III. So amazing Man

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*Beep Beep Beep*

I slammed the alarm to shut it off.

6:00 AM

Groaning I drag myself off of my bed and to the dresser. I have to wake up early so I do not get caught by my roommate when fetching things to the bathroom, and to also not irritate him with how long I will take. Pretending to be a boy is hard, alright?

I secretly slip off my binder under the covers right before I go to sleep, because well... I dont want to get breast cancer and rib damaging from suppressing my breasts for the next 2 years.

I grab my binder, and my new uniform and dash to the bathroom where I then wash up and change. I part my hair 7:3 and apply a bit of bronzer to make my cheek bones and nose bridge more prominent just like my brother's.

7:15, and I'm all ready. Class begins at 8:15 so that leaves me an hour to spare. I peak outside of the restroom to see Hoseok fast asleep still, not being able to help myself I creep over and look at his sleeping face.

It's so peaceful and I can't hold myself back from touching it, so I do. My finger slides down the bridge of his nose, when suddenly-

"What are you doing..."

My hand retracts like a sling shot and I fall to the ground.

"U-Uh- I-" How the fuck am I suppose to explain myself

"You.. you aren't..." He sits up and narrows his eyes at me,

I am not what? Did I mess up? Does he know I'm a girl who cannot control her damn hormones?!

"Are you Gay?"

What? Gay- Oh shit- I'm-

"N-No! No I'm not!" I can't let him be uncomfortable around me,

His doubtful eyes still plastered on me, I chuckle and spit out something I shouldn't have, "I- I have a girlfriend! Don't worry! Not gay. Not. Gay. I swear!"

He sighs and rubs his eyes, "It's fine you don't have to lie, I have nothing against guys who like guys... Just don't... touch me when I'm asleep."

I sit with my mouth wide open. He definitely won't believe me... unless... "No! Seriously! I have a pic of my girlfriend, hold on! And your nose.. I just... I was just jealous of your high nose bridge.. it's so nice.. hehe..."

He gives me another weird look. I should just shut up. I go to grab my phone and show him a picture of Mina and I. "See! This is her!"

Hoseok looks at the picture, "Is that.. you?"


I look at my screen and let out a high pitched gasped, "No! No! That's just.. My twin sister! The girl next to her is my girlfriend!"

Hoseok grabs my phone and looks at the picture again, "She's cute."

For some reason I blush, even through I'm not sure if he was talking about Mina or me. He tosses the phone back to me and gets up. That's when I realize he's only in a shirt and breifs. My face instantly grows hot.

"Well, I'm going to use the restroom." He yawns as he locks himself in the bathroom, leaving me alone and flushed in the bedroom.



After the whole Homo Debacle, I make my way to the cafeteria, where I find Taehyung sitting with another boy.

"Tae!" I call out, and he waves back at me with a large smile.

"Hey Jae! This is Jungkook, my roommate!" He gestures to the boy in front of him. He has a bit of acne on his cheeks, but it makes him look young and pure, as well as a fluffy mushroom cut, and big round eyes that are fuckin adorable.

"Hey, I'm Jae Hoon. Nice to meet you!" I smile and take a seat besides Tae.

The boy seems a bit shy, as he responds to me with a slight nod and smile. How cute.

"Not getting anything to eat?" Tae asks while shoveling some kimchi into his mouth,

I lean my head against my hand and watch him as he flicks a sesame seed off of his lip, "Eh, no, I'm not a breakfast person."

"You're weird."



5 minutes until the bell rings, and I'm off to my home room. It seems that homeroom is with your dorm wing, so I find Hoseok chatting with some guys inside. I'm still upset I'm not with Tae, but it can't be helped, maybe we'll have another class together...


I look up and see Hoseok waving at me to come over, and I ablige, "Sup."

"You're a transfer right? Meet Jimin and Yoongi. I thought you'd want some people to chat with."

That's incredibly thoughtful of him...

I smile and and greet these two new faces in front of me. They were both very good looking. This school must be a hottie magnet cause damn.

Jimin has a very cute voice and chubby cheeks I wanted to squeeze, except this time I held myself back, I didn't want to be called Gay again.

Yoongi had fluffy black hair and had cheeky eyes whenever he smiled. He seemed really laid back.

The four of us chat and get to know eachother. They asked about where I went to before, and about my twin sister, which Hoseok leaked to them about. I talked about where my brother went to, and talkin about myself.. was a bit weird but I managed. I made sure to make me sound amazing.

"Do you have a sister complex?"


"You talked more about her than yourself." Yoongi laughed,

"N-no sorry, I just don't really like to talk about myself, I guess. I didn't notice." I'm so EMBARASSED.

Suddenly I was saved by the teacher making her way in and telling us to shit down.

"Okay boys, I'm going to project on the screen where you will be sitting." A few seconds later we saw several tables on the screen, two tables next to eachother in rows. So everyone had a partner.

I squinted my eyes, searching for my name until I felt a pat on my shoulder.

"Hey, Roomie. You're sitting with me." Hoseok was standing behind me with his cheeky smile,

My heart pounded slightly. Why is it doing that? Whatever.

I smile at him and follow him to the back which is where our seats were.

I can't help but look forward to sitting with him and being his roommate for the next year.

Lets Be Boys |j.hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now