Chapter 10: Love and Hope

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Series: Undertale

Mettaton X reader, blindfold, foreplay, passionate sex, fingering, booty squeezing, eating some cooch, and a shit ton of glitter

Another month passes by and you couldn't be happier to be in a relationship with Mettaton. What else could you possibly need to be happy? Hmmm.. I wonder~.


Another month passes by and your relationship with Mettaton was continuing to prosper. Everyone knew about the relationship in the palace now, so it was somewhat easier to get some privacy when the two of you were around each other. You still had to be careful about having sex outside of the bedroom, but you were able to share your affections with him openly. But most of the time, you're focused on the job and keep your comrades on task. Why are still working as a servant many have asked? Well.. you're good at your job and you have yet to see a future in royalty. You weren't about to bring up the stressful topic to Mettaton, but you're sure he would find a way to make things work out. You're just not sure if you're ready for that yet or if there's a possibility that a marriage between the two of you would happen. And besides that, there is something bothering you more than that.

Ever since your fellow servants found out about the relationship, they would ask you tons of questions regarding how you and Mettaton became affectionate for one another, but some of the things you told them were lies. You were not about to reveal how forceful and selfish Mettaton was at first. Not to mention the bdsm fetish... that should be a private matter either way. You just shared with them the romantic parts and nothing more. But you made it clear that you didn't want to discuss the relationship all the time, so the questions began slowing down and work progressed normally.

You probably would talk to them more about it if things turned out differently from the beginning. Telling them that rough sex was the beginning of what you have now would probably make them question you more and either not take you seriously on the job or be concerned for you all the time. That's something you didn't have time for...

But.. you did think about it from time to time when they did ask how it all started. Sure the relationship right now is great~. But remembering that time made your stomach sink from time to time. You felt like something was weighing you down, like there was only one reason why Mettaton fell in love with you... you're a human. He made that very obvious since day one that he loved the hell out of humans. But why the hell is that bothering you now?? The only reason would be because your colleagues won't stop pestering you about it. If they didn't, you would have overlooked the past and continued enjoying the present.

You wish you could tell them that there was romance from the beginning, but there was scorn and hate from your end before there was love. Oh boy, new feelings to think about for weeks now! Yay!

You make a heavy sigh while walking up the stairs to head towards his bedroom. If Mettaton would have kept their relationship a secret, you wouldn't be bothered with thinking about the past... it wasn't going to be a secret forever though. You're just going to have to find a way to ignore these feelings. The past is in the past. Time to move forward. You sneak into his bedroom, seeing that he wasn't in here yet and enter his bathroom to start a hot bath, not in the mood to wait for him.

He's given you full access to his living quarters, so you can have a better nights sleep more often as well as enjoy a more luxurious and private bath. Soaking in hot water for an hour has become a favorite pastime of yours. You just finished your duties for the day and now you get to relax and unwind~. You're not sure if there's any plans for the two of you tonight, but you decided to park your ass in the tub anyway. You deserved it after scrubbing the hallway floors and dusting the tall windows earlier. And you felt sticky and gross from sweating as well as being showered in dust all day... You take off your uniform, shoes and headband, grabbing a pink bath bomb that smelled of roses and honey and stepped into the tub with it.

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