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I sat up immediately from my slumber and looked up to see Hoseok staring at me.

"We have class soon, don't you think you should get ready?"

I looked at him, blinking once, before realizing that I had slept in.


I flew out of bed and grabbed some clothes out of my dresser and dove into the bathroom.

As quickly as I could, I cleaned my face, brushed my teeth, gelled my hair, and did my makeup, and changed. I looked at my watch, 8:13. TWO MINUTES UNTIL CLASS STARTS.

I quickly go out and slip on my shoes and grab my bag and charge out the door. Until I slam into someone instead.

"Ahh.. god.." I murmur to myself before opening my eyes. And there beneath me is Jung Hoseok.

He looks at me, "You good?"

I let out a yelp and quickly hop off of him and stand up, reaching my hand out to him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you would be out here.. wait, why are you out here?"

He grabbed my hand and stood up, "Waiting for you dumbo. Now lets go before class starts, we have one minute." And before I could say a word he dashes out of the dorms towards class.


I run after him, seeing that he slowed down a bit, I decided to speed up and pass him, "CaTCHA LATER!" I yell behind me as I turn the corner, running into the school building.

I reach the door to my class and stand there, wheezing from running so fast. I can hear the speedy steps of Hoseok echoing through the halls getting closer.

"Y-yah..." he heavily exhales as he reaches the classroom, "I didn't know you were a runner..."

I smile triumphantly at him, "I've always been quite nimble on my feet."

He looks at me and gives me an exhausted smile, "Okay okay, we'll see how well you do in PE then." He goes to the door and opens it, the teacher not yet there.

Jimin calls out from his desk, "YOU GUYS ARE LATE."

"Shut up." Hoseok slumps into his desk besides mine, still recovering from our morning dash.


Today we have PE, and I'm quite excited because it sure is a lot better than studying. Hoseok, Jimin, and I have PE together so we begin to walk to the locker rooms after class.

"Did you know Jae Hoon is quite the speed racer?" Hoseok said, his arm around Jimin.

Jimin looks at me with wide eyes, "Oooh, is that so? I can't wait to see!"


When we reach the locker room there are boys every where getting changed. That's when it hit me.


I stand there holding my change of clothes in the sea of half naked men.


I turn around to see a shirtless Hoseok, my eyes cant help but wander onto his chocolate abs. They're staring right at me.

"Do you have an extra shirt I can borrow? I forgot mine."

"I have an extra shirt, Hobi!" Jimin appears behind me and hands his shirt over.

"Ah, thank you Jimin!" Hoseok smiles and takes it, putting it on.

Jimin leans towards me and whispers, "Isn't his body totally nice?"

Lets Be Boys |j.hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now