttocks, not having a care in the world if there were monsters watching. There was no squeezing, but that has made you on the verge of horny several times. And he's left some... very inappropriate toys lying about on his enormous bed while you were tidying up his room one day. Only you were allowed in there most of the time, so he must have left them out on purpose to get a rise out of you.

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