Chapter 6: Mettaton

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Mettaton x reader (female), sexual frustration, force

A week had passed since you and Mettaton had your second, hardcore intercourse and the king starts avoids you. What happens when the two of you get into a heated argument?


It's been a week since the masquerade ball and your extreme intercourse with Mettaton. It had calmed down quite a bit in the palace, everyone going back to their usual duties including you. You were in one of his studies making calls to his studio and several other places for appointments, making annoyed sighs every time you were put on hold. It was a very aggravating week for you not because you went back to being busy as fuck and getting no breaks, but Mettaton had not teased, made any sexual advances, or has spoken to you since that night. You were sexually frustrated... the one thing you didn't have time for or wanted to feel.

You've been horny every single day in hopes that he'll sneak by and at least grope you or shove something between your legs to give you some relief, but he's no where to be found. He hasn't even ordered you to do anything. It's been other servants catering to him lately. And knowing this, you have come to the assumption that he is avoiding you. At first you were sort of okay with this, needing a break yourself, but then you had sexual urges needing tending to and he wasn't there to provide it. You were ashamed to think this way, but after that night you couldn't think of anything else but Mettaton forcefully ravaging you into the bed again and again until you cried. You were also very angry with him... that day not being the most pleasant one.

You thought you expressed the truth about your dark desires to him the morning after the ball, but you're sure he ignored that... how irritating and cruel of him. The bastard. You leaned back in the rolling chair with the phone stuck into your ear, waiting for the monster on the other line to lift your hold. Your thoughts trailed off to a flash back of what happened that morning...


You awaken to find yourself still in Mettaton's bed and tucked in his comfy bedsheets... you were in his room. You were still in his room... it surprised you to think that he allowed you to sleep in here and that he didn't toss you back into your room. What if a servant came in here and saw you..? You quickly sit up only to whine in pain and tense up. Your body was really sore and you were still very worn out from last nights activities. But you can't stay in here. Someone is bound to come in at some point and catch you naked in here... oh. You're still naked. Shit.

Mettaton had managed to take the rest of your lingerie off as well as take off your gloves and slippers after drifting off to dreamland last night. You turn your head to see if he was sleeping beside you, his side of the bed empty. You were wondering where he went while slowly getting yourself up, barely able to stand as you made yourself wobble over to the vanity. You looked into the mirror and saw some red spots here and there where he had roughly squeezed you as well as some rope marks. There were rashes around your neck and you turn around to see the damage your ass took. It was still pretty red and had formed purple marks from his hard hits. God damn... he did a number on you for sure.

Since you were having a hard time keeping yourself standing, you try to walk back over to the bed to lay back down, not caring if someone were to come in at this point. You were in too much pain to care. But you felt your legs suddenly give out and brace yourself for impact on the floor only to be caught by two metal arms. You look up to see that it was Mettaton who was also naked, well what you believed looked nude since that's all you ever see when he takes off his clothes. He caught you from under your arms and made you sit on the floor for a minute.

"What are you doing out of bed, y/n?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"I... think I should be the one asking questions.. here. W-why am I still here?" You asked, finding yourself leaning against his chest. You couldn't even hold yourself up...

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