Chapter 2: Vibrator

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You have a lot of running around to do to prepare for a masquerade ball for Mettaton, but his royal highness can't keep his hands off of you, wanting to try something new with you. Will you be able to handle his constant teasing and torture you wonder?


A new day has come and you were having a hard time getting out of bed. You honestly didn't want to after what you experienced yesterday morning, but you were the lead maid and there was a lot to do around the palace before Mettaton's masquerade ball in a few days. Boy oh boy it should be a blast, you thought to yourself as you lazily rolled out of your bed and got dressed after cleaning up your face and hair.

You started the day without having to see Mettaton right away, relieved that he had a maid take breakfast to him this morning. You had a list that you prepared last night of what needed to be done for today. You assigned some of your fellow maids to tend to the gardens in front of the palace where the guests for the ball will walk through as well as start cleaning the napkins and table clothes that will be used that night. You assigned most of the butlers to take out all the round tables and set them in the ballroom to polish and have them ready for when the table clothes are finished being cleaned. And you gave a huge list of food that the king himself requested for his ball to the cooks. If there's one thing that's important to have at a ball, it's the food.

And after giving roles for all the servants to take care of today, you rush into one of Mettaton's many studies and searched for a telephone, needing to make several calls for some large orders of food, flowers, and a costume for his royal highness... you find the telephone on the table, sitting in the rolling chair and holding the phone up to your ear to make the first couple of calls to the bakery and produce shops. Then you called the floral shop to order over a thousand bouquets of roses to set up in the ball room. And your last call was to the MTT fashion square district to make an appointment for mettaton getting a fitting for his costume.

But while you were making this last important call, his majesty snuck in ever so quietly walking up to the table you were sitting at and watching you with a wide smile. You notice him while you were making the call and half rolled your eyes while looking away from him. You wanted nothing more than to ignore him, wanting to finish this process up as quickly as possible so you can go cook Mettaton's dinner for tonight.

"Yes... uh huh... yes he would prefer fuchsia and light pink..." while you were talking to the designer on the other end of the call, Mettaton swiftly walks over behind you, towering over you. He was admiring your hard work while at the same time having a devious idea. He bends down to kiss the top of your head making you quirk you brow and blink. Seriously? While making a call?? You make a quiet sigh, continuing to ignore him.

"Oh he'll love that, but I'd leave out the other masks as well... yeah... yeah he'll want to see those..." You were almost wrapping up with the designer, grabbing a pen and paper and writing down the times available to visit in case Mettaton had other plans. While you were doing this, Mettaton had kneeled down to your level and gently brushed your hair to the side, revealing your bare neck. Then slowly, in a teasing manner, he pressed his lips softly against the nape of your neck, trailing kisses down towards your chest. You make an aggravated and shaky sigh while your grip tightens around the phone. You want to punch the top of his head, having a hard time staying focused on the call. You let out a small moan, the designer hearing it on the other end.

"Oh no! I-I'm fine! It's been a long day... y-yeah we're running around getting things r-ready for the ball so..." Mettaton smirks against your skin and takes it up a notch, his lips trailing up to your cheek and making its way to your ear. You squeeze your legs together real tight and make a fist with your other hand, sucking in your lips to keep from moaning again.

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